At present, it is no longer a problem to acquire weapons for personal use. To do this, it is enough to obtain permission to wear it. The acquisition of weapons in the future requires the owner to comply with all instructions for use, which avoids the tragedy. Shooting even with blank ammunition can be harmful if you do not follow safety measures. When shooting from any type of weapon, one must take into account the list of rules that will help achieve complete safety while using any type of firearm or other weapon. Specially developed instructions require the proper behavior of the shooter during firing in training sessions or control. By observing all the rules strictly, you can prevent accidents and risk to others or minimize them.
Basic shooting rules
Each leader and person training in shooting are well aware that security measures with weapons during firing are provided, first and foremost, by proper organization. Any enterprise that is carried out with weapons should be organized clearly and competently.An important and mandatory point before starting any action with weapons, especially firing, is verification. Full technical service is a guarantee of safety. It is strictly forbidden to open fire from a weapon if the slightest malfunction is noticed. You can be injured while working with a properly functioning weapon. Particular attention should be paid to beginners who have no experience with small arms.
It is worth remembering that if during the shooting there was some kind of malfunction, for example, a misfire, a doublet or the like, you need to raise your hand and warn the shooting director that something is wrong with the weapon. If you can fix the malfunction yourself, no one forbids this. This is described in all the rules governing security measures when firing. Before starting operations with weapons, the instructions should be carefully studied.
Training Shooting
By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all security measures during firing are provided as follows:
- The application of the guidelines for firing, which presents orders and advice.
- The serviceability of all the means used for shooting, including the equipment of the store, targets, weapons, loudspeakers and lighting devices.
- Along the perimeter of the landfill must be placed signs protecting the venue of the shooting ranges.
- The place where the shooting takes place is enclosed by trenches or barriers.
- You cannot start shooting until the command “Fire!” Is pronounced. At night, they launch a red flare.
Safety during training and control firing
Permission to open fire during firing is allowed to be given only to the leader, and only after all participants confirm that their weapons are serviceable and ready to fire. Security measures during training firing consist of the following items:
- To prevent those who did not pass the test on knowledge of the material part, safety requirements and who did not complete the exercises in preparation for working with weapons to practice firing.
- Weapons must not be removed from the holster or case without the permission of the person responsible for the shooting.
- Weapons cannot be pointed, even if they are not charged towards people or where they can suddenly appear.
- Weapons cannot be loaded without the permission of the leader.
- It is not allowed to leave the weapon unattended or transfer it to other persons.
- Ammunition not provided for in the technical documentation must not be used.
- Firing without permission of the person responsible for the shooting is prohibited.
- Persons intoxicated or intoxicated to the landfill are not allowed.
When you need to stop shooting yourself
Security measures when firing from any type of weapon should always be followed, without any exceptions, but sometimes the shooter can stop firing on his own. This is allowed in the following cases:
- People, animals, or any other object appeared on the territory of the target field.
- A white flag was hoisted at the command post or dugout.
- A fire was noticed on the target field or in the maximum proximity to it.
- From the cordon post a signal was received about the dangerous continuation of the shooting.
- The shooter lost his orientation, especially in the dark.
What absolutely can not be done while shooting
The rules on security measures when firing from small arms suggest a list of prohibited actions for the shooter:
- Weapons cannot be assembled and disassembled, removed from the case without the permission of the head of the shooting ranges.
- It is not allowed to charge weapons with cartridges without a command.
Directing the barrel of an uncharged weapon to any living creature is strictly forbidden. If a person came to a shooting range or to a shooting gallery, he must fully comply with all of the above rules. Otherwise, even the slightest prank can lead to irreparable tragedy.
Security measures when using the machine
In the world there are many types of different weapons. All of them have their own characteristics and require special attention when firing. It is very important to observe safety measures when firing from a machine gun. They include the following requirements:
- Equip the magazine with only ammunition suitable for firing.
- You cannot charge the machine if there is a foreign object in the barrel.
- It is forbidden to be in front of the barrel during charging, discharging and eliminating delays of the machine.
- When discharging and charging the machine, the barrel should be directed in a safe direction.
- You can’t shoot from the machine if the translator’s flag is in an intermediate position.
- You can’t shoot from a machine gun if water has got into the barrel. Security measures when firing from a machine gun provide for its complete removal by shaking.
- The cartridge must not be subjected to mechanical stress.
- After the shooting ceases, the machine is put on the fuse.
- Before moving the machine from a combat position to a marching position, it is necessary to discharge it.
Hand gun shooting
Each Ministry of the Interior has its own security measures when firing from PM and other weapons. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has the authority to create its own internal rules, including the following:
- You can not use cartridges with traces of time on them: rust, green coating, bruises, staggering parts and others.
- Do not hold the gun by the barrel in a place where there are moving parts, otherwise you could be injured in the hand.
- When returning the shutter from the rear position, it is strictly forbidden to accompany it with your hand. This is done automatically.
- If all rounds are not used up during firing or one is thrown out of the chamber, then firing continues.
How to store weapons properly
Security measures when firing from PM or other weapons should be always and always followed. The same applies to the rules for storing weapons. They prescribe the following:
- Keep weapons and ammunition in good condition and away from prying eyes, such as in a personal safe.
- Periodically you need to check and clean the weapon.
- You can not wear it without special equipment.
- If a person does not have the ability to keep weapons away from prying eyes, then he must hand him over to the structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
If all safety measures are observed when firing a weapon and during its storage, then there should not be any unforeseen situations during its operation.
General tips
The person who picks up a weapon must present a list of requirements where security measures are indicated when shooting. For different types of weapons, they may have differences, but there are general rules. These include:
- When shooting in a team, you need to choose a safe location, and before shooting make sure that there are no strangers near the target.
- Do not shoot at targets that are not clearly visible.
- When shooting from PM in nature, round bullets cannot be used, because they ricochet strongly.
- Shooting is necessary only from a stable position.
- When making a shot from only one rifle barrel, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the other, because an unused cartridge can cause the barrel to inflate.
- When shooting outdoors, when the wind is outside, you need to check the condition of the trunks from time to time, dirt and dust can clog in them.
What consequences await the firing offender
If security measures during firing were not followed, and the violator is identified, he may face liability for actions that do not comply with the rules. As a rule, these are fines in various monetary terms. They are awarded for such violations:
- Incorrect transportation of weapons.
- Improper (improper) use of weapons and ammunition.
- Firing in the wrong place.
- Shooting in crowded places.
- Improper storage of weapons or access by unauthorized persons.
The amount of the penalty for violation of security measures when shooting in a shooting gallery or on a target field is assigned by law enforcement agencies. The fine may be replaced by placement in custody for up to six months or correctional labor for the period appointed by the court. Another measure for violation of the rules of operation and / or storage of weapons is its confiscation.
If a person has a weapon in his hands, this obliges him to observe all safety measures when shooting at a shooting gallery or any other place. When firing shots for educational or official purposes, it is necessary to strictly follow the commands of the leader.
If all the rules are followed, then there will be no unpleasant situations during the exercises, passing the standards, practicing precision shooting, or in any other cases. By observing all the rules and paragraphs of the instruction on safety measures, you can be sure that no incidents will occur during the development of shooting standards. If there is any doubt, it is better to immediately inform the person responsible for the shooting about them. In this way, tragedy can be prevented.
Unfortunately, now weapons often fall into the hands of mentally ill people, and this leads to terrible consequences. It is important to take all measures to prevent this from happening. Authorities need to carefully examine citizens before giving them permission to carry weapons. After all, even traumatism can cause serious harm to health, what can we say about military weapons.