Various transactions and legal actions with real estate can be made exclusively to the owners of this property. To do this, he must have title documents, as well as proof of the right to an apartment. Therefore, often there is a need for an extract from Rosreestr about ownership. It is provided in different forms, and the choice of a specific option depends on the purpose of using the document. You can apply for it at various state institutions, but an extract is formed exclusively by Rosreestr employees.
The nuances of obtaining a document
Information about all property owners, about encumbrances and other features of the facilities is located in a special real estate register called USRN. It is represented by a single database, in which all information is correctly systematized. There is information about all properly registered property.
Information is exclusively provided by Rosreestr, but it can be requested through intermediaries provided by the MFC or the State Service Portal. Additionally, it is possible to obtain an electronic extract from the Rosreestr on the right of ownership, the procedure being carried out on the website of this institution.
The amount of information available in the documentation depends on its type. If you need to use a document to perform various significant legal actions, you will have to order a document in paper form. If ownership is transferred to a citizen, then this information must be included in the register.
When is an extract required?
An extract from the Rosreestr on ownership may be required in different situations. Most often it is necessary for:
- real estate sales;
- inheritance of property;
- registration of a lease;
- donating an object;
- privatization of real estate;
- when there are property disputes between different people;
- filing documents for the family to enter the queue for new housing, and the purpose of this process is to improve housing conditions.
To confirm that a particular person is indeed the owner of the object, an extract is required.
Access limitation
Information about a specific property can be obtained by any person. But on the basis of the Federal Law No. 218, there is some information that can be obtained exclusively by the direct owner. These include:
- the date when the application for registration of real estate on cadastral registration was received or the registration of the right to the object was made;
- copy of the document on the basis of which an entry was made in the USRN;
- general information about which objects belong to a particular citizen;
- information about whether the copyright holder is competent or not.
All this information can be obtained exclusively by the owner of the real estate or his legal representatives with a notarized power of attorney. They are included in the extended extract from Rosreestr on ownership. Additionally, access to them can be obtained by mortgagees, judicial authorities, law enforcement officials, bailiffs and people involved in the process of inheritance.
Document varieties
There are many situations where a statement of ownership is required. Rosreestr offers its customers the opportunity to order several types of this document:
- electronic;
- standard
- extended.
They differ in the information that they contain, as well as in the cost and type in which they are provided. Most often, a standard paper statement is required, which confirms that a particular citizen is the owner of the real estate, and also indicates whether there are any encumbrances on the property, which are represented by arrest, bail or other restrictions.
Electronic document
An electronic statement of ownership cannot be used to make various transactions or submit it to the court, but it is considered an ideal option if you just need to get information about any real estate. Such a document has been issued since 2011. Its introduction is associated with the demand for electronic document management. Due to the ease of generating documentation, it has an affordable cost. The necessary information can be obtained promptly. The applicant is not required to visit different instances on his own.
An electronic document is presented in different formats, but most often it is issued as an XML file. Such an extract can be printed out and used in various state bodies, but often it is not accepted by banks or courts.
Standard statement
An extract from the Rosreestr on the transfer of ownership can be obtained in paper form. Such a document is considered universal, since it can be used to solve personal problems or for transfer to different organizations and government bodies. The disadvantage of obtaining such an extract is the duration of the formation, since the process takes from 3 to 5 days.
This statement includes information:
- name of organization that issued the document;
- Date of preparation;
- statement number;
- introductory information;
- number of real estate on the basis of cadastral registration;
- name and purpose of property;
- the address of the location of the object, its area and data on the copyright holder;
- type of registered right;
- encumbrances available at the facility, and additionally indicate the date of their appearance, validity period and persons who are entitled to housing on the basis of such restrictions;
- data on the availability of DDU;
- information about the applicant;
- references to regulations and the final part of the text.
The need for such an extract arises most often. It is required by various state bodies, banks and private individuals. Her sample is below.
Statement of ownership of the apartment may be extended. It contains the same information as in the standard document, but additionally has other data:
- information on all transactions carried out in relation to real estate from the moment when it was put on cadastral registration;
- Information about all citizens who have ever owned this property.
Information can only be obtained by law enforcement agencies or the direct owners of the apartment or house.
How to get?
