The eternal question of how to sell the plot concerns a significant part of the Russians, whoever they are - villagers or city dwellers. Certain differences in the procedure, of course, will be, but in general, everything is similar, the main stages of work with land for sale / purchase remain common. Parties to a commercial transaction must carefully work out the documentary base, prepare the subject of the transaction and conduct the sale.
Key documents for the transaction
The sale of a land plot should be started by compiling a list of necessary legal documents, without which the registration of a property transaction will simply stop, and you will not be able to carry out the purchase / sale procedure. You can’t sell the land without documents.
Cadastral passport of the land
A cadastral passport is a kind of land legal analogue of an identity card, it contains all the basic data on the land, mainly economic. If necessary, a passport can be obtained from one of the government agencies (specifically, the Rosreestr).
The owner will be given it at his personal request, if the owner of the site has previously gone through the land management stage, and the fact of ownership has been confirmed. The necessary data are in the list of Rosreestr data. Otherwise, the process is likely to take a long time, constantly tripping over legal conventions.
When you pass the test, before activating a commercial transaction, you need to interact with Rosreestr employees for some time:
- Submit to this organization a request for the issuance of a cadastral passport of land holdings.
- Demonstrate their land ownership to visiting cadastral engineers, who, according to formal tradition, will check the land area and draw up a boundary plan.
- Before the appearance of Rosreestr employees, the owner of the site is invited to settle the borders of his site with neighboring farms. The importance of this stage is that without a border agreement with other landowners, a transaction with a buyer may not take place.
- Prepared materials on land ownership are sent to Rosreestr, undergo a review procedure in one month, then a cadastral passport is issued.
Ownership of the land
In addition to the cadastral passport, you need to draw up documents proving ownership of the land. And here legal subtleties may arise due to the constant changes in the legislative base in our country during the turbulent years of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.
The answer to the question of how to sell the site will be mixed due to a specific period. So, if land is acquired after January 31, 1998, the owner is required to have a Certificate of State Registration of Land Rights. If the site was received before 01/31/1998, land rights must be re-registered. You need to sell the site - understand the legal intricacies yourself or hire lawyers. Alas, no other has been given.
The principle of finished documents in the sale of land
As it is clearly seen, problems with documents in modern Russia can arise at each stage of their collection due to elementary confusion in the legal base, errors of the drafters, so the process of selling a plot of land is best continued only after preparing a set of all documents. Otherwise, further actions will go very slowly and will be accompanied by a loss of nerves and money.But, having drawn up the necessary documents, you can sell the site in a short time, although for many it seems like a fantastic extravaganza.
Evaluation of the land independently or with the help of experts
Having collected the necessary materials, you can proceed to the next stage - the assessment of the land. When deciding on how to sell a site, you must understand: in the age of commerce, in order to sell something, you need to correctly evaluate it. Otherwise, you will not be able to show the positive aspects of the site, and therefore, insist on its level of its value. Is it possible to sell the land in different ways?
Methods of collecting documents: in person or with intermediaries
Assessing a plot of land is usually possible with two practical methods:
- Personally, the owner (exploring the Russian real estate market on websites, in the media and on bulletin boards).
- You can sell the site and with the support of professionals - real estate agencies.
The first option has a low level of expenses and a narrow circle of necessary assistants, but at the same time, the conclusion drawn is of low qualification and, most importantly, does not play any special role in the eyes of the buyer. The intermediary organization will break up a decent amount for the documents drawn up by it, but on the hands there will be materials of the conclusion made by lawyers, issued with seals and official signatures in the state model. Buyers will not risk arguing with such securities, and, most likely, the price of land will come from the initial cost you submitted.
The main factors of rising land prices
In any case, you need to understand what reasons affect the value of the land sold:
- The scale of the site being implemented, which is quite logical. The larger it is, the higher the cost.
- The location of the land. A number of factors increase the selling price: being near a metropolis, resort area, good environmental conditions, the presence of landfills or landfills nearby, and the like.
