
How to enroll in the traffic police for an exam? Rules for passing the exam in the traffic police

The opportunity to sign up for the driving test online through the State Services portal appeared in 2011, but only recently this service was discussed and used actively.

This method is suitable for people who want the theory and driving to take place not in a driving school, but in the traffic police. In addition, interactive recording can significantly save time, freeing yourself from having to wait in a long queue. How to enroll in the traffic police for an exam through the State Services portal, we will consider in the articles.

Recording options, advantages and disadvantages

driving test

You can register in two ways:

  1. Having personally visited for this purpose MREO traffic police.
  2. By doing this online through a government service portal. This service allows you not only to sign up for an examination on traffic rules in the traffic police, but also to replace a driver’s license. Exchange it in case of loss or damage, as well as retake the exam.

Before registering for the exam in the traffic police through the "State Services", it should be noted that such an opportunity is not provided in all regions of the country. You can find out if there is such an opportunity in a particular region by visiting the same portal.

In addition to the advantages of saving time, the use of the specified portal for recording in the traffic police for a theoretical exam and passing a driver's exam has some disadvantages:

  1. The data is checked for a long time.
  2. You must scan the entire batch of documents.
  3. The portal often has technical problems.
  4. Data is checked meticulously. Any flaw in the design of the documentation may cause a refusal to provide the service - the expectant will lose his time.

Recording Required

exam rules

According to the rules of passing the exam in the traffic police, in order to be able to sign up for a drive, the future driver will need the following list of documents:

  1. Passport or other identification document. For example, military ID or passport.
  2. Application for passing the exam.
  3. If the citizen is under 18 years old - written consent from the parents or guardians.
  4. Documents confirming that a citizen has been trained in driving.
  5. SNILS. This document will be required only on the testing itself.
  6. Certificate confirming the passage of the medical commission (form 003-В / у).

The application form can also be downloaded on the portal, and then fill out all the necessary fields. All documentation should be sent to the traffic police or take them personally.

Registration on the portal

Before enrolling in the traffic police for an exam, you should register on the portal, and then go to your personal account.

In order to get access to services, besides registration, you will also need to confirm your identity by contacting a special center. You can do this at the MFC office by visiting it in person. In addition, you can send documentation by mail.

If you have any problems using the portal, then how to register in the traffic police for an exam? You can contact the technical support provided by the site moderators. Portal users can contact to resolve the problems by calling the hotline.

rules for passing the exam in traffic police

Instructions for registering for a driver’s exam through the portal

Now we will analyze in detail how to register for the exam in the traffic police through the "State Services". The specified procedure involves the implementation of actions in accordance with the following algorithm:

  1. You must enter your personal account.
  2. Go to the services section.
  3. Select the “Transport and driving” subsection, click on the “Driver's license” button.
  4. A window will appear in which you should select the point of obtaining a driver’s license after training. As a result, short information appears that should be read.
  5. After reading the memo, you need to click the button to receive the service.
  6. As a result, a special form will open, which is an application for passing the test.
    how to register for the exam in traffic police through public services

It is necessary to fill in all available lines in it, reflecting the following data in them:

  1. The driving category for the exam.
  3. Date of Birth.
  4. Passport information.
  5. Address of the place of residence.
  6. Information about the driving school in which the driving training was conducted.
  7. Driving school license number (this item is optional, but desirable).
  8. Medical certificate number indicating the category of driving license.
  9. Address MREO traffic police, in which it will be convenient to get a driver’s license.

In addition to recording for testing, you can also submit an application on the portal for the replacement of rights, exchange of a damaged document or retake of the exam in the traffic police.

It is important to note that only citizens of the Russian Federation can sign up for theory and driving online. Therefore, before enrolling in the traffic police for an exam, you will have to confirm your identity by contacting a special center.

retake exam in traffic police

Exam Pending Period

You can expect to pass the exam from a few days to several months. Such a long period is due to the large number of people wishing to undergo testing. But quite often free windows appear on the portal at an earlier time.

For residents of Moscow, the situation with the long line is not so relevant, since there are two MREOs in the capital, offering different dates for the exam.

Possible dates of delivery will be displayed in the personal account on the portal. It is also worth noting that the service will remind you of the upcoming testing a few days before it.

If you can’t pass it on the first try, you can sign up for a retake of the exam at the traffic police on the same day. It is also possible to re-register through the specified portal, following the same algorithm as the first attempt. In addition, you can sign up by phone by calling the examination department of MREO.

traffic police exam

Exam payment

In accordance with the rules for passing the exam in the traffic police will have to pay a state fee. Upon receipt of the service (after confirming the entry), the site will display a link to the receipt for payment of the state commission. Its size is 2 thousand rubles.

Since the beginning of 2017, applicants for a driver’s license were able to pay for all services provided by the specified service with a discount of 30%.

This concerns not only state fees for passing the test, but also the commission for obtaining a driver’s license.

Discount Duty Payment

In order to receive a discount on the payment of the state duty, it is necessary to make it through the portal. To do this, you need to go through several stages:

  1. Send an application for testing.
  2. Wait until the invoice issued by the traffic police arrives.
  3. Go to pay it.
  4. Choose payment by bank transfer (using a credit card, mobile account, virtual wallet).

These actions will allow you to pay the state commission with a 30% discount, that is, its size will be 1.4 thousand rubles.

Refusal to receive said service

It should be noted that not always the procedure for registering for driver testing in the traffic police is successful. Sometimes the office refuses the applicant. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  1. If the driver applied for testing after he was deprived of the opportunity to obtain a certificate as a result of traffic violations.
  2. If a person has submitted an incomplete package of documentation that is required.
  3. When papers contain corrections or errors, they lack the necessary data or are distorted.
  4. If the applicant was previously deprived of the right to drive vehicles.
  5. When a person who submits an application is wanted due to tax evasion or for committing a crime.
    registration for the theoretical exam in traffic police


If all stages of the registration procedure for passing the driver’s exam are successful, then the applicant will be allowed to pass it.

All that remains to be done is to arrive at the appointed time, observe the rules for passing a driving test in the traffic police and get a good mark for a practical and theoretical test. As a result, the applicant will be issued a driver's license.

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