The health and life of employees is the most important issue that any manager decides in the first place. It is necessary to take all possible measures so that the working conditions at the enterprise are safe and comfortable. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that every employee must be familiar with safe working practices and instructed in relation to all other safety measures at the enterprise. In this article, we will consider who provides training at the workplace.
Why do you need training?
Instruction at any production is carried out in order to ensure the safety of personnel, equipment, machinery and property of the enterprise. Such training is very important for the daily activities of the enterprise, underestimating its role is short-sighted from the point of view of management. Negligent attitude to coaching at the workplace and excessive self-confidence can lead to tragedy. Who should be instructed in the workplace? This is a frequent question of employees, which we will discuss later. Of course, inexperienced workers are subject to control by more experienced colleagues and the leader responsible for the briefing.
How often is the briefing in the workplace? It depends on the type of activity.
What are the briefings?
An uninterrupted production process and maximum work efficiency are achievable if each employee is in his place and is engaged in his work with knowledge of the matter, in accordance with safety requirements. Conducting a briefing to a large extent allows achieving this result, in addition, it disciplines employees and helps to improve the level of qualification. The briefing is possible in the following form: primary, introductory, repeated, unscheduled, target. It is also important to know who instructs at the workplace.
Each employer is aware that a newly hired employee is required to undergo training. This applies to all categories of workers. Everyone is instructed: a student, a seconded employee, and a trainee. Separately, for each type of work at the enterprise, the regulations of the primary briefing should be developed. Only those employees who do not have direct contact with tools, equipment, raw materials and materials do not need to be briefed. The list of employees for whom a briefing is required is approved by the head. Pupils and trainees undergo primary training on a par with specialists.
Who conducts the initial briefing at the workplace? The head of the unit or work (master) individually with each employee with a demonstration of safe working methods.
A transfer to another position or from one department to another within the same enterprise is the case when an introductory briefing is necessary. Each employee is personally instructed, the instructor demonstrates to him methods of work that are considered safe. The briefing is mandatory recorded in a special journal, in which they put personal signatures and the instructor and instructed employee. The employment certificate must also have the signature of the employee, certifying the fact of passing.The types of briefings conducted at the workplace are not limited to introductory ones.
In the case of an introductory briefing for the trainee, the visa is put in the student’s journal of practical work. A briefing journal is necessary to organize accounting and control over the schedule of such events. This allows you to know exactly who was instructed and who is not. Keeping such a journal is the obligation of the enterprise, established by law. It has end-to-end numbering, is stitched and certified with the seal and signature of the chief. The journal is maintained in a single form for all departments and divisions of the enterprise. Authorized employee is responsible for the forms and their safety. Who provides induction training at the workplace? Usually, an occupational safety engineer or another person is responsible for this, by the order of the head such responsibilities are assigned.
Repeated briefings at the workplace are necessary so that the manager can verify the level of knowledge of his subordinates and that they have learned the rules and regulations. Such verification takes place both individually and in group form for employees performing similar functions. The second briefing is carried out once with a frequency of six months for that category of workers who work with tools, equipment and various mechanical devices. Who re-instructs at the workplace?
At enterprises with more than fifty employees, it is imperative to appoint a separate specialist or organize an independent labor protection unit. The supervisor must issue an order to assign the duties of re-briefing to a specific person.
When amendments have been made to the labor protection rules, the supervisor must instruct outside the plan for the implementation of labor protection measures. All issues related to changes in the process, general safety or change of equipment are subject to consideration. In addition, unscheduled briefing can also be carried out if there were injuries at the workplace, incidents that led to incorrect actions or violations of employees. Also, such an unscheduled occupational safety lesson can be held at the request of authorized bodies. Such briefing is carried out for a group of employees with related responsibilities. The content of the briefing is planned in accordance with the circumstances that led to its conduct. The journal contains all the reasons for conducting these unscheduled classes.
Unscheduled briefing is carried out by immediate supervisors (masters).
In the event that an employee performs a one-time work with him, a briefing is carried out aimed only at this type of work. They do the same when dealing with the consequences of accidents, disasters and catastrophes. The employee should be given the opportunity to get acquainted with all the documents that can ensure his safety.
Who conducts targeted training in the workplace? It is carried out by the immediate supervisor of work.
Conducting a briefing is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor: the foreman, site foreman, etc. The employee who has attended the briefing must pass the exam verbally or demonstrate the work on the equipment to the chief who conducted the briefing. After checking the knowledge of the employee, he is allowed to work. Persons who do not pass the verification cannot work further and are sent for retake.
List of questions included in the briefing
The employer and labor protection engineer must clearly understand what information needs to be conveyed to the workers.
Carrying out introductory briefing, the person responsible for it highlights the following issues:
- General company information, production features.
- Basic norms and requirements related to labor protection issues.
- Documents of an organization of internal nature governing the regime of work and rest.
- Responsibility in case of violation of the rules that are accepted in the organization.
- Information about the regulatory authorities.
- The internal structure of the enterprise.
- Risks present in this area of production.
- The order of personal hygiene.
- Accidents causing accidents at a particular plant.
- Safety rules that apply to fire and explosive materials.
- Algorithm of actions of employees in case of unforeseen circumstances and assistance to victims.
Who conducts unscheduled training at the workplace? We have answered this question.
Contents of the initial briefing
The initial briefing includes the following list of questions:
- Information about the labor process that forms its basis, technological features of work in this organization, rules for working on equipment, specific unsafe factors.
- Workplace content.
- Dangerous areas in the workplace. Security systems: their location and concept.
- Which includes preparation for the workflow.
- Safety of movement in production, mechanism of action in unusual situations. Who provides training at the workplace is now known.
Instructions for the prevention of electrical injuries
Instructions for the prevention of electrical injuries must be provided for at each enterprise. The person responsible for this type of briefing is required to bring to the attention of all employees the following information:
- Electric current is a danger to any person. Do not touch exposed wires or live parts of the equipment.
- Do not touch lighting fixtures, electrical wires and uninsulated parts of devices.
- In the event that there are irregularities in the operation of the wiring, it is imperative to inform the management of this.
- Do not step on wires lying on the floor, open shields or put anything there.
- It is forbidden to use portable electrical appliances.
- Do not touch damaged equipment and in no case try to repair it yourself.
- Leaving the workplace, it is necessary to turn off all working electrical devices.
All unforeseen situations and accidents that occurred in a particular production are subject to investigation in the manner prescribed by law. The legislator regulates the investigation and documentation process in these cases, as well as the list of measures applied to perpetrators.
Frequency of briefings
A repeated briefing is carried out systematically: once every six months. All other types of briefing are carried out as necessary. But the regularity of measures related to labor protection can also be regulated by industry and interdisciplinary acts. So, workers of specific and hazardous industries of some industrial sectors undergo training related to labor protection more often - once a quarter. The head of the enterprise cannot establish a rarer mode of conducting briefings at his discretion.
The law establishes that each employee of the enterprise must possess the techniques of safe work in their field and be able to provide first aid. Responsibility for the organization of labor protection measures lies with the production manager. The employer is required to comply with the regulatory frequency for conducting labor safety briefings.
We examined who provides training at the workplace.