
Commercial enterprise: characteristics, classification, features

Entrepreneurship is a special type of economic activity. It is based on independence, initiative, responsibility, innovative idea. Economic activity - a form of participation of the subject in social production. It is aimed at generating income to ensure the life of a person and his family. commercial business

Status Characteristic

Economic activity may be carried out by an entity acting as:

  1. The owner of real estate or other tangible objects, bringing him constant profit. For example, a subject may be the owner of a rental facility.
  2. Hired worker. In this capacity, the subject sells his skills, experience and receives a reward for this.
  3. Individual manufacturer.
  4. Municipal or public servant.
  5. Manager (manager at the enterprise).
  6. Student / student. In this capacity, the subject is preparing to participate in social production in the future.
  7. Senior citizen. This form of participation in production is considered passive and is the result of previous work.


As mentioned above, it is considered a special form of economic activity. Specificity is determined by the fact that the initial stage of entrepreneurship is associated only with an idea - the result of mental labor, which subsequently acquires material expression. Such activity is characterized by the presence of innovation. As it may be the idea of ​​releasing a new product, changing the profile of work, creating an enterprise. The introduction of an improved quality management system and new technologies should also be considered as innovative moments. business enterprise

Business Enterprise

It is a type of trading business. Commercial enterprise associated with the sale of products purchased from other persons. Such activity is aimed at generating income through profitable sales. The decisive role in such a business belongs to commodity-money and exchange operations. Existing types of commercial enterprise based on transactions of sale, resale of services and products.


In practice, two forms of commercial enterprise. In the first case, transactions are intermediary in nature. They are involved in special business entities - agents. Both organizations and citizens can act as them. Intermediaries participate in the formation of channels through which products are distributed. Moreover, they represent their own interests or the interests of consumers or enterprises producing goods. The second type is production and commercial enterprise. It is characterized by a high degree of complementarity and interconnection between the spheres of production and sale of goods. However, in this case, the enterprise manufacturing the products is distracted from the main task. types of commercial enterprise


Commercial enterprise mobile. It has a long-term stable character. The general model of commercial and entrepreneurial activity is in many respects similar to the scheme of industrial and entrepreneurial activity. The difference is that in the first case there is no need to provide resources related to the creation of goods. A person acquires finished products, which are subsequently sold to the final consumer.Accordingly, the production unit is absent in the scheme, and instead a production unit is introduced. The relationship of the person with the end user remains general. Both in the sphere of production and in the sphere of commercial entrepreneurship there is one goal - to sell goods. Of course, in this and in another sphere there are some nuances. In particular, the means and labor are characterized by a specific nature, as they are intended for trading and other operations related to them. forms of commercial enterprise


As stated above, commercial enterprise based on transactions for the acquisition and sale of products. To conclude a profitable contract, you should first select the type of product or service. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  1. The selling value of products should be an order of magnitude higher than the purchase price.
  2. Adequate demand for these products is needed. In its absence, the volume of sales will be less than planned.

It follows that commercial entrepreneurship begins with a thorough marketing analysis of the market. Based on the research, a forecast is made for the volume of procurement and sale of goods, purchase and selling prices. business entities


If the analysis will indicate the profitability of the transaction, the entrepreneur develops a business plan. It includes a program of actions to complete the transaction, calculation of costs and revenues. According to the general scheme of commercial and entrepreneurial activity, it includes the following items:

  1. Hiring employees for the purchase, transportation, sale of products.
  2. Acquisition / receipt of necessary information.
  3. Organization and conduct of advertising campaigns.
  4. Purchase of products for subsequent sale.
  5. Rental of warehouses, premises, outlets, bases for storage and sale of goods.
  6. Acquisition of services of third-party enterprises and persons acting as intermediaries.
  7. Raising borrowed funds to finance the transaction (if necessary).
  8. Receiving and distribution of income.


It is believed that for the effective development of commercial entrepreneurship, firstly, steady demand is needed, and secondly, an acceptable purchase price of products. The fulfillment of the first condition is ensured through a comprehensive marketing analysis. The entrepreneur must know very well the market in which he will operate. Otherwise, he will not only not make a profit, but will remain obliged, especially if he attracted borrowed funds. The lower purchase price of the goods allows not only to reimburse the selling costs, but also to make a profit. production and commercial enterprise

Economic space

Commercial entrepreneurship is especially developed on commodity exchanges and in trade organizations. The former are a subtype of the wholesale market. At the commodity exchanges, the consumer does not carry out a preliminary inspection of product samples, and minimum batches of products are not established. Here mediators and their employees come together to carry out various trading operations. At the same time, they together develop and approve the rules for doing business. The task of the commodity exchange is to form a competition management mechanism. With its help, and also taking into account fluctuations in supply and demand, the real market value of a particular product is revealed.


Commercial entrepreneurship is the activity of people aimed at extracting income from invested capital and labor. Today it is considered an integral part of the economic sphere. A modern entrepreneur should be able to quickly respond to market changes, be competent, have tenacity, determination, willingness to bear risks. The main difficulties in the work are associated with the selection of an adequate economic niche, the definition of specialization of the enterprise, the formation of the material base and raising funds.

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