Since ancient times, man feels the need for any creative work. Our ancestors dispensed with the sense of perspective that our present world creates.
The concept of activity appeared with the development of man, when individual individuals wanted to leave something behind, starting from cave paintings and ending with scientific works and the creation of cars. Such a correlation is caused not only by intellectual superiority, but also by the type of human thinking.
Classification of activities. General concept
All people are different, but they have somewhat similar interests. True, they understand each other differently. It is for this reason that conflicts arise between representatives of the human race, and they simply look at the world with different eyes. Activity happens:
- Directly dependent on the worldview of a person. For example, the monks - spiritual, and the engineers - practical and material.
- Depends on the present and the historical process. Society can progress (create) or regress (destroy).
- Socially oriented - an individual can create a group where collective activity will take place, or choose loneliness (individual activity).
- What is currently directed human activities: mental work or physical.
- In accordance with the law: legal and non-legal.
- Criteria and evaluation. Inherent in any society where moral requirements are established for all individuals, there are two types: moral (behavioral model of "normal" members of society ") and immoral (sharply negative model of behavior).
- Depending on the needs of society and the spheres of life: economic, political, social and spiritual.
- By type of manifestation of activity: external (physical labor) and internal (mental labor).
- Characteristic of certain personalities: creative (aimed at creating a new one) and reproductive (stereotyped, routine work).
As you can see, the classification of activities is extremely extensive. And what kind of person a person chooses is not always decided by him - this is determined by the place of his birth, the position of the family in the social hierarchy and other factors. And this is extremely unfair. But regardless of this, the interconnection of individuals with each other occurs according to one mechanism.
It is worth clarifying a few concepts that are familiar to us all. We will analyze them in definitions and examples, so that all types of personalities are clear.
A game
The most primitive and efficient type of activity. Each person came across a game in childhood - with the help of it, he knew the world around him and talked with his colleagues in the sandbox.
In the youthful period, the game does not constitute creative activity. It is aimed at the entertainment, recreation and hobby of children. In the adult world, children's play grows into something big.
How to make a person learn uninteresting material? A skilled teacher or psychologist will tell you - with the help of the game, of course. The same is true in large companies: if you organize the work in such a way that it will have entertaining elements, then the efficiency will increase several times.
However, not everything is so simple here. Psychologist M. Litvak identifies three types of working personalities:
- Cultivators (prefer templated work, effective in routine).
- Careerists (innovators, hate monotony).
- Entertaining and alcoholic group (they do not like to work, prefer to have fun).
The second and third types will be happy to accept innovations, because the goal of a careerist is to create new and self-develop. And the entertaining-alcoholic group - to stand in one place, work less and have more fun.
But the first type spoils everything - the cultivators. No, these are not at all intelligent citizens, they just prefer working according to a pattern, for them the innovation of death is similar.
By the concept of activity here is meant the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, which in the future can be used for personal enrichment (practical activity) or spiritual practice.
The learning process is associated with the development of society. From the very beginning of the life of the human race there has been a question of the transfer of knowledge. Since that time, cave paintings have been transformed into scientific works, and a universal stick into nuclear weapons.
Training can take place both in educational institutions, the purpose of which is the graduation of a large number of specialists, and individually with the help of tutors.
The most effective type of training is self-education. The individual, using mental activity, learns science and masters new knowledge. Suitable only for mature individuals, not recommended for children.
Refers to various types of creative activity. Allows self-improvement in a certain area and create something new. Without training, labor is impossible.
The term labor can be used in various situations. Here are some good examples:
- He works at the factory as an ordinary milling machine operator.
- He worked as never before in his life, his zeal was entirely aimed at achieving the desired goal.
- I am a hard worker of science!
Labor can be both a creative process and destructive. You can work for the good of the fatherland or vice versa. Classification of activities (labor, of course):
- Physical. That is, any activity that involves the use of arms, legs and muscles.
- Mental. Everything that happens in the brain and turns into thoughts, enthemes, inferences without the use of physical force.
Labor is a constructive and useful business. It helps to forget about problems or solve them.
The ancient process of interaction between individuals using speech skills, facial expressions, drawings, etc. In the process of communication, people know themselves, share their thoughts and socialize. This is one of the points in the classification of activities.
Communication forms a picture of the world, gives the individual food for thought and increases his social intelligence. In the process, a person receives information that can then be used by him or transmitted to others.
Instead of a conclusion
There is no justice in the world: one child is born in a rich family, and the other in a poor family. Initially, both of them are not equal, but with the help of creative activity they are able to equalize the chances.