In countries with a temperate climate, including Russia, potatoes are quite rightly considered the second bread. The crop is actually very valuable. Potatoes are grown by both large agricultural enterprises and simple summer residents. Culture itself is fruitful. In addition, she is also completely unpretentious. but potato yield of course, how much care will be taken of him depends, of course, very much.
Country averages
Subject to all applicable technologies, cultivation of this culture can be really profitable. Averageth indicatorb productivity potatoes from 1 ha in Russia - 150 centners. However, in different regions of the country this figure may not be the same. Huge impact on the yield of this plant, Of course, first of all, the weather conditions of this or that region render. Also, the success of growing this crop directly depends on the properties and composition of the soil in this particular area.
In principle, potatoes can be grown in almost any region of Russia, except perhaps the Arctic. However, in some regions there are the most favorable conditions for cultivating this crop.
Most potatoes industrial way in our country are grown in Bryansk area. It is she who is today the leader in the supply of root crops of this crop to the domestic market. Atpotato birth rate at Bryansk The area is very high. For example, at 2016 year she was approximately 229 c / ha.
In second place for such an indicator as the area allotted for potatoes, is in Russia Tula region. Here, this culture is also quite common. Average potato yield from 1 ha in the Tula region in 2016 amounted to about 250 kg / ha.
Also a lot of potatoes are grown in our country in the Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk, Moscow, Astrakhan regions. Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Tatarstan are among the ten largest suppliers of root crops of this culture. Large areas under potatoes are also occupied in the Tyumen region. In addition, in fairly large quantities, this culture is grown in the Leningrad region. The potato yield from 1 ha in this region in 2016 amounted to about 200 centners.
Thus, this culture feels best of all in the European part of Russia and in the Urals. But of course, they grow it and in Siberia. Potato yield from 1 ha in this region is 200-300 kg / ha, depending on the specific region and variety.
Average indicators in summer cottages
Of course, large agricultural companies have all the opportunities for growing good potato crops - modern technology, good herbicides and fertilizers. Therefore, such enterprises can collect 150-200 ha / c root crops and more.
However, in summer cottages, potato yields even bigger. Indeed, in this case, the gardener works mainly for himself and his family. And therefore, gives allotment all the strength. Some summer residents manage to collect from their sites and 650 c / ha. On average potato yield at the dachas in Russia is 200-250 kg per hundred square meters. This, of course, is quite a lot.
What factors can affect yield
Most summer residents believe that potatoes are an annual crop. However, this is not the case. Potato is a nightshade perennial. Its tubers are not roots at all, but thickening of the underground part of the stem. The eyes distributed over them are growth points.It is from them that new stems grow, on the underground part of which tubers are formed again.
Actually, many factors influence the potato yield. However, the decisive factors are:
soil structure and composition;
site illumination;
timeliness of irrigation;
the right choice of variety.
The soil this culture loves is airy. That is why potatoes are supposed to be loosened and spud when grown. It is also believed that sandy loams, loams, chernozems and peat soils are best suited for this crop. The optimal pH for this culture is 5.1-6.0.
Growing Features
To get large potato crops, planting it is necessary only in places lit by the sun. Under the crowns of trees, for example, this plant will not develop well.
Potato needs quite a lot of water during active vegetation. On one hundred square meters to get a good harvest, you need to spend about 35-45 m3. The timing of irrigation is also important. Potatoes are especially in need of moisture when the tubers are set. After flowering, watering of this crop is usually reduced.
Of course, to get a good potato harvest, when growing it, you should use all kinds of fertilizers. This crop responds very well, for example, to ordinary rotted cow dung. In any case, during the growing season in Russia, this plant is in dire need of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
Summer residents and agricultural enterprises in Russia grow different types of potatoes - with white, red, yellow and even purple tubers. But in any case, for cultivation, it is worth choosing only high-yielding, deserving good reviews, varieties. For example, cultivation of Gala, Red Scarlet varieties in the Russian climate gives very good results. Naiad, Russian beauty. Potato yield Gala from 1 ha withleaves, for example, about 250-260 centners. This variety is quite popular among summer residents. And therefore, getting Gala potato planting material will not be difficult.
