Medical examination and medical examination are established at the legislative level studies aimed at determining the state of health of a citizen in order to find out his ability to perform labor or any other activity. In addition, examination is necessary to determine the logical connections between events and the state of human health. It can be initiated by both inquiry bodies or medical personnel, as well as private individuals.
Medical Examination
Medical examination and medical examination in the Russian Federation can be of several types. It depends on the questions that need to be answered by experts, as well as the further use of the results of examinations. It:
- examination of temporary disability
- determination of permanent disability (MSEC, VTEK);
- military medical examination;
- forensic and forensic psychiatric examination;
- examination of the quality of medical care received by the population;
- examination related to occupational disease.
Any citizen of the country has the right to conduct an independent examination in the prescribed manner if the case of his application falls into the list of those options that are subject to such events.
Examination of temporary disability
A medical examination and a medical examination to identify temporary disability of people are carried out on the basis of medical institutions. the procedures are prescribed for the extension of the sick leave in cases of injuries, poisoning and acute and chronic diseases, accompanied by a forced refusal of work. In addition, rehabilitation treatment (sanatoriums, balneology), caring for disabled family members, isolation of quarantine patients, pregnancy and postpartum leave fall under this category.
A referral for examination may be issued by a district doctor or a hospital doctor, if necessary, to transfer a person to easier work, as well as for further consideration of the issue of permanent disability in the medical and social commission. The local doctor alone can issue a sick leave for only fifteen calendar days. In order to extend the patient's stay on sick leave for another fifteen days, the decision of the medical commission is necessary.
The commission consists of five people: the head or chief physician, therapist, surgeon, social worker and attending physician. They, in a planned manner, studying the medical history and outpatient records of the patient, decide to extend the sick leave sheet or decide to send the patient to the medical and social commission if prolongation of the hospital is not legally possible.
Medical and social expertise
A medical examination and a medical examination to identify permanent disability are carried out in order to obtain patients with a disability group and, as a result, a cash benefit. The ITU (medical and social examination) is appointed only after the conclusion of the medical advisory commission (IAC) and is carried out no earlier than four months after the start of treatment for any somatic disease, except tuberculosis, because TB doctors have the right to issue a temporary disability certificate for up to ten months .If the patient’s condition has not improved during the allotted time for treatment, this is an occasion to contact the ITU.
The commission meets on the basis of the local government, which is represented by the Ministry of Health. Depending on the administrative division, there are city, district, regional, interregional, regional and republican ITUs, as well as the federal ITU, located in the capital.
By direction, there are:
- general profile - for the examination of somatic patients;
- special (for children, people with mental disorders and patients with tuberculosis, as well as visually impaired);
- mixed.
Military medical examination
During military service, a medical examination is also possible for soldiers and officers. The military medical examination in its most common form is carried out at the military registration and enlistment offices for the recruitment of conscripts fit for service. In addition, the jurisdiction of this service includes the establishment of causal relationships in the event of injuries, injuries, contusions and other somatic diseases in persons who are in the military service or who have been dismissed from it.
A medical examination (medical examination) is carried out during the selection of people for contract service, as well as upon admission to the university for higher military education. Any conclusions of this examination are binding on the entire territory of the state.
If a citizen for some reason does not agree with the decision of the military medical commission, he has the right to petition for consideration of his question by an independent military medical commission. It will be considered as such if the members of the commission are not directly subordinate or otherwise dependent on the persons (institutions) who conducted the previous examination. In addition, citizens are allowed to independently choose experts or an institution that will conduct independent research.
Intoxication Examination
Examination of the certificate of medical examination for intoxication is carried out in the bureau of forensic medical examination or in another medical institution where there is a laboratory and you can take a urine test. Actions performed by traffic police officers cannot always be regarded as legitimate in determining sobriety.
There are several methods for assessing sobriety:
- test of thinking and attention;
- study of autonomic functions;
- coordination tests;
- data from a blood and urine test;
- neurological examination;
- verification of the consequences of drinking alcohol (“hangover”).
An examination of the certificate of medical examination for intoxication may be carried out at the insistence of private individuals, employees of the traffic police, the court or the bodies of inquiry. Subject to the relevant instructions, the study can be carried out in several independent laboratories, provided that the collected material is sufficient for this.
Forensic-medical examination
Forensic medical examination (examination of living and dead persons) is carried out in specialized institutions - the forensic medical examination bureau. There are autopsies of citizens who are the objects of criminal cases. In addition, there is a survey of living persons for alcohol intoxication, bodily harm, rape and other unlawful acts.
A forensic expert begins his work only if he has a request or order from the bodies of inquiry. Individuals can not influence the course of the study, regulate the actions of a specialist or require him to report on the results. The task of the forensic medical examination is to obtain answers to the questions of the investigator or the bodies of inquiry.As a rule, they relate to the time and cause of death, the circumstances in which a person lost his life, the definition of the alleged murder weapon. Sometimes the investigator asks for a ballistic or trassological examination. A search on the body of evidence indicating the identity of the offender is also the responsibility of the forensic expert.
