
How to get exemption from physical education at school?

Physical education is a compulsory discipline that is included in the general education program of all schools in Russia. Sports activities are an integral part of a child’s development. Maintaining the body in good physical shape is very important for the younger generation. There are situations when physical activity causes damage to a weakened body, so the child is exempted from physical education. Consider the features of the application of these restrictions.

Physical education at school

Physical education lesson

Physical education is a discipline whose main goal is to strengthen the child’s body, increase its physical activity, and improve physical skills.

The standards for physical education are formed taking into account the age of students and are strictly regulated by the school curriculum. The loads during the session should be evenly distributed, it is important to use all muscle groups. At the beginning of the physical education lesson, a warm-up must be present, then more serious loads go.

Physical education activities are seasonal. In winter - it is skiing and skating, in spring and autumn - running, jumping, outdoor games on the street. Most of the classes are held in the gym.

Physical education not only trains and develops the musculoskeletal system. Games in teams and competitions contribute to team building, increase children's self-esteem, stimulate the development of healthy competition, and create a spirit of competition. New achievements and victories, as well as defeats, allow children to perceive their abilities differently, a desire to improve their skills appears.

The main and preparatory group for physical education

Physical Education Health Groups

The main group on physical education involves teaching absolutely healthy children who do not have chronic diseases and physical abnormalities. Children of the main medical group must comply with all the standards required by the program.

Children of the preparatory group do not have chronic diseases, but there are minor functional deviations in the body of such students: malfunctioning of organs, recovery from a moderate or severe disease, increased or decreased body weight, delayed physical development, and frequent illnesses. Standards for such children are more sparing. They are compiled in order to prevent overwork of a weakened organism.

Special groups for physical education

Children who have serious deviations from the norm in physical and mental development should also engage in physical education, but the standards for such students will be completely different. Three special groups are divided:

  • 1 special group (A). Children of this group have chronic diseases that are often exacerbated or are in remission, but require constant monitoring and maintenance of peace. There may be limitations in labor and training, as well as physical disabilities.
  • 2 special group (B). Chronic diseases are severe, remissions are very rare, exacerbations are frequent. Children need ongoing treatment and supervision. Disabled children with significant functional, physical abnormalities belong to this category.

Only a doctor can determine a group for a child after a diagnosis. If the student had the first special group, but his disease began to progress, then the doctor should transfer the child to the second or third group. If the child began to recover and recover, then the transfer is carried out in the opposite direction.If a child attends classes and trains according to a sparing program, then at the time of an exacerbation of the disease, he can completely stop classes on exemption from physical education at school from his parents. Since parents do not always have relapses with a child on sick leave.

Reasons for exemption from physical education

Physical education belongs to the category of compulsory disciplines, therefore, you can get exemption from physical education at school only for medical reasons. After the illness, the child is released from physical education in order to strengthen the body, as its immunity is weakened. Physical education in this case will not be useful, but, on the contrary, can provoke a deterioration. The following symptoms are very likely: dizziness, palpitations, rapid fatigue, loss of consciousness.

The most common reasons for getting exemption are the following diseases or conditions of the child:

  • recurrent chronic disease;
  • central nervous system disease;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • mental retardation;
  • diseases of the internal organs;
  • violation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the urinary system;
  • flat feet of the II degree;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor, hernia, hemorrhoids.

Depending on the severity of the transferred or existing disease, the period of release may vary.

Parental Release Application

Exemption from a physical education lesson at school can also be written out by the student's parent. It is necessary to give it to the child, and he, in turn, will approach the teacher. A note on exemption from physical education to school can be written in free form. The term of release is limited to one occupation. The reason for this release may be the poor health of the child.

It must be remembered that exemption from physical education at school from parents does not exempt the child from being present at the lesson. This is decided at the discretion of the school administration or teacher.

Here is an example of a sample application for exemption from physical education at school:

"In connection with the disease (it is necessary to indicate some symptoms, for example, fever), I ask you to reduce the training load at the physical education lesson for my child, Ivan Vasya, student of grade 2" A ", or conduct a survey of theoretical knowledge on the topic of the lesson."

If the child missed physical education because of poor health, the parent must write an explanatory note to the teacher, which is also in free form. The following is a sample note on a school exemption note that was drawn up after the lesson was skipped.

Explanatory from parent

Certificate of exemption from a doctor

A specialist can write a certificate based on the presence of contraindications to physical activity, which can exacerbate a student’s health problems. The help form may vary, but it must necessarily contain the following:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the patient;
  • corner stamp of a medical institution;
  • diagnosis and conclusions of a specialist;
  • period of exemption from physical education;
  • doctor's signature (his seal);
  • date of issue of the certificate;
  • seal of a medical institution.

