To begin with, in Russia (and in any other normal state) a penalty is imposed for driving without a number, since traveling on a vehicle without a front or rear license plate is a gross violation of the rules. This makes it possible for a traffic police officer to bring the violator to administrative responsibility, and in certain cases even to deprive him of his rights. Let's figure out what the penalty for driving without numbers is provided.
When is a fine possible?
According to the rules, all motor vehicles must be equipped with license plates, except for mopeds, trams and trolleybuses. Moreover, the number should be fixed on both sides - in front and behind the car. If at least one side of the plate is not, then this entails a penalty for driving without a number. Also, a monetary recovery is possible with:
- Installing fake or atypical numbers.
- Incorrect installation of signs (for example, in inappropriate places).
- Impossibility to read the number. If the plate, for example, is dirty or artificially changed (one or several digits changed), then this is also considered a violation.
How much is the penalty for driving without numbers?
The final amount of the fine depends on the severity of the violation itself. Articles 12.1 and 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establish that for unreadable numbers the driver will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles. Invisible or disguised numbers will cost 5,000 rubles. In some cases, even the removal of rights is possible. But the penalty for driving without state. numbers is also 5000 rubles. And it doesn’t matter which number is missing - front or rear (or two at once). At the same time, deprivation of driver’s rights for up to three months is also possible.
These standards are provided for by law, but cases may vary. It all depends on the protocol drawn up by the traffic police inspector and the court decision. In each case, the penalty for driving without a license plate may vary.
Given such fines, we can only advise drivers to check signs before leaving for the city. It takes a few seconds, but will save a substantial amount of money, and sometimes a driver’s license.
Riding with someone else's numbers
All drivers know that for a ride without a number the fine will not take long. However, some consider themselves smarter, so they install an inappropriate (alien) license plate on the car. Of course, a car with a number (albeit a stranger) will attract less attention, and the risk of being stopped by a traffic inspector is low compared to a car without a number at all. Therefore, often fake numbers are used to drive a car, but it is worthwhile to understand that this offense is also punishable by a fine.
If non-conforming vehicle numbers are found, the driver must pay 2500 rubles. The official will be fined 15-25 thousand rubles, and the legal one - up to 50 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the use of someone else's license plates is a rather serious offense for which you can lose your rights for up to two years.
When is unsigned movement allowed?
Only in one case can a driver drive a car without a license plate. If he bought a car recently, he is given 10 days to put him on registration in the traffic police. During these 10 days, while registration is in progress, he has the right to travel by car without numbers. It should be borne in mind that traffic police will often stop him in order to inquire about the reason for the movement without numbers.It is enough for the driver to present them an invoice for the purchase of the car, which will indicate the date of purchase of the car. Starting from this date and for 10 days, you can completely legally drive a car without worrying about the penalty for driving without numbers.
However, if a traffic police officer stops the driver in a new car without license plates for 11 days, he will be entitled to write a fine. According to Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the fine is 500-800 rubles. In the event of a repeated violation of this kind, the amount of the fine will be increased to 5,000 rubles, and the driver may be deprived of his rights for up to three months.
Such a condition of the law opens up the possibility for owners to drive on the roads of Russia without any license plates. You can legally and only on paper sell every 10 days and immediately buy your car. Each time, the owner will be given a 10-day period for setting up the car for registration.
The license plate due to the fault of the driver (and not only) may be lost, and the reasons may be different. Even on a bad road, he can get off. In this case, its restoration will be required. To do this, you must contact the nearest traffic police office and file a statement about the loss of a registration mark. If you write a statement in a timely manner, you can avoid a fine. On its basis, the driver will have the opportunity to get to the house.
For recovery, the driver can initiate a re-registration procedure for lost characters. To do this, you will have to submit a large package of documents to the traffic police, the procedure itself will take three days. There is another option - to create a duplicate. Now there are many companies that have the right to create and install duplicate numbers on customers' cars. In this case, they will have to provide a registration certificate and a driver’s license.
Remember that a fine for riding without a number on a motorcycle or car is sure to follow. This offense is quite serious, therefore, before departure it is advisable to check whether the signs are in place. Just 5-10 seconds before you leave can save a lot of money in the future.