Potato yield varieties from 1 ha varies quite strongly. It is believed that the largest number of tubers can be obtained from late and mid-ripening hybrids of this culture. For example, the yield of potatoes of the Lugovskoy variety can reach 50 tons per hectare. Early ripe potatoes usually produce fewer tubers. But then such varieties are more resistant to various kinds of diseases.
Ways to increase productivity
Following potato cultivation technology, a very large number of tubers can be harvested at the end of the season. However, there are also special technologies, following which you can get maximum yields of this crop. In order to grow as many high-quality tubers in the country house or on the field of an agricultural enterprise as possible, you should:
observe crop rotation;
use the correct landing pattern;
take only cultivated, well-disinfected tubers for planting;
arrange the landing so that the rows have a direction from north to south.
Subject to all these conditions, potato yieldsit will increase to 15-20%.
Tricky Ways
At the cottage to raise productivity of this culture, you can also:
cut tubers before planting around the circumference to a depth of 1 cm to stimulate the development of sprouts;
15 days after flowering, break down the stems at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil level.
In the latter case, the nutrients, rushing to the top of the stem, will turn down and go to the tubers at the break point. As a result productivity potato significantly will increase. But of course, when using this technology, breaking the stems of a plant is completely not worth it. After this procedure, they should simply lie down on the ground without losing integrity.
Crop rotation features
Ideal precursors for potatoes are legumes and perennial herbs. Also, this crop can be planted after cereals.On the fields of agricultural enterprises, the following scheme of potato crop rotation is usually used:
the first year - cereals;
the second is perennial grasses;
the third is legumes;
the fourth is potatoes.
In small suburban areas, it will, of course, be difficult to implement such a scheme. Most gardeners plant potatoes in the same place year after year. However, in the country, land should be given rest. At least for a small part of the allotment, it is worth planting siderata annually. You can also periodically swap sites intended for growing vegetables (except for nightshade) and potatoes.
Tuber disinfection
This procedure is carried out in order to increasel potato yield, clHe is going to carry it out. You can disinfect tubers using various means. For example, very often processing planting material of potatoes is performed using:
a solution of garlic prepared in a proportion of 1 kg of chopped cloves per 10 liters of water;
a solution of copper sulfate (5 g), boric acid (15 g) and potassium permanganate (0.5 g) in 10 liters of water.
It is also advisable to use a nutrient solution to accelerate the germination of tubers before planting. Prepare it from the following ingredients:
superphosphate - 40 grams;
nitrogen fertilizers - 40 g;
potassium salt - 40 g;
water - 10 l.
This amount of solution is enough to spray 50 kg of tubers.
Disease control
Of course on potato yield mDifferent types of infections can also affect you. It is in order to avoid them that such a procedure as the treatment of tubers before planting is used. The most common disease of potato, like any other nightshade culture, is, of course, late blight.
In order not to lose part of the harvest due to this infection, some preventative measures should be taken at the site:
Dispose of affected tubers without fail;
thoroughly dry the harvest;
be sure to sort and sort the potatoes before laying them for storage;
Use only healthy tubers for planting.
Landing pattern
Of course, how well the shrubs will be distributed over the site, of course, such an indicator as potato yield per 1 ha will also depend to a large extent. How many tubers to use per 1 m2 put on a square meter during planting, depending on the characteristics of the soil and the degree of moisture of the latter. On dry sites, potatoes are usually planted less frequently. On wet - more often. But in any case, the optimal landing pattern is 50x60 cm.
Potato yield by country
So, in Russia, on average, 150-200 centners per hectare of tubers of this crop are harvested each year. But what is the yield of potatoes from 1 hectare by country on different continents of the planet? According to statistics, the largest areas under this culture are occupied in Asian countries. The average yield of potatoes in all countries of this region is almost the same and amounts to 150-170 kg / ha. In Europe, this culture is also very widespread. Especially a lot of potatoes are harvested in Germany and the Netherlands. In these countries, the yield of this popular crop can reach 400 kg / ha. Approximately the same indicators are characteristic for North America.