Russians make most expensive purchases on credit. Due to the high level of debt, lower incomes and higher prices, delays may occur. Credit holidays at Sberbank can solve this problem. The service is described in the article.
What does the law say?
Restructuring of a loan at Sberbank to an individual is carried out on the basis of legislative acts of the Russian Federation:
- Art. 74 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It says that money can freely move around the country.
- Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 14. The bank must provide money in the amount and subject to the conditions specified in the loan agreement.
- Federal Law "On Banks and Banking" No. 395. The requirements that apply to banks in relation to lending are established. The law protects the rights of the parties - the lender and the borrower.
- Federal Law "On Mortgage" No. 102. Property purchased with borrowed funds is executed in the form of a pledge.
In its work, Sberbank takes into account the standards established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. So, the requirements for obtaining a license granting the right to perform banking operations are defined. Sberbank provides clients with credit holidays, which allow them to improve their financial situation and begin to pay off debt.
Receive Deferral
All banks control the quality of their personal loan portfolio. With a high level of delinquency, the risk of bankruptcy noticeably increases. But if there is nothing to pay a loan to the bank, what should I do? You need to contact the financial institution where the loan was issued. Credit holidays at Sberbank are provided to most customers. The service is issued for borrowers who:
- lost a permanent job;
- suffered a long illness;
- suffered from natural disasters.
How to get a credit vacation at Sberbank? This will require the preparation of supporting documents. If a mortgage is issued, then holidays are also provided at the birth of a child. In this case, a deferral of debt is granted for a year. This service is relevant for large families.
Vacation Options
For each borrower, individual credit holidays at Sberbank are selected. The duration of the deferral is determined by the type of financial difficulty. Customers can count on:
- Full deferred loan. This option is rarely offered. There must be a good reason for receiving it. For example, the client has no income. The delay is usually no more than 3 months. The longer the loan will not be paid, the greater will be the payment later. The bank continues to charge interest.
- Partial deferred loan. This option is the most common. The client needs to pay only interest, and the main debt will be “frozen”. This service is allowed to use 2 times. The first vacation can be arranged no earlier than 3 months after the loan, and the second - after 6 months. The delay may be 1 year. The remaining amount is divided by the remaining months. The longer the “vacation”, the higher the payment.
- Extension of the contract. This option is used when the loan has not been issued for a maximum period. For example, a mortgage is issued for 30 years, but the client concluded an agreement for 20. If necessary, the contract is extended for another 10 years. If the maximum period is chosen, then such a service cannot be provided.
How to get a credit vacation at Sberbank? This is carried out according to the following scheme:
- Visit the bank and notify him in writing of material difficulties.You should not delay in resolving this issue, because it can ruin your credit history, as well as lead to the calculation of fines. Therefore, if it is known for certain that it will not be possible to make a payment this month, then you should inform the bank about this. In the application, you need to fix the amount that will be paid at the moment. Based on this information, a restructuring scheme is provided.
- Then you need to collect documents that confirm the difficult financial situation. For example, a copy of the work book, where information about the dismissal is recorded. Confirmation of a difficult financial situation can be a certificate from the hospital. The appeal will be considered, on the basis of which a decision will be made.
- You need to sign the documents. For customers, a different payment schedule is calculated and an additional agreement is drawn up. The documents indicate the terms and amount of contributions.
This is the whole scheme on how to get a credit vacation. After registration, the client must comply with the conditions of the signed agreement, that is, begin to pay the debt in due time in the right amount.
Is it worth it to draw up?
With the provision of credit holidays in Sberbank, the overpayment on the issued loan increases. During this period, the amount of the principal debt does not decrease. The longer the “vacation” will last, the higher the cost of the loan. Therefore, such a service should be issued rarely. In any case, this is better than allowing a deterioration in credit history. Without delay, fines and penalties will be charged. In addition, security personnel or collectors will call.
If the delay is from 90 days, the bank begins litigation work. By court decision, property that is a pledge may be seized. Therefore, with financial difficulties, it is advisable to immediately issue this service. Then you should try to find a well-paid and stable job in order to start paying the debt.
What are the conditions for a credit vacation? They differ depending on the type of delay:
- Complete. It is used only for significant reasons. With this service interest is charged. No extension of the contract.
- Partial During the entire period, no more than 2 credit holidays can be granted. There is an increase in the size of overpayments.
- Individual conditions. The delay may be for several months. The service is provided only once. There is a maximum and minimum term. The contract may be extended.
The conditions in each case are individual. You can learn about them only when contacting the bank.
On maternity
Sberbank of Russia provides an opportunity for mothers who are on maternity leave to change the conditions and schedule of payments. If necessary, such a service is only necessary to submit an application to the bank, and then wait for a solution. At the birth of 2 or 3 children, vacations of up to 5 years are provided. A condition for obtaining a deferment is the deterioration of the financial situation in the family.
The service is executed when the woman’s departure from work has affected the decrease in family income. Such vacations are relevant for single mothers, who on the date of caring for the child after childbirth do not receive anything other than state benefits, the amount of which is small, which is why it will not work to pay the loan.
Restructuring of a loan at Sberbank to an individual is executed with the provision of a list of documents.
- Statement. Personal data is entered into it - name, place of residence, residence, contract number. The application is executed in 2 copies, one of them remains with the client of Sberbank.
- Copy of work book. If a delay is issued upon dismissal.
- Health certificate issued by a medical institution.
- Registration paper for antenatal clinic and birth certificate of a child.
- Certificate of Relocation.
What should I pay attention to?
When applying for a loan vacation, you need to consider the following nuances:
- Usually, the bank proposes a restructuring.In this case, a penalty is charged. The term of payments is extended, and the amount of the contribution is reduced.
- Vacations are provided if at least 3 payments are left before the payment is completed.
- The service is issued if the loan has not previously been restructured.
- If there were 2-3 delays, then, probably, the bank will be refused a vacation.
A loan is a convenient service, or it may even be profitable, but sometimes it becomes difficult to pay it. For example, a person became ill or began to care for a sick relative. Often this is due to job loss. If there were no violations in the past, then the bank will most likely arrange a credit vacation. This service can reduce the financial burden, as well as save the borrower's credit history.