All building communities should, at the suggestion of the state, create an SRO (decryption is a self-regulatory organization). This will create a reliable quality control system during design and construction, which, accordingly, will ensure safety at any stage. SRO insurance in construction is necessary to avoid situations in which harm to unauthorized persons is possible. Indeed, accidents cannot be completely shut off.
Justified measure
To join such an organization, an enterprise must confirm its financial viability, therefore, an insurance contract is mandatory. At any stage of the SRO activity in construction, risks may arise that entail various unplanned expenses. Therefore, insurance during construction works is a prerequisite. In case of unplanned expenses at the construction company, only the insurer has the opportunity to compensate them in full. By concluding an insurance contract, an organization can not only use long-term planning techniques, but also increase its financial security over time. By itself, the type of insurance of a self-regulatory organization significantly reduces risks. In addition to the usual civil liability insurance, today such option as collective insurance for SROs is practiced. We will talk about what it is, try to understand the intricacies of the issue.
Tasks of insurance of self-regulatory organizations
Civil liability of SRO members consists in organizing financial protection for SRO members using insurance tools. As well as in a certain protection of compensation funds, regardless of the amount of loss caused by members of SROs to individuals and legal entities, as well as property or the environment, representatives of flora and fauna, and architectural and cultural objects. In practice, this means that insurance is a very profitable enterprise for both companies and SROs. In this regard, when it comes to compensation for damages on an especially large scale, the idea immediately appears that collective insurance is an urgent need and a very effective tool.
SRO collective insurance
What it is? As a rule, SRO participants (decoding is a self-regulatory organization) develop a model of double protection of compensation funds, which gives an idea of the features of the presented system. The construction of such an insurance model consists of two parts. The first part is presented by individual insurance, and the second by the collective insurance agreement SRO civil liability. Thus, individual insurance is necessary in order to provide SRO participants with protection against possible damage that may arise during work. And as a result of the agreement under the collective insurance program, each SRO member is protected from compensation for losses that amount to more than the insurance payments established in individual insurance contracts.
Also, this form of insurance represents a significant protection against possible major damage from major disasters caused by workers.Experts note that with this method of collective insurance of self-regulatory organizations, it becomes possible to significantly reduce the risk of financial losses for small and medium-sized enterprises. Since their funds are usually not enough to ensure safety from causing great harm.
Possibility to amend
Also, participants of SROs and insurers can make changes to the text of the collective insurance contract. This is an clarification of the limits of liability of insurers in relation to each of the insured events, as well as their number. Such arrangements are perfectly justified, and in addition, they significantly reduce the cost of insurance services.
Cons of such insurance
Opponents name several reasons that speak against collective insurance of SROs. Under a general insurance contract, the rights of members of the organization to a free choice of insurers may be limited. The rates of insurance companies in liability insurance are defined in such a way that takes into account the volume and types of work, the experience and good reputation of the insured, the quantitative composition and level of professionalism of employees, even the business reputation of the company, as well as other factors, can be taken into account. In this case, the total amount of collective insurance SRO sometimes increases significantly.
The Pros for Defense
In terms of composition, SROs are a community of mid-level or very small companies. In most cases, there is a choice between the minimum contribution and the maximum possible insurance premium. For example, with a minimum insurance amount, which, according to an individual insurance contract, is 3,000,000 rubles, the amount of the annual insurance premium will amount to eight to ten thousand rubles. If the SRO has a hundred participants, then they can raise a compensation fund in the amount of 30,000,000 rubles. If the SRO participants entered into a collective agreement with a single insurance policy, then in this case the total insurance amount under the insurance contract will amount to 150,000,000 rubles, if the amount of the insurance premium is about 30,000 rubles each year. There is also a liability limit of up to 30,000,000 rubles or for the occurrence of one insured event, or for each member of the SRO.
Bilateral Interest
Thus, the use of a compensation fund is possible only as a last resort. This scheme allows you to spend quite small amounts (about forty thousand rubles annually), but at the same time reliably ensure the safety of the compensation fund of a self-regulatory organization. Also, in order to reduce the risks of insurers, a clause on the franchise is added to the collective agreement, the amount of which will be equal to the insurance payment in accordance with the individual contract. The interest of insurance companies is expressed in active offers of an increasing number of arguments in favor of collective insurance.
Today, there are opportunities for establishing various insurance premiums and premiums for organizations that take into account the individual characteristics of SRO participants. Among the offers of numerous insurance companies there are options for combined insurance, the features of which are manifested in the combination of collective and individual contracts. The goal in this case will be to optimize insurance protection tariffs, which applies to both small in volume and quite significant losses. The agreement may include the names of all organizations participating in SROs whose liability is insured. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the total limit for the contract, as well as clarification on the sublimits of each of the participants. Such a scheme is adopted in accordance with all generally accepted quality standards.For the insurance company itself, the difference between the execution of individual insurance contracts and collective insurance is not significant.