Each individual enterprise has its own work schedule. For any company, it is determined individually, in accordance with the characteristic features of its production process. Nevertheless, there are generally accepted requirements for scheduling, which we will consider further, and also we will analyze how to properly schedule the work.
The principles of drawing up the work schedule
The basic rule that applies when scheduling is compliance with legal norms. To schedule consistent with these standards, it is important in the process of forming the schedule to take into account the length of the working day at the enterprise. For example, if the organization works in one shift, then the length of the working day should be as close as possible to 8 hours, and also take into account the time for an hour lunch break. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of activity of a particular enterprise, the features of customer service and their total number. The work schedule will comply with the legal requirements governing this type of activity only after analyzing the above aspects. Studying the question of how to make a work schedule, you should know that this can be done in several ways.
Types of work routines
In the labor legislation of the Russian Federation there are several working procedures regulated by the established norms of the internal structure or by collective agreement. The work schedule is divided into the following types:
- Work in one shift.
- Irregular schedule.
- Flexible schedule.
- Shift work.
- Shift method.
- Part time.
What is a shift schedule
Shift work is such a routine when the employee’s schedule can change on different days. Such a system is necessary in organizations working around the clock. These include:
- Ambulance.
- Police.
- Fire Department.
- MOE.
- Supermarkets
- 24 hour cinemas.
- Gas stations.
- Cafe and others.
In addition, they make up a work schedule of 2/2 (shift) often for banking institutions. Here it is necessary not for the round-the-clock work of the department, but for customer service by telephone (support service). In this case, an eight-hour working day imposes some inconvenience on the employees and the managerial staff, which are easily solved by introducing a shift work schedule. You will find out below how to set up a shift work schedule.
The legislative framework stipulates that a day must certainly work out two shifts, the duration of each of which should not be longer than 12 hours. Nevertheless, in practice, quite often there are cases when only one shift works for 24 hours.
Features shift work schedule
Depending on the type of activity of the organization, the characteristics of the production process, socio-economic issues and coordination of work under a collective agreement, several shift options are distinguished:
1. So, we will consider the first option - how to make a schedule of 12 hours? Such a schedule involves working in two shifts. As a rule, it is daytime - from 8 am to 8 pm and night - from 8 pm to 8 am, shift for 12 hours.
2. Three shifts with a schedule for 4 teams. In factories with a continuous production cycle and a large staff of workers, it is most advantageous to draw up a work schedule for employees in three shifts of 4 teams, three of which work, and one rests. Most often, in such a schedule, the division of working time occurs according to the following principle:
- 4 nights out for 8 hours (from 11 pm to 7 am), then 2 days off.
- 4 daily exits (from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.), then rest.
- 4 evening exits (from 15.00 to 23.00), after the day off.
3. Three shifts for 5 teams. In this case, you can draw up a work schedule for employees as follows:
- Two eight-hour working days in the morning (8.00–16.00), then two days off.
- Two eight-hour evening shifts (from 16.00 to 24.00), a day to rest.
- Two night shifts (from 0.00 to 08.00), three days off.
4. And how to work schedule 3/3? It is important to remember here that the duration of a weekly continuous rest cannot be less than 42 hours (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and the time of a shift should not exceed 12 hours.
5. Do not know how to schedule 4 people? In this case, you can use the time distribution as in the second paragraph, when three are working, and one person is resting. Or use the first option - work schedule 2/2: two work, two rest.
A night shift is a work activity carried out by an employee from 10 pm to 6 am. The duration of this shift should be shorter by one hour, without the need for further development. The clause is regulated by 96 articles of the Labor Code.
Who can't work the night shift
There are some categories of workers who should not be involved in night shift work:
- Pregnant women.
- Persons whose age is less than 18 years.
- Persons who cannot be employed for night work, in accordance with industry documentation and internal regulations.
In addition, categories of workers are identified that can be involved in night work only with their written consent. These include:
- Women with children under three in their arms.
- Disabled people.
- Persons caring for disabled children.
- Workers caring for sick relatives (this fact must be confirmed by a medical certificate).
- Single mothers and guardians whose child is less than 5 years old.
The employer has the right to independently choose how to draw up a work schedule in accordance with his needs. It is important to note that the best option is a schedule with work in four shifts. Work in two shifts does not have a very favorable effect on the performance of employees, and work in three shifts does not allow the maximum use of all resources, since a person cannot enter the labor regime due to the constant change in working time.
The legislative framework
Relations between the employer and the employee are regulated by the Labor Code, including the establishment of shift work schedules, this issue is covered in article 103.
