
How to find out if the transport tax is paid: step-by-step instructions, features and recommendations

Today we have to find out how to find out if the transport tax has been paid. Questions related to one degree or another with tax obligations concern the population quite often. Some people complain that they are not receiving tax notifications for further payments to the state. Someone says that he doesn’t remember if he paid for the property. Therefore, in Russia you can learn (and pay including) about tax debts in different ways. Which ones? What can be useful to a citizen to obtain this information?

Initial data

How do I know if a transport tax has been paid? There are several fairly simple solutions to this issue. But it should be remembered that without certain information the citizen will not succeed in translating the idea into reality.How to find out if transport tax is paid

Among the data that the examiner should have are:

  • tax receipt number (optional);
  • TIN of the citizen;
  • FULL NAME. property owner.

In some situations, SNILS may come in handy. But the state car number is not needed. With its help, reliable information about the transport tax cannot be obtained. After all, the tax authorities do not know the state. car numbers.

Verification Methods

How to find out tax arrears in Russia? As already emphasized, citizens can act in different ways. The population was given the freedom to choose a method of checking tax debts.How to find out tax deduction

Among the most common and affordable scenarios are:

  • waiting for a receipt by mail (100% tax was not paid);
  • a visit to the Federal Tax Service by registration;
  • work with the site "Tax.ru";
  • informing through "State services";
  • using online banking;
  • receiving information through third-party services such as "Payment of government services";
  • use of electronic wallets;
  • "My Account" on the website gosuslugi.ru;
  • obtaining data through the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation.

In addition, some citizens may check the payment of taxes by phone. To do this, call the Federal Tax Service at registration and clarify the situation. Unfortunately, in most regions such information is not available by telephone.

Personal visit

How do I know if a transport tax has been paid? You can personally contact the tax with the appropriate request. This is not the most popular, but very effective solution.

Citizen must:

  1. Take with you identification documents, as well as establishing rights to property.
  2. Contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of permanent residence with a request for information on the taxes paid. Be sure to attach previously prepared papers to the application.
  3. Wait for an answer. Employees of the Federal Tax Service often take an oral request and issue payments for paying taxes if there is a debt.

This technique takes a lot of time. Therefore, citizens are looking for other ways to check transport tax arrears.check transport tax arrears

"Taxpayer Cabinet"

It is necessary to pay attention to more universal solutions. How to find out the tax on transport tax? You can contact the "Personal Account of the taxpayer." It publishes information on all tax debts. In addition, here you can see the fees paid in one or another period.

To check tax arrears through the "Taxpayer Account", you will need:

  1. Register on the nalog.ru service. This can be done with the help of the Federal Tax Service. They will give out a password to log in.
  2. Log in to the service.In the upper right part of the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation there is a section "My Account". With its help, authorization occurs.
  3. Go to the section "Objects of taxation".
  4. Look at the items marked "Vehicle". Before this, go to the "Accrued" tab.

This action algorithm allows you to check for debt. Is tax paid? To answer this question, you need to go to the "Paid" section.

"Government services"

You can check the tax arrears by other methods. For example, through the portal "State Services". This scenario attracts the bulk of the population. Since 2016, tax notifications are sent to some citizens only through this service.How to find out and pay a car tax

So, to use the "State Services" to check the transport tax, you will need:

  1. Go to gosuslugi.ru page.
  2. Register on the service. After it, you need to activate the profile. This process takes about 2 weeks.
  3. Go to the "My Account" section. There should be data on all tax arrears.

But this is far from the only scenario. With the help of Gosuslug you can order free public information about tax arrears. A good way to get data on debt to the state.

How do I know if a transport tax has been paid? Would need:

  1. Log in to the "State Services".
  2. Go to "Public Services" - "FTS".
  3. Find "Free Tax Debt Reporting."
  4. Click on the "Get a Service" button.
  5. Fill out an application for tax information.
  6. Wait for an answer from the Federal Tax Service.

Now just look at the section "Transport tax" to find out about the presence of debt. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. If you click on the "Pay" button when viewing a payment, you can repay the debt by bank transfer.

Third Party Sites

Is car tax paid? You can find out the debt by tax receipt number or TIN of a citizen using third-party services. Usually registration for them is not needed. Demand is hosting "Payment of government services".how to find out and check the road tax debt on cars

Checking tax debts is reduced to the following actions:

  1. Go to oplatagosuslug.ru.
  2. In the upper part of the window, select "Tax debts".
  3. Select a payment search. You can check "by document index" or "by TIN".
  4. Collect relevant data.
  5. Click on the "Find" button.

That's all. You can see the results. If desired, the citizen will be able to pay the debt. There will be a separate button for this on the site. Bank transfer is made.


How can I check the transport tax? The next trick is the use of electronic wallets. For example, Yandex. Money. Here the check is made without much difficulty. This method is good in that it allows you to instantly pay bills.car tax to know the debt by number

How do I know if a transport tax has been paid? For example, Yandex.Money, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Register an electronic wallet. Log in to it.
  2. Go to the "Goods and Services" - "Taxes" section.
  3. Enter taxpayer data. Usually it is a TIN.
  4. Click on the "Find" button and see the results. Only unpaid taxes and debts will be displayed in the system.
  5. To close the debt, you must click on the "Pay" button after selecting a specific tax.

Similar actions are done with all e-wallets. Without a TIN, implementing an idea will not work. The absence of this information on any of the previously proposed services makes it impossible to search for debts.


How to find out and check the road tax debt for a car? If a citizen does not pay taxes for a long time, paperwork opens on him. Then information about the debt can be viewed on the website of the bailiffs. In practice, this scenario is extremely rare.

To check the tax arrears through the bailiff’s website, you need to:

  1. Visit the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation.
  2. Go to the section "Bank of executive office work".
  3. Enter information about the debtor. Usually this is a TIN, full name person and the region of his residence.
  4. Click on "Find" and see the search results.

If there is no record keeping, the search will fail.How can I check the transport tax


How to find out and pay tax on a car in Russia? The last method is the use of Internet banking. Say, the Sberbank Online service. It is used by the population most often.

Checking and paying taxes through Sberbank Online is done as follows:

  1. Log in to the SberbankOnline website.
  2. Go to the "Payments and Transfers" section.
  3. Open "FTS" - "Debt Search".
  4. Choose a way to search for debt. For example, "By TIN".
  5. Enter the taxpayer data and click on the "Search" button.
  6. Examine the information. Transport tax will be signed with the corresponding inscription.
  7. Click on the desired line and click on "Pay".
  8. Confirm the operation.

Now it’s clear how to check transport tax arrears. There is nothing special about this procedure. Everyone can choose how to check and pay taxes.

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