- Good transport conditions, interchanges nearby, the ability to travel on various types of public transport also affect the increase in the cost of the site.
- Land plots of different purpose and type are evaluated differently.
- Complex terrain (mounds, ravines, hills) stably leads to lower prices, since the construction and conduct of economic activities in such areas are somewhat difficult.
- The good infrastructure of the area where the land is for sale has a positive effect on the cost.
There are other factors of lesser importance that can both increase or decrease the value of your property.
The choice of buyers for the sale of land
When all the preparatory stages have been completed, it is time to select the potential buyers of your land property. At this stage, it is quite difficult for any owner to answer the question of how to sell the land. The easiest and most effortless way is to ask one of the real estate agencies to help find candidates for buyers for money. Thus, you can sell the plot quickly and effortlessly. Qualified specialists will select buyers in a short time, you just have to introduce them to your property. The flip side of such a service will again be a round sum in the form of payment for intermediary services. And the more diverse the help, the higher the payment.
Self-selection of potential buyers
Can I sell the land on my own? It is possible, and much easier than I think. Therefore, if there are opportunities, it is better to conduct land trade on their own. Thus, you will increase the amount of remaining money and, possibly, be able to find a richer buyer. However, with all the positive manifestations, this option promises a number of negative consequences:
- you must take it yourself for a troublesome and rather nervous sale business;
- it is necessary to draw up documents in accordance with the requirements of the state;
- You can fall for the tricks of scammers, which in this area are many.
Choosing a way to find a buyer and make a deal
One way or another, it’s up to you to pay the agencies for the services or work independently with customers. You can sell the plot in both cases. However, if you choose the path of independent search, then in this case it is necessary to disseminate information about your sale as widely as possible.
To find the future owner of their property, you need to distribute the data in such a way that as much as possible the population knows about the possibility of buying up property.
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To do this, you need to write an announcement, which should include a variety of material of a personal and business nature: from information about the documents of the owner to data on the possessions. If there are buildings on the site, it would be nice to attach a plan and photos.
Gloss in front of the buyer
Before the buyer appears, try to improve the situation on your site: remove garbage, demolish dilapidated buildings. In a conversation with a potential buyer, try to speak his language. Show that you respect his opinion, but do not be afraid to demonstrate your point of view. This will help you quickly sell the plot.
The set of documents and the re-registration process
After searching for buyers and an agreement on the sale to both parties, it is necessary to prepare a new set of documents. When preparing papers, you must understand that errors in the data, as a rule, lead to the disruption of the transaction. Therefore, at the slightest probability of possible errors, it is better to contact lawyers. In addition, it is necessary to consider the following: in order to sell a plot of agricultural land, one should act somewhat differently than when selling a garden, for example. Documents vary slightly, so you need to consider all the nuances in advance.
When conducting a sale at a predetermined time, both parties are required to come with all the documents to the lawyer from whom they enter into a purchase and sale agreement. Then there is an agreement on what day they will come to the Registration Chamber for paperwork and full settlement.
About a month after the completion of all formalities, the buyer receives documents for his land.
When registering land ownership, it must be borne in mind that there are lands of various orientations, you can sell a garden plot or a land plot for several legal bases. This must be taken into account before preparing documents.
How to sell agricultural land? When you are considering selling agricultural holdings, first of all, before finding buyers, you will need to transfer the information to the executive organization of the local administration or the Regional Administration. This requirement stems from the fact that these organizations have the main right to purchase land.
It is possible to inform government agencies in the form of a registered letter, which necessarily indicates the area of ownership, cost and location.
Sell a garden plot easier. The only moment: if there is real estate on the site, then the legal subtleties will make themselves felt.
Sale of a land plot is a financial and legal action prescribed by the state and restricts society. And at the household level - a simple desire to get rid of excess property or a desire to get additional funds. You can sell a piece of land yourself, but it is much better to attract professionals. So the process will be faster and with a minimum of nerves.