More and more often, foreign citizens are thinking about how to get a quota for RVP. A similar question is extremely important for those who are going to move to Russia both for permanent residence and for a long time. There are many migrants in the Russian Federation. And most of them seek to obtain a temporary residence permit. The presence of this paper makes life much easier. Below we will talk about all the nuances and features of the procedure.
First of all, we’ll try to understand what RVP is. This is what a temporary residence permit means. Most often, the document is stamped in the passport of a foreigner. Stateless persons receive a separate RVP book.
The presence of such a document allows foreign citizens to live and work in the Russian Federation for a long time. The bulk of the RVP is issued within the allocated quotas. They are annually determined by the Russian government for each region.
About quotas
So, how to get a quota for RVP? This will be discussed later. But first you need to understand what this document gives and how quotas are distributed.
Permits for temporary residence of migrants are established depending on the size of the region, its attractiveness for foreign citizens and population density.
For example, in 2017, most of all quotas for RVP were allocated in Moscow - 8,000 pieces. Next is the Kaliningrad region, Rostov, Samara, St. Petersburg. In total, it is planned to issue about 110,880 quotas for migrants. The faster a citizen submits a request to the registration authority, the higher the chances of success.
As soon as the quotas established for the region are exhausted, RWPs will not be issued to migrants in any given year. Only in exceptional cases. We are talking about situations in which you can get RVP without a quota. We will talk about them later.
What allow?
What is so attractive for a temporary residence permit? This document is an intermediate between obtaining citizenship or a residence permit. Therefore, it plays an important role for foreigners.
Thinking about how you can get the RWP quota (St. Petersburg or any other region - this is not so important), you will have to understand what rights will be granted to the citizen after completing the study paper.
RVP capabilities include:
- free medical care at the place of registration (and not only);
- employment without patents;
- work without additional permits and other paperwork;
- free movement around the country;
- The right to issue IP and TIN (optional).
In fact, a person will become a citizen of the Russian Federation, but with some restrictions and with the citizenship of another state. This document will greatly facilitate life. It is issued for both children and adults.
About restrictions
It is not so difficult to get RWP quotas in Russia if you have the correct and timely training. As we have said, this document will impose a number of restrictions on foreigners. What is this about?
It may be noted that a temporary residence permit:
- does not give suffrage;
- does not force military duty;
- can be recalled with a long continuous stay outside the Russian Federation;
- issued again only a year after the cancellation of the previous document;
- not extended after the deadline;
- allows you to work only within the region in which the paper was issued.
Perhaps these are all the restrictions that await foreign citizens. They are pretty easy to remember. But how to get a quota for RVP? Where to go for help?
About expiration date
It is important to understand that a temporary residence permit has a maximum validity period. After the document loses its significance, it will be necessary to leave the Russian Federation for a year, or to resolve issues with obtaining citizenship or residence permit in advance.
RVP (with or without a quota) is issued for a maximum of 3 years. As we have said, to extend the document does not work. Therefore, it will be necessary no later than six months before the expiration of the permit to think about obtaining a residence permit. Otherwise, the foreigner is threatened with expulsion from the Russian Federation.
The making organs
Where can I get a quota for RVP? The corresponding document is drawn up in several places.
The first is the MFC. In some regions of the country, you can contact multifunctional centers with a request for RWP. But this is not the most popular technique.
The second place processing applications is the migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Every foreigner can come here and try their luck.
Where to get a quota for RVP? The most obvious answer is to apply to the FMS. You will need to come with a request to the department for migration and the issuance of residence permits in the country. It is necessary to send a statement to the FMS of the city in which it is planned to live. It is this alignment that occurs most often in practice.
Step by step about registration
In order for the operation under study to pass without much difficulty, you need to use a small instruction. She will help to apply for a quota for RWP.
The manual looks like this:
- Prepare a package of documents required to complete the request.
- Fill out the questionnaire for issuing RVP
- Send a written request to the FMS. Prepared papers must be attached to it.
- Pay the service fee.
- Wait for a response from the migration service.
- Get a residence permit in Russia, having previously taken a certificate from RVP.
All that remains now is to inform the FMS of the region about where the migrant lives once a year. This is the duty of every foreign citizen. Otherwise, a temporary residence permit may simply be canceled. And getting a quota again will be problematic.
List of documents
We hope that it’s now clear how to get a quota for RWP. Relevant requests are usually reviewed for about 6 months. Therefore, it is worth hurry. Otherwise, the available quotas will be distributed.
What documents will be required to translate ideas into reality? Among them are:
- alien's passport;
- international passport;
- application form;
- receipt indicating payment of the fee (1,600 rubles in 2017);
- photos of the applicant (2 pieces);
- certificates of no criminal record;
- a medical certificate that the person is healthy and does not have infectious diseases;
- statement indicating knowledge of the Russian language;
- marriage certificate (with a translation certified by a notary);
- migration card (issued and filled out upon entry to Russia).
This list of documents is relevant for adult citizens. Almost the same papers will be required for children to apply for RVP. Only in this case will you have to attach birth certificates and the consent of children from 14 years old to apply for RVP. Otherwise, the paper liver and fees remain the same.
About proof of language proficiency
When thinking about how to get into the list of those who received a quota for RVP, people should understand that without knowledge of the national language this will not work. According to the established rules, RVP is issued only to foreigners who can communicate in Russian. This is a normal and legal phenomenon.
In order to receive a certificate indicating the level of knowledge of the language, you will need to pass an exam. It consists of several parts. It costs about 5,000 rubles for 1 attempt. If the examination work fails, money is not returned.
You can take the exam of the established form at the FMS in specially designated days. More detailed information must be specified in the migration service of the selected region of the Russian Federation.
Medical commission
In addition, sick foreigners will not be able to get RWP on a quota.The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the entry of foreign citizens with infectious diseases and HIV infections into the country. In any case, one can forget about RVP and residence permit, if any.
To confirm the state of health, you will have to go through a commission and take tests. Adults need to pay about 4,000 rubles for the operation, and children - about 2 thousand rubles.
It is allowed to bring a certificate on the absence of HIV after the request for RVP has been submitted, but no later than 30 days later. Otherwise, the application will be rejected.
You can sign up for a medical examination both through the migration services of the Russian Federation and in private clinics. If you have registration in Russia, a person will be able to pass the necessary tests to him at a state clinic and completely free of charge.
Without quotas
From now on, it’s clear how to get a quota for RVP. And who can use the registration of a temporary residence permit without quotas?
As was emphasized earlier, only certain categories of citizens have such a chance. Namely:
- married to a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- who are citizens of the USSR;
- incompetent, if one of the guardians is Russian;
- those who have made investments in Russia in the established amounts;
- participating in resettlement programs;
- who have disabled parents - citizens of Russia;
- having children with citizenship of the Russian Federation.
In these situations, it will be possible to obtain RVP without quotas and in accelerated mode. In reality, everything is simpler than it seems!