Almost every driver breaks the rules every day, and he himself may not notice it. But this will be noticed by the camera for fixing violations or the traffic police inspector, who will quickly draw up a decision on the payment of the fine. And there is a chance to appeal it during the first 10 days, but this is rarely possible. And what will happen if you do not pay the debt? Let's see what punishment is possible for non-payment of fines of the traffic police?
The growth of fines and deadlines
Most drivers are sure that you need to pay a fine for violating traffic rules in the first month after receiving it. This is actually not the case. If the resolution was drawn up by the traffic police inspector, then the driver has 10 days to appeal it in court. If this did not follow, then the decision takes effect and the countdown begins. In cases where the violation is recorded by the automatic fixation camera, the decision is sent to the driver by mail, and the term can begin to be deducted after it is received.
It is also important to note that the driver has 60 days to pay the fine, and not 30 days, as it was before. And 60 days is not 2 months. This refers to 60 working calendar days, with weekends and holidays not counted. These provisions apply to letters. When the driver signs a letter of decision, the deadline for appeal begins (10 days).
Payment by parts
Punishment for failure to pay the traffic police fine may not follow if the driver draws up an installment plan on time. The fact is that sometimes the amount can be huge, because of which the driver simply does not get the opportunity to pay it right away. The Code of Administrative Offenses indicates that installments are possible, with a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 3. Benefit for payments can be assigned by the court or the traffic police. The basis for installments is the statement of the violator. In this case, documents must be attached to the application, which displays the driver’s income, his financial condition. Most often, a simple reference from the place of work is enough. If the court agrees to an installment plan, say, for 2 months, then after this period begins the countdown of 60 days.
Non-payment of fines
The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a norm according to which, after two years of non-payment of a fine, the latter simply burns out and can not be paid at all. However, this does not mean that the ruling can be thrown away. Based on this information, special measures are envisaged to influence citizens who do not intend to pay fines, but wait for their cancellation.
The offender must understand what the penalty for non-payment of fines of the traffic police is prescribed by law. In particular, if after 60 days of non-payment the debtor commits another administrative offense. Then one of the following options is possible:
- Doubling the amount of fines.
- Arrest for 15 days.
- Prohibition of travel abroad.
- Public Works.
Will the debtor like such punishments? I think no. That is why most citizens seek to pay their debts to the state on the first day, because if you do this in the first 20 days, you will have to pay 2 times less (50% discount).
Also, after 90 days the traffic police can transfer the case to the Federal Bailiff Service, and then they will start to deal with the case. And hiding from the bailiffs is much more difficult, because their authority is higher. Under certain conditions, they may even enter the premises of the debtor by court order and dispose of his property to compensate the debt. This means that the punishment for failure to pay fines of the traffic police in case of their transfer to the bailiffs will not take long.Plus, the fine will be 2 times higher compared to the one that was originally assigned.
Limitation period
In Art. 31.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses indicates that after two years unpaid debts burn out. If the offender is lucky and within 2 years he will not be able to receive money, an administrative penalty for not paying the traffic police fine will not follow. But this is only possible if the traffic police does not hand over the case to the Federal Bailiff Service. If the fine is still passed, then its statute of limitations disappears, because it applies only to the traffic police. In this case, it is absolutely possible to guarantee the violator that the penalty for non-payment of the traffic police fine will find him. What kind of punishment this will depend on the extent of its violation.
From all this it should be concluded that when a fine is appointed by the inspector of the traffic police or cameras for fixing violations, the decision must be appealed against within the first 10 days. After that, the driver will not be able to do this.
Now you know what the penalty was for non-payment of fines of the traffic police in 2015-2017. Perhaps in 2018 it will be revised, but so far the specified standards are in force:
- Penalty increase 2 times.
- Administrative arrest.
- The ban on leaving the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Public Works.
In addition, if the driver's rights were seized in violation, then he will be able to get them back only after the fine has been paid in full. All this makes it virtually impossible to non-payment of fines.