Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to refund money that was transferred under agreements with insurance companies signed before 1992. The answer is yes, since the state has committed itself to payments. Thus, it has become an internal debt to the population and is included in the budget reserve annually. The operator of these payments is Rosgosstrakh. Moreover, the principles of compensation payments of Rosgosstrakh in Ryazan, Moscow or elsewhere are the same.
Compensation payment
Compensation of losses incurred by the population is made through the company Rosgosstrakh Bank. The reputation of this organization is pretty good, the bank has been on the market for more than 20 years.
In Soviet times, funded policies gained wide popularity. More than 52 million agreements were concluded by the beginning of the 90s. Someone hoped in this way to increase funds for the wedding, someone to make a present for the child to come of age or to receive an increase in future retirement benefits. However, at one point the money in the accounts of citizens depreciated.
The decision on compensation was made 20 years ago. First, those who had preferential conditions, as well as older people, received their money. To date, compensation payments "Rosgosstrakh" can be received by all comers. In 2017, the budget provided for the allocation of 8 billion rubles for these purposes.
Features of receiving payments
The procedure for receiving compensation payments involves the following features:
- Recalculation is based on the value of money in 1991.
- Funds are transferred directly to policyholders, for those for whom a policy was issued or to assignees who were born before 1992 and who are citizens of the Russian Federation.
- The amount of cash to be compensated depends on the period of the deposit and minus those payments that were transferred at the initial stage of compensation.
- Those born before 1946 have the right to receive all contributions in triple volume; for younger citizens, the amount is multiplied by two. If the insured person died between 2001 and 2017, then the heirs have the right to return up to 6,000 rubles spent on burial. Moreover, if the contribution was more than 400 rubles, then all expenses for funeral services are fully compensated. In some cases, a sum of fifteen times the account balance is transferred.
- Rosgosstrakh makes compensation payments only once.
Required documents
To receive compensation from Rosgosstrakh, you should provide a package of documents that include:
- Application filled out in the form that can be found on the website of the CSG.
- Insurance policy. If it is not preserved, it is necessary to issue a statement of the personal account or make a note with the data of the insured person.
- Information on recalculation in 1991 and an increase in deposits by 40%.
- Payment documents confirming the deposit of funds.
- Confirmation from the place of work on the transfer of contributions under the contract. If the company is closed, you must contact the archive.
- Copy of the passport.
- A document confirming the change of name or surname.
- Details for which compensation can be sent.
In order to receive compensation payments from Rosgosstrakh for funeral services for the burial of the insured person, you must provide copies of the death certificate, the right of inheritance and a notarized application for reimbursement.Confirm the citizenship of the deceased can a copy of the passport and an extract received at the registry office, as well as a certificate from a notary.
What is especially important?
When making compensation, it is necessary to be especially careful and thorough in filling out the application. In the event that there is a preserved insurance policy, it is necessary to rewrite all the data contained in it without errors, including the tariff, document expiration dates, etc. If there are no documents available, at least approximate data and periods should be indicated when filling out the application, so that employees of Rosgosstrakh can find information about the contract in their database.
Recall that persons to whom payments are due should contact the Rosgosstrakh Settlement Center for Compensation Payments (RCSC).
Receiving compensation
It is quite simple to receive a refund of lost money, it is enough to observe a few rules:
- The application form