What could be easier than a short train ride? It’s enough to buy the right ticket and not be late. But even in such a (seemingly) simple matter, there are tricks. The first thing a passenger is faced with is service classes on Russian Railways trains. Rolling stocks are rarely the same. They are equipped with cars of various types and not even of equal safety.
Why is the railway preferable?
Many young people live in megacities, and their lives are moving at a fast pace. They are constantly in a hurry on important matters, and this leaves its mark, including on how they travel. Such people sincerely wonder why the railway is the best option? Indeed, in a private car, taxi or bus, the time spent on the road will be less. But is it worth it?
Trains - this type of transport has always been distinguished by a special “romance”. The noise of the highway is not as pleasant as the uniform tapping of wheels. On the road, the passenger can relax in comfort, and this is even in reserved seat class cars. As a car driver, a person concentrates on the road and gets tired. Everything is different on the train. No need to follow the road. You can turn on your favorite music, put on your headphones and just look out the window, watching the sweeping forests and buildings. There is no need to stop for lunch. Each carriage has small tables, even if it is a sedentary express. If you want to use the toilet, then just get up and go. When the road gets tired, you can sleep on a small shelf.
Classes of service on Russian Railways trains allow for variability in ticket purchases. Wagons are different and with different conditions. Starting from cheap sit-down cars and ending with a luxury class with a full room and its own bathroom. Thus, the passenger himself chooses the conditions in which he will ride. In addition, it will in any case be cheaper than a trip by car, because fuel prices are far from the most affordable.
What cars are
Before thinking about service classes on Russian Railways trains, it is necessary to understand what kind of cars are available. In one rolling stock there may be cars of all categories, but this does not happen. Every year, the federal carrier thinks about introducing new trains into operation. Not today there are several categories of cars:
- “SV” - if we say the classification that is familiar to everyone, then this is the so-called “semi-luxury” Comfortable double coupes in which it is convenient to travel with family.
- “Lux” - the name speaks for itself. These are the best coupes you can find. Most often they are two-room and with their own bathroom. Ideal for long business or family trips.
- “K” - standard wagons with four-seater coupes. More convenient than reserved seat. More space due to the lack of "sidewalls".
- “PL” is a good old reserved seat. About cars of this type are legends. Overall not the best choice for a family or business trip.
- “O” - seated wagons of all varieties. Most often found in express trains. Very cheap and affordable. Almost always have air conditioning.
Classes of service in Russian Railways trains
Today there are a large number of classes. Each of them is a prefix to the wagon category. This directly affects the cost of the ticket. The following classes exist:
- "1A" - this is a car "luxury" with air conditioning. You should not be surprised that air conditioners are not always there.
- 1B is a typical business class. The ticket price includes various services. Most often they are useless.
- “1L” - “SV” car, but without additional services. Most affordable for citizens.
- “1M” - means that the passenger is obliged to redeem the whole compartment. Usually applies only to the luxury class.
- “1E” - “SV”, but with a “surprise”. Most often found in rolling stocks equipped with old wagons. The comfort level is not so high. Often, all amenities end only with the absence of two upper shelves.
- “1C” - a wagon with seats of increased comfort. Comfortable chairs and enough free space.
- "2E" - also seats, but more seats and less space.
- "2K" - a standard coupe.
- "2C" - a car with chairs, without services and air conditioning. Cheap but cheerful.
- “ZP” is an ordinary reserved seat. No air conditioning.
- "2E" - coupe, but with air conditioning.
- "2L" - branded coupe.
Value for money leader
Most often, people travel long distances during the holiday seasons. What is most important on such a trip? No, this is not a compartment with a door. This is air conditioning. If there is no air conditioning in the carriage of the southbound train, this will be a memorable trip. That is why many people choose service class 2E on Russian Railways trains. This is a full-fledged comfortable carriage with a compartment. The most important thing is that it has air conditioning. But they do not work at stops. It is useless to ask them to turn on - this is prohibited by the instructions of the Russian Railways. Air conditioners work only on the go, this is due to design features. Caution should also be taken. It is easy to catch a cold from the temperature difference (especially on the top shelf).
Not so comfortable
In Russian Railways trains, the “2K” class of service is the most common compartment without special conveniences. Ordinary toilets and no air conditioning. A fairly convenient option for winter trips. In the summer it’s hot, it’s still mildly said. In new trains, such cars are quite comfortable, in old ones they are not much different from a reserved seat.
The best coupe
Some trains run not only in Russia, but also in other countries. They are more comfortable.
The class of service 2L on Russian Railways trains is characteristic either for branded trains or for trains of international traffic. The cost of a seat in such a car is quite high. If you are lucky, then the coupe will have full transformable sofas and a certain number of drawers for personal items. Many tickets with this class of service include meals. Unfortunately, the food leaves much to be desired. Many say that this is the power level on board the aircraft. This is not true.