Many people who have the need for accurate legal information on their property are thinking about how to get an extract from Rosreestr about the property. The procedure can be performed in various ways:
- personal visit to the regional office of the MFC or Rosreestr;
- sending an online request through the official website of Rosreestr;
- ordering a document using the Gosuslug portal.
A standard statement can be provided to any applicant who does not have any relation to real estate. Therefore, only a passport and a statement are transferred to the employee of any selected institution. If information is requested in electronic form, then for sending information via the Internet it is necessary that the applicant has a correctly executed digital signature.
Using the Gosuslug portal
How to get an extract from Rosreestr about ownership over the Internet? For this, it is advisable to use the Gosuslug portal.The procedure for obtaining information is divided into successive stages:
- registration is initially carried out on the portal;
- then you need to log in to the site;
- a service is selected that allows you to receive data from Rosreestr;
- An application is filled out, which indicates who the applicant is, and also an email address is written to which the documentation will be sent;
- the cost of the electronic document is paid;
- The order of services is confirmed by electronic signature.
An extract of ownership of the apartment in electronic form is sent to the specified email address in a few hours.
How to get a paper version?
An extract from Rosreestr about the lack of ownership or the presence of different objects can be ordered in paper form. To do this, select the department of the MFC or Rosreestr. To obtain a document, you must come to the selected institution with a passport and fill out an application.
Next, a fee is paid, after which the employee of the organization notifies the applicant when it will be possible to come for a ready statement. Usually the production time varies from 3 to 5 days. If an extended statement is required at all, then it is issued a week after treatment.
Can I get it urgently?
Often, citizens urgently need a statement of ownership. Rosreestr provides an urgent document preparation service, but a significant amount of money will have to be paid for it. You can apply for documentation directly to the Rosreestr branch or through its website.
Upon receipt of the electronic document there will be no wet seal, therefore, not all organizations accept such an extract.
Document Cost
An extract from the Rosreestr on ownership is not provided free of charge. An ordinary extract can be obtained by any citizen who does not have any relation to a specific property. To do this, you just need to go to the website of Rosreestr, fill out the form and get the necessary information to the email address.
The cost of extract from Rosreestr on the right of ownership differs significantly in different situations:
- a simple statement for individuals costs 400 rubles, if it is issued in paper form, and if an electronic document is needed, then 200 rubles are paid .;
- an extended document for citizens costs 750 rubles. and if it is enough to receive an extract to the electronic box, then 300 rubles are paid;
- if the organization acts as the applicant, then for the extended statement 2.2 thousand rubles are paid. or 600 rubles. for the electronic version;
- A typical statement for enterprises costs 900 rubles.
When compiling an application, you can indicate that you need to get an extract urgently. In this case, it can be issued within 1 day, but its cost increases significantly. The exact amount of funds that will have to be paid for urgency depends on the nuances of the work of a particular department of Rosreestr.
Can I request information to a non-owner?
Information about a specific property can be obtained by any person or company. But this applies solely to the data contained in a regular statement. Extended documentation is issued only to law enforcement authorities and owners of the facility.
Confidential information is provided additionally by a court decision or provided that the pledge holder applies for it.
The nuances of attracting a representative
If the direct owner of the facility cannot independently apply to any institution for an extract in paper form, then he can take the help of a representative. He should have documentation with him:
- passport;
- a power of attorney correctly drawn up and certified by a notary;
- statement for extract;
- duty receipt.
The power of attorney can be general, therefore, it provides numerous powers to the authorized representative.Additionally, you can indicate in it that a citizen has the opportunity only to submit an application with other documents to the selected institution.
Document Validity
Statements do not have a strictly defined validity period, but literally after a week they lose their relevance, so many organizations accept a document received no earlier than a week or a month ago.
Such a short period is due to the fact that during this period various changes can be made to the registry.
Rosreestr offers citizens the opportunity to get different types of statements. They differ in cost, content and appearance. You can apply for them not only at Rosreestr, but also at the MFC, and it’s also relevant to use various electronic services.
The specific type of statement is selected depending on the purpose of its design. If you just need to study information about the object, then it is advisable to request an electronic version of the document. If you plan to transfer it to a bank or other organizations, you will have to receive a paper statement.