Since ancient times, people have been subjected to various kinds of magical influences. At that time, everyone was well aware of how important knowledge of rituals could be.
The time has long passed when everyone believed in magic. But some rituals and conspiracies still interest business people. They ask themselves: how to attract good luck and money into business. Many are ready for anything, if only things went uphill. But how to attract good luck in business?
Who and when need conspiracies for good luck
Initially, you need to evaluate the current situation and your luck. It often happens that there is simply no reason to intervene in the affairs of magic. In the event that the business is already working well, there is no need to tempt fate, it must be understood that any magical intervention will cause a certain return of energy.
Any conspiracies and rituals can be performed by everyone on their own. They must be carried out before some extremely important event. Perhaps this is opening your own business, launching your own project, or even some kind of court hearing. In order for conspiracies to benefit and lead to what a person who has resorted to using them so desires, you need to ask higher forces for help, and they will respond and help. But only in such cases, when the entire ritual of the conspiracy was carried out properly. The impact on a person will always be special, each time different and not necessarily in the first days.
Some tricks to attract money
Many of us have heard or are personally acquainted with people who are very successful in all financial matters. Even in such periods of life, when everything is bad for everyone, everything is easily solved with them and money, one might say, never ends.
How to attract good luck in business, what to do? Perhaps they are just talented, so they succeed? Many people ask such a question when they see these successful people. Do not think that with such talent you need to be born. It often happens that such luck is attracted by magic.
It is very important to understand that the way a person relates to money is of great importance. It has long been noticed that rich people do not spend money anywhere. They treat them very carefully and respectfully. In order for magical conspiracies to work better, a person must first learn to respect and save money himself.
What can not be done, and what can be done so as not to scare away luck
How to attract good luck in business? A question that worries many. But did everyone think about how they store money and make purchases? Here is what you can’t do and what you can do:
- You can’t store money in crumpled form and put it in different pockets. Bills must be folded neatly and evenly.
- The same rule applies to coins, even a trifle must be respected. Those who do not like to carry it with them should not take change or carefully pour coins in one place at home.
- Shabby old bills also need to be respected, you should not try to get rid of them in any way.
- Money needs to be counted quite often in order to know how much it is with itself and how it is stacked.
- When making purchases, you need to note in your head how much money has been spent. This will not only help save the budget, but also make it clear to the money that they are treated with care.
- Those who like to use a wallet need to know that it should be red, because it is precisely this shade that is favorable for making big profits.
- It is worth remembering about the ritual that came from antiquity: you can not borrow money, as well as lend when the moon grows.
If a person notices that he does not have such accuracy, then there is nothing to hope that the money will be favorable to him.
A ritual that helps to increase capital
There is a simple plot for this. He will help anyone who wants to increase income and will be able to teach how to save money even those who did not differ in this before. It is very simple to accomplish. If a person saw a coin or a bill lying on the street, it should be picked up. Money is able to feel good about itself and will begin to increase in your wallet.
Some people know that such coins thrown on the road can cause trouble, as they could be damaged, even very strong. But using this ritual, you can safely select the abandoned money. When a coin or a banknote is selected, you need to say to yourself: “I am picking up money - I am attracting wealth to myself. I’m taking my own - no one else’s needed. ”
Found money must be put separately from others, because the ritual must be carried on at home. For him, you need to have some holy water. Just when you come home, you immediately need to sprinkle the money with holy water and put it over the Orthodox icon for the night. This action cleans the coins from adhering negative energy or evil eye. Money cannot be spent right away. It is better to put them in your wallet and store them in the form of a talisman until a new coin is found that will replace it.
Conspiracy to increase profits in business
How to use magic to attract luck and money into a business? This plot will help to do this and will provide an opportunity to earn more. For this rite, you need a coin of any denomination and color. But it is carried out only on the arriving moon, namely on the sixth night. At the agreed time, you need to, holding a coin in your hands, read the Orthodox prayer, any known one. After that, you need to say such words of a conspiracy on a coin 5 times: “I am going to bargain to trade, to make money. He went to a merchant’s bargain, but returned well done, I’m taking no money. Amen".
The coin must be worn for 4 months, then it is necessary to spend on any purchases, and make a new mascot for yourself. The result of the rite will be palpable quickly, and profits will begin to grow.
A plot to improve trade
If the entrepreneur's sales level drops, a conspiracy to attract trade and good luck in the business will help. It will work quickly and efficiently. To carry it out, you need to be left alone in the trading room, pick up the wallet together with the invoice for the goods for sale and read: “As soon as I received the goods, I will sell them as quickly as possible - the wallet will be filled with crisp cash and a crisp bill. My word is true. Amen".
After the rite, the goods indicated on the invoice will be sold quickly. This is a valid trade conspiracy. The consequences and reviews of it show that many entrepreneurs use it, but they try not to advertise it.
Conspiracy to restore profitability
If business began to go bad and profits fell, then this kind of conspiracy will come to the rescue. Two things are needed: a small rag of black color and kitchen salt. The rag must be taken in hand, wrinkled and dumped in salt. Then you need to say: “Black is my longing, black is my sadness, black is my blackness. Leave forever. Fly good to me, gold and silver! Money to money, ruble to a pretty penny! I’m forever full of a room for good. Everyone who comes will not leave with anything. I’m in profit, in my joy. It’s good for me to sell, but grief does not know! Amen".
The rag should be thrown out the window, preferably away. You should try to invest as much as possible all the anger, negative, negative emotions, in general, everything that seems bad and interferes in life.
Why you should not turn to various sorcerers and mediums
The best protection is that which was put on its own, without the help of sorcerers and witches. It is necessary to develop independent skills in rituals and conspiracies.You can start with those presented above. Everyone will be able to see and evaluate their effect, you just need to try.
Conventional conspiracies for profit and fortune seem simple, but if they have passed centuries, and people have used them and continue to do so, then do not ignore them. You can and should just try, and success will come, and business will begin to flourish. There are many examples of successful businessmen who observe certain rituals. Of course, everyone has their own, as well as talismans that bring good luck.
Since ancient times, people have used such conspiracies, and for many they brought success. Business also requires the use of magical rituals. But conspiracies for money and prosperity in business need to be done only personally, otherwise they will not work. These are folk signs, how to attract good luck in business, but they are time-tested. Sorcerers and healers will not be able to help. We need the energy of the very person who asks the higher powers for help.
Signs of the people: what can not be done so as not to lose money
These truths have also been verified for centuries:
- Whistling in the house is unacceptable, it is believed that they can attract poverty.
- In the evening, you can not borrow money.
- No need to recount money at sunset.
- Do not lend money on Monday.
- It is wrong to hand over banknotes personally in the hands of the store; they should be put at the cash desk.
- At least some trifle should be stored in the wallet.
- A trifle in a wallet is not recounted, it must be removed.
In fact, there will be many of them, everything is difficult to list, but people claim that they actually work. If things went wrong, then it's worth trying to turn to conspiracies for luck and money, because it certainly will not be worse. Someone does not believe in their magical power and believes that it makes no sense to use them, because these are grandmothers' inventions. There are people, and there are many of them whom these rituals have helped to become rich and successful. They recommend using these simple, at first glance, methods, and the result will be stunning.