The conclusion of the forensic medical examination is carried out in two copies and is transmitted for review to the inquiry bodies. If necessary, the investigator or court may request additional examination. In this case, it can be performed by the same expert as the previous one. But if you need a second study, then the doctor should be replaced. Private individuals under investigation have the right to petition for the replacement of an expert if the defense has evidence of its bias.
Forensic Psychiatric Examination
A decision on the appointment of a medical examination is issued in the case when the inquiry bodies have suspicions of the insanity of the offender or, conversely, of simulating his state of unconsciousness. There are three types of psychiatric examination:
- outpatient;
- stationary;
- post-mortem examination.
Depending on the composition, the following types of examinations are distinguished:
- examination, when the conclusion is issued by one specialist psychiatrist;
- commission examination if three or more doctors work;
- comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination;
- comprehensive sexo-psychiatric examination;
- comprehensive narcological and psychiatric examination;
- their combinations.
The total forensic psychiatric examination is the conclusion. It is compiled and sealed with signatures and seals of all participating experts. Valid such a conclusion is only ten days from the date of signing. The document itself consists of three parts:
1. The introductory part, which lists the members of the commission, outlines the essence of the issue.
2. The research part. It distinguishes an anamnesis, somatic status, neurological and psychiatric studies (in some cases, a sexological conclusion is added).
3. Conclusions. In this part, experts formulate their conclusions and draw them up according to the rules described in the civil code.
Professional Examination
A state medical examination of professional suitability is carried out in order to study the state of health of the able-bodied population and to decide whether a person has the opportunity to do his job. This is especially necessary for people whose professions are associated with receiving doses of radiation, working in dusty or noisy rooms. Annual examinations can protect them from the progression of occupational diseases, as well as injuries in the workplace.
Examination of professional suitability can be carried out in any medical institution or in the medical unit organized at the enterprise. In addition, there are visiting commissions organized for mass screening of the working population.
If the examination revealed contraindications for the continuation of professional activity, then in conclusion the doctor recommends that such an employee be transferred to easier work or sent to retirement after years of service.
Examination of the connection of diseases with the profession
An independent medical examination of occupational diseases is carried out to establish causal relationships between somatic pathology and the patient's working conditions. If such a connection is proved, then the person may receive compensation from the employer. This can happen either by court order or by private agreement.
This examination is carried out in specialized medical institutions specializing in the field of occupational pathology.At the end of the examination, the patient is issued a conclusion on the state of his health, as well as on the presence or absence of a disease that is directly related to the profession. This conclusion can be challenged in court.
Examination of the quality of medical care
A medical examination regarding the quality of medical care provided is carried out as part of the compulsory medical insurance program. Its purpose is to identify violations in providing assistance to the population, assess its timeliness, verify compliance with treatment protocols and diagnostics of various nosological units, as well as the compliance of the achieved treatment result with the planned one.
The quality assessment criteria are clinical treatment protocols registered in our country and ratified by the World Health Organization. The procedure for evaluating hospitals in general and the work of each doctor individually is established by local authorities and they also monitor the implementation of planned activities.
Medical Examination
In order for the bangs to be able to work as a lifeguard in the Ministry of Emergencies, he needs to undergo a full medical examination and get an expert opinion on the suitability for such a job. This is due to the fact that this profession is associated with physical and emotional stress, as well as a risk to the life and health of both the saved and the rescuer.
Activities of medical examination and medical examination of rescuers include:
1. Assessment of the health and physical development of the applicant at the time of the survey.
2. Determining the degree of suitability of a person for such work, knowledge of theoretical and practical material.
3. Examination of the state of health of citizens at the time of their dismissal from the rescue service.
4. Clarification of the relationship between poor health, injuries and work characteristics of a specific rescuer.
5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the rescue teams.
Survey of rescuers and applicants for this work is carried out so that the emergency rescue units were staffed with specialists suitable for this service.
Pathological examination
A medical examination and medical examination of the deceased is carried out to determine the cause of death of a person and whether his lifetime diagnosis corresponds to the cause of death.
In the presence of a written refusal of the deceased or his close relatives, as well as on the basis of religious considerations, a pathological examination is not carried out. Exceptions are cases where doctors or inquiry bodies have suspected violent death. In addition, an autopsy is necessary to establish a lifetime diagnosis, if it was not, if death occurred from an infectious disease, or only if it was suspected. The category of mandatory opening also includes deceased pregnant women and women in childbirth, as well as children under 28 days of life and stillbirths.
The conclusion on the results of the examination is made in several copies and is given to relatives, the attending physician and the archive. If necessary, it can be appealed in court, as well as any other medical examination. The decision to conduct an independent pathological examination, with justification for its necessity, should be sent to the appropriate medical institutions.