Since most often the shift work regime obliges the employer to form small groups within structural divisions, a collective agreement is drawn up where the interests of each employee are registered.
When concluding this agreement, the employer is obliged to talk with the representative of the body acting in the interests of employees, as a rule, he is the trade union. The employer is obliged to independently familiarize employees with the approved version of the contract a month before the start of its validity.
Based on the Labor Code, several points can be noted that must be taken into account when drawing up a collective agreement:
- One worker cannot work two shifts in a row.
- Each employee must rest for at least 42 consecutive hours per week.
- In total, the number of working hours should not exceed 40 per week.
- Breaks during the working day.
Not sure how to schedule it? To clearly organize the workflow, you need to make an official shift schedule. It should contain the following information:
- Information about the composition of shifts.
- The start and end time of the shift.
- Work schedule.
- Time for a break.
A specific sample for the formation of the schedule is not installed, therefore, it is formed by an authorized person of the organization in free form.
What is important to consider when creating a work schedule
There is no definite answer to this question, since each company has its own specifics, and it is impossible to form a specific template accordingly. When drawing up the work schedule, the manager must take into account all the specifics of the work, the strengths and weaknesses of the employees, and, starting from this information, form an appropriate set of shifts and set the optimal working time for them.
The simplest way to set up a work schedule is to number shifts. After that, combine several names of employees under one number and set working hours for them. It turns out clear and simple.
Schedule Features
When creating a work schedule, it is important to remember the following features:
- Before holidays, the duration of the shift must be reduced by an hour.
- With equal pay for day and night shifts, the time of the latter should be reduced by an hour.
- Overtime hours are not included in the schedule.
- If a shift falls on a calendar day off, it is still a working day. Pre-holidays and holidays falling on calendar weekends are not transferred.
- Holidays are paid at a double rate.
- For work on a working holiday, an employee may ask for an extra day of rest, then the shift fee is paid in a standard form.
Putting a work schedule in place
As mentioned above, in order to introduce a new work schedule, it is necessary to draw up a collective agreement. The shift work schedule must certainly be regulated by internal regulations.
Each employee should be familiarized with the shift schedule even when hiring, this fact is recorded in the labor agreement.
Most often, difficulties arise in the process of switching to a work schedule for shifts. Workers must be notified in writing of a change in schedule at least 2 months in advance. If shift work adversely affects the performance of other duties, then formal changes must be made to the employment contract. If this is not possible, then after a two-month period of work according to the previous schedule, if there is not enough space or the employee refuses, he can be dismissed.
The new work schedule is most often introduced by a local regulatory act. The director issues an order or instruction indicating all the necessary information about the work of shifts. Each employee is required to read the document and give his written consent.
How to exclude recycling
Enterprises that are transitioning to a new working regime most often change the accounting for labor time, moving from the standard weekly rate to summarized accounting. With this scheme, the processing can be calculated as follows:
- The tenant determines a large reporting period of time - a month, a quarter, and most often a year (accordingly, a work schedule for the year is also necessary in advance).
- It is calculated how many shifts can be with an available work schedule.
- The number of shifts is compared with teams.
- Actual conclusions are made about processing.
So, let's look at a sample, how to make a schedule to exclude processing? When analyzing the most popular one-in-three work schedule, an employee will work approximately 1974 hours in a year. When dividing this indicator by 24 (hours a day), 82 shifts per year are obtained. That is, 4 employees, in accordance with the law, can work out only 329 working days. Even taking into account the processing, the number of which cannot exceed 120 hours per year, employees will be able to work only 342 working days.In order to exclude processing, it will be necessary to attract 5 or 6 workers to production.
This is how total time tracking looks like. Having performed simple mathematical calculations, the employer can easily understand whether his shifts fit into the work schedule or not. In addition, you can use special programs for this purpose, which allow you to build workflows. And also in them you will learn how to schedule 3 people, for example, since doing it manually is quite difficult. With their help, you can much faster deal with scheduling.
So, in conclusion, we can say that employees who work on a shift schedule have all the rights provided for by the Labor Code. Among them, the following should be highlighted:
- The duration of continuous working hours cannot be higher than established by law.
- The number of hours a worker rests per week is regulated by article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
- One worker is prohibited from working two shifts in a row.
- A shift is considered to be night when more than 50% of its time falls on the time interval from 10 pm to 6 am.
- In case of non-coordination of the labor schedule with the trade union or violation of the adopted schedule, its lawfulness can be challenged in court.
- If you need to work on a holiday, the employee has the right to receive another day of rest or wages at a double rate.