Relations between people should primarily be based on trust. But it will never be superfluous and documentary evidence of legality and guarantees of compliance with rights and requirements. This is especially important for the sphere of labor relations. In this case, there is a certificate of trust in the employer. This paper allows several objects interacting with each other to be sure of reliability. These parties are the employer, potential employees, and government agencies.
Since this document allows institutions to receive certain indulgences from the authorities, this project is only gaining momentum from year to year. It is the relevance that determines the topic of this article. It will talk about such a document as a certificate of trust in the employer.
What is he like?
A certificate of trust in an employer is such a paper that an organization can receive, but only if it can guarantee compliance with all provisions of the Labor Code.
Labor relations are regulated not only by the employer and employees of his institution, but also by the state. The certificate of trust to the employer is an expression of the interests of representatives of some state organizations, which, as a rule, work for the entities entrusted to them within their region.
These organizations play an important role not only in protecting the interests of employers, workers and government. Each of them has a decisive vote in the issuance of this document. If they all give the green light to the desire of the institution to obtain a certificate, then this automatically indicates that it undertakes to comply with it. That is, the duties of the employer should now include the correct execution of labor relations, timely payment of wages to employees, as well as providing them with all kinds of benefits.
According to this document, all workplaces must pass certification. It also spells out security guarantees. That is, he endows the employer with such duties, according to which there is a reduction in the possible risks of emergencies, force majeure and accidents.
When a certificate of trust in the employer was still at the design development stage, its provisions were established in accordance with the Labor Code. They either duplicate certain points, or at least they do not deny.
Why was the draft certificate of trust for the employer developed?
Recently, a certificate of trust in the employer has gained quite wide popularity among organizations. The content was developed in the form of a project, and it should be aimed at helping enterprises win the respect of potential employees. Naturally, before going to work, a person wants to make sure that by providing his ability to produce goods and provide services, he will be provided with all social guarantees. These include a decent level of material compensation for the work done, and benefits, and normal working conditions.
Russia has a very big problem in the labor market, which consists precisely in the improper fulfillment by the employer of its obligations. After all, how many times have people encountered a violation of the Labor Code in relation to them. As a rule, no one is in a hurry to assert their rights, since this threatens either with the deprivation of wages, or even with the loss of a valuable workplace in our time.
It is not only the burden of responsibility that gives enterprise managers a certificate of trust in the employer. What else does this paper give? It is useful not only for employees of the organization, protecting their interests. This gives a certain leverage for government agencies, the benefit for the employer is that this document automatically gives the products manufactured by the enterprise, or the services provided, increased protection against competitors and strengthens credibility in the core market. The organization is becoming more attractive. On the whole, it can be said that the implementation of this project into practice provided enterprises operating in accordance with labor legislation with a significantly increased degree of competitive advantage.
This project allowed labor relations in Russia to reach a fundamentally new level. Its structure is designed in such a way that makes the employer be more responsible in relation not only to the production process and manufactured goods and services, but also to its personnel. All these things are interconnected. That is, people, feeling their value and the importance of their work, begin to make more efforts. The productivity and efficiency of human resources used is getting higher. The logical chain ends with a high-end end product.
What are the main objectives of the project?
Before implementing the project, the developers thought over the tasks that the certificate of trust in the employer was supposed to solve. What does this give to society? This idea addresses the following issues:
- Lack of activity and carelessness of entrepreneurs in relation to the implementation of the labor rights of their employees. The proper attitude of employers is the full and comprehensive provision of social guarantees.
- Low level of trust and tensions between employers and employees of the institution. If the principles of social partnership are fully expressed, then this barrier between the entities becomes insignificant.
- A high degree of control by state oversight bodies. The certificate of trust to the employer on labor protection is an increase in the capacity of the organization’s resources, since the load from unauthorized persons is not required.
What is the apparatus for controlling the issuance of insignia?
Various structures have made their efforts to obtain a generalized certificate of trust in the employer from a whole set of laws. The basic principles of its action are regulated by several organizations. They carefully monitor that all state regulatory legal acts in relation to labor relations are enshrined in this document and are also observed by the institution to which it is issued.
The second area of activity of these organizations in relation to the certificate is assistance in organizational issues, legal ambiguities. They provide the correct flow of reliable information.
The developers of the project thought in advance and stipulated the role of the control and supervision bodies. This function also acts as an additional feature for organizations such as the Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce. But nevertheless, their priority area is the protection of the interests of the party under their protection and participating in labor relations.
Who is the subject of this project?
