Selling a dorm room by requirements and sequence is similar to other real estate sales transactions. But still there are some nuances that need to be considered when performing the procedure. How to sell a dorm room is described in the article.
When answering the question of how to sell a room in a hostel, it should be borne in mind that such transactions cannot be carried out with housing if it is included in a specialized fund. But even from this situation in the LCD of the Russian Federation there is a way out. For example, it will turn out to sell the premises on the condition that after that it will become private property, and will not be on the balance sheet of the municipality.
Is it possible to sell a dorm room if it is property? Such a transaction is possible only if there are prepared documents and contracts. If the room is a municipality, the owner needs to draw up a social hiring agreement, which will be the basis for the issuance of a title certificate in Rosreestr. Only with evidence can transactions be concluded. You can sell a room in a dormitory to intermediaries who usually sell their property more profitably.
Beginning of registration
By law, the right to privatize a room that is needed for sale is exercised if:
1. The hostel is on the balance sheet of the municipality.
2. At first it was the property of the state.
3. The property is operated as intended.
If 3 conditions are met, an individual needs to contact the municipality and conclude a social loan agreement if it has not been executed earlier. Then the room must be privatized. The procedure is similar to the classic privatization of any real estate.
Going to court
How to sell a room in a dormitory if you can’t privatize the room? In this case, you must go to court. It will be necessary to draw up a claim and attach the documentation:
1. Technical plan and passport.
2. A certificate from the Unified State Register, which confirms the basis for privatization.
If the claim is satisfied, the municipal authority will not be able to disobey the court decision. After this, the owner can engage in the sale of housing.
How to sell a dorm room quickly if it is registered as a property? For this transaction you need a mandatory list of documents:
1. Certificate for the room, without which the sale will not work.
2. Extract from the house book about registered persons.
3. The basis for obtaining ownership.
4. A copy of the personal account, if the funds are transferred by bank transfer.
5. Certificate of lack of debt for utilities.
6. Permission of the Board of Trustees for sale if a minor or an incompetent citizen is registered in the room.
All these papers need to be received deliberately, since it takes 5-30 days to process each. After collecting the documents you need to look for a buyer. Please note that some papers are limited in duration, for example, an extract from the house book is valid for a month from the date of issue.
Practical tips
How to sell a dorm room profitably? It is necessary to prepare not only documents, but also housing:
1. Take out furniture that will not be sold with real estate. This is necessary for a visual increase in the room.
2. Carrying out a small cosmetic repair.
3. Exemption from unnecessary things of the balcony, if any.
4. Cleaning the room, including bathrooms.
It is desirable to show the living space when the neighbors are absent at home. This requires a calm atmosphere.You need to talk with the buyer about the cost. Please note that the amount recorded in the contract does not change after signing.
Selling a dormitory room is not an easy deal, for which you need to consider all the nuances. First of all, this concerns the documentation. Only then will it be possible to realize it correctly and at a bargain price.
Sale to neighbors
You can sell a dorm room without intermediaries. To do this, you need to notify the neighbors about the upcoming transaction. By law, they are priority buyers. If the owners of the remaining rooms want to buy a sale of housing, a deal should be made with them, and not with third parties. But the right to establish prices and conditions remains with the seller.
To comply with the prescription, it is necessary to send notifications to the neighbors with a delivery receipt one month before the date of sale. This is done through registered mail, and even better with a notary public. In the future, it will be necessary to prove that no one wanted to acquire property. The notice fixes the conditions, cost, characteristics, address.
Notify about the sale of real estate should be the owners of other rooms, and not all who are registered there. If there are minor children among the residents, notifications must be sent to the guardianship authorities. To sell a room in a hostel, you don’t even need to get the consent of your neighbors, but you need to offer them to purchase housing.
Buyer Search
For the sale of housing in aid can be used:
1. Real estate companies. Although intermediaries charge funds for their work, their help usually makes it easier to sell property.
2. Social networks. You can publish messages on popular sites, in groups.
3. Special sites. Announcements are published free of charge, as well as communication. There are many sites for the sale of real estate. For money, you can order additional services.
4. Contextual advertising. If the housing is elite, then search engines are required. They show the proposal for a specific request, you can configure the issuance for the desired city and region.
5. Traditional methods. In small cities, regular announcements, newspapers, word of mouth are used.
The announcement will be viewed by many interested parties, so it should attract attention. Therefore, it is important to assess the state of housing, indicate the benefits.
There are many factors that influence the search speed of a buyer. It is much easier to sell a room located in an area with developed infrastructure. It will be easier to find a buyer even if the property is equipped with all conveniences. In order to sell a room more profitably, a repair must be made. Of great importance is the view from the window. If desired, you can sell furniture and appliances at a lower cost. But you should not reduce the price of the room, because then decent means will be lost.
Sales order
After 30 days, you can sell the property. The buyer can be both a neighbor and a third party, if the other tenants do not want to buy. If you receive the owners' refusals earlier than a month, then you can sell the room after receiving these papers. It also happens that several people want to buy housing. The right to choose the buyer rests with the seller.
The seller is not obliged to inform about plans of relatives and family members, if they are not co-owners, but only living / registered. But this is a matter of ethics and the relationship of people. A written consent of the owners is necessary. In this way, you can sell two dorm rooms.
What should the seller consider?
It is necessary to remember some features of the procedure:
1. It is not necessary to provide a technical passport at the time of conclusion of the contract, since the cadastral document serves as its replacement.
2. A certificate confirming the absence of a debt for utility bills is required by the buyer only to reassure him.
3.A reference from the house book and expert assessment reports are not considered unlimited, therefore it is advisable to receive them after agreeing on the details of the transaction and receiving the advance payment by the seller.
4. If the names in the papers do not match due to the registration of the marriage or its dissolution, papers must be submitted confirming the official change of name.
5. Before signing the contract, it is advisable to show it to the notary and, if necessary, record the changes.
Of course, each situation has its own characteristics. Often, cope with them on their own without experience in this area is difficult. Then you should seek help from specialists. Their work is much cheaper than the risks that people take for unjustified savings.