A certificate for exemption from physical education at school can be given by a local or attending physician after a diagnosis or treatment. The generally accepted form of reference is VK / 095-U. It is precisely these forms that are accepted in comprehensive schools in large cities of Russia. In rural schools, certificates of a different form are allowed, but the mandatory filling requirements must be met.

Exemption from physical education for 1 year

Full and partial exemption

What kind of exemption to give the child, the attending physician decides. Full exemption from physical education is rarely given, only in cases where the child is completely incapacitated. Such children are most often in home schooling.

In other cases, release is granted for a certain period, the determination of which depends on the condition of the child. After illness, release can be given for a period of 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months, and even 1 year. It depends on the severity of the disease and the length of the rehabilitation period.

In order to receive exemption for a long period, a commission conclusion is required, which consists of a survey by several specialists. At the end of the examination, a verdict of the medical commission is issued and a decision is made on the period of exemption from physical education.

One lesson exemption

Such exemption is granted, as a rule, due to the poor health of the child. If the child has a slight cough and runny nose, but there is no fever, then there is no reason to sit on the sick leave with the child. But, in order to avoid aggravation of the situation, it is better to write an exemption from physical education to school.

Baby is sick

The parent or guardian of the child can apply for release. In this case, the student may leave the lesson, or remain in the lesson. In the second case, the child is exempted from all physical activities that the occupation implies.

If the parents apply for release at a certain frequency, then the administration has the right to refuse release. If the child is unwell, then it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment and give recommendations on visiting physical education after discharge.

One to two weeks exemption

To limit physical activity for such a period, one note will not be enough. Exemption from physical education at school in such a situation should be prescribed by a doctor. Most often, such a release is given to strengthen the body after a disease. In this case, the disease should belong to the category of colds.

At the request of the parents, the child can attend physical education classes even in the event of such a restriction, but there are a number of physical actions that are not recommended to be performed:

  • running for a while;
  • delivery of standards;
  • jumping rope;
  • manhole on the rope;
  • jumping over a goat;
  • volleyball, football, basketball.

The restrictions apply to any physical activity that can take a large amount of energy from the child. In this case, the student is allowed to do warm-ups and light exercises. Released children can help the teacher and carry out some simple tasks.


Exemption for 1 month or more

Sometimes the disease leaves some negative consequences that persist for a long time. Bruising, dislocation, sprain - the most common examples of diseases in this category.

If the child is able to attend basic classes in this case, then physical activity will only interfere with recovery and recovery of the body. Pain during such injuries lasts long enough, so the release is issued for a period of 1 month. After this period, you must show the child to the doctor. If the body has fully recovered, then you can allow the child to complete classes.

Sometimes injuries or illnesses can be so serious that the period of exemption from physical education has to be significantly increased. If the exemption is granted for a period of more than 1 month, then a special medical commission should make such a decision.

KEC (control and expert commission) is a commission consisting of the chief physician, attending physician and the head of the department.

Maximum release period

You can get a certificate exempting from physical education classes for the entire academic year. The decision to issue such a certificate is also taken by the KEC. The grounds for this should be very serious:

  • multiple fractures;
  • disability;
  • deviations in physical or mental development;

The certificate issued for one academic year should be updated.If the child does not bring a medical certificate at the beginning of the school year, then he automatically falls into the main group for physical education. In this case, the student will have to comply with the standards provided by the school curriculum.

Children who have complete exemption from physical education should attend physical therapy classes in a medical facility or at home.

How to get the final grade in physical education?

Final grade in physical education

Sometimes disputes arise between parents and teachers about certification in the subject of physical education. The child does not attend classes, and then a “three” or “four” for a year is discovered. How is the annual assessment put if the child did not attend classes due to the recommendations issued by the doctor in the form of a certificate? There are several solutions to this problem.

If the exemption was granted for the entire academic year, the child passes a theoretical exam in the subject. The teacher may instruct to write an abstract or conduct a complete survey of the student's theoretical knowledge. This happens when a child cannot attend classes due to temporary health problems. If a child has a disability and cannot exercise, in principle, then a theoretical survey is not required. In the column of marks the OSV or "not certified" is put.

Grades unreasonably set by the physical education teacher are gross violations that need to be challenged at the school administration level.


Exemption from physical education is not a reason to completely ignore classes in this subject. The student should perform only feasible exercises that will help him to be in good shape. It is very important to avoid overwork. A physical education teacher should carefully monitor the released children throughout the lesson to monitor their condition.

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