Various parties are involved in issuing a paper such as a certificate of trust in an employer. How to get this document? Firstly, its owner may not be anyone. Potential certificate holders are subject to special requirements. They provide a fairly wide range of participants who can receive this prestigious document. In general, it can be any organization.The legal form of ownership or form of ownership is absolutely irrelevant. The main condition for obtaining a certificate is official status, mandatory registration. It is also believed that the institution may not immediately gain credibility and set an example of its work. She needs a certain period for this. The project developers decided to make this time equal to five years.
Not only organizations can have a certificate of trust in an employer for labor protection. How to get this document to other possible participants? The procedure for issuing remains identical, but the sole owner of this paper may be a private entrepreneur. He must also register in the prescribed manner. Another condition is, in fact, why the certificate is needed. These are hired workers. After all, it is their rights that a document of such a model secures.
In addition to those who are recipients of the certificate, organizations issuing it are also participants in the process. These are all the same Federation of Trade Unions, which protects the interests of workers, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is responsible for the enterprises entrusted to it, and the representative from the state is the labor inspectorate.
How is the procedure for obtaining a certificate?
Compliance with all requirements of labor legislation is the main condition in order to have a certificate of trust in the employer. How to get this document if, according to all the criteria, the company has the right to it?
The main criterion for selecting applicants for the project is the desire of the leadership of the institution itself, which is supported by practical actions.
First of all, you need to submit an application to consider the possibility of participating in this project. To carry out this step, it is necessary to apply to the State Labor Inspectorate with an appropriate petition. A petition from an organization or private entrepreneur is a declaration. This application is filled out and executed only in the form that is accepted by the project developers.
At the second stage, the main role is assigned directly to the organization, which will consider the feasibility of issuing such a document as a certificate of trust to the employer. A sample declaration may also be provided by this institution. And it is the State Labor Inspectorate of the district in which the applicant enterprise is located. This structure for a certain period of time is engaged in the fact that it establishes the correspondence of what is written in the declaration with reality. That is, the facts should not only be not fictitious, but also not contradict the Labor Code. After a thorough analysis, the State Labor Inspectorate issues its verdict against the applicant. He will either be allowed to participate in the project or not. This point is documented in writing.
The basis for decision making is the so-called “presumption of truthfulness”. That is, even if any shortcomings or inconsistencies were found, this does not mean that all kinds of authorities will be immediately incited to the enterprise. Even when the organization is not involved in the project, it can conduct completely legitimate and legitimate activities in relation to its employees.
How is the process of receiving a document completed?
With a positive decision of this instance, the company gets the opportunity to become one of the project participants. This step involves entering the applicant organization in a specialized registry. It is formed by the same structure that issues a certificate of trust to the employer (photos of happy award winners can be seen in the article). Information from this registry is published on the website of the Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Trade Unions. In this database is a list of all enterprises that are 100% committed to comply with labor laws.They are also entitled to a certificate. Data on its serial number is also in the registry.
It is believed that successful participation in this project and the result in the form of documentary evidence must certainly be publicized. Information about such enterprises is published in the editions of the Chamber of Commerce and other mass media. Obtaining a certificate usually takes place quite solemnly, as this is a significant event in the life of the enterprise.
What if the organization is refused?
If the organization for any reason received a refusal to be entered in the register, then it has the right to re-submit the application. Of course, this is done only after the elimination of gross violations, such as wage arrears, an emergency. You can re-submit the declaration countless times.
The provisions of this project are constantly changing and updated. This is due to changes in the legislative framework or the choice of a new direction in the sphere of control and supervision. Therefore, the certificate of trust in the employer is far from eternal. The validity of this document is three years from the date of receipt.
What are the benefits of a certificate?
For entrepreneurs themselves, this certificate provides a lot of advantages. It has already been mentioned above about increasing the authority of the organization in its field of activity, as well as improving the competitiveness of the manufactured goods or services provided.
In addition, the availability of this document guarantees the following points:
- The organization that issued this document is obliged to provide the necessary information, provide all kinds of assistance, support. That is, if necessary, the State Labor Inspectorate upon request will issue data on all changes and innovations in the regulatory framework.
- Throughout the entire period of validity of the document, that is, within three years, the enterprise should not be subject to inspections by the control and supervision bodies.
What conditions must be met?
Obtaining this document requires the employer to comply with certain rules. Every decent businessman, even without this certificate, must adhere to these standards, as they are regulated by labor law. They basically prescribe the order, the size of payroll. The certificate implies the formation of optimal working conditions.
There are also clauses regarding the right of employees to retrain, reprofile and train. Separately, provisions on benefits are made. A trade union organization functions well in such an enterprise, all employees are decorated in accordance with the established procedure. When these conditions are met, the enterprise reduces the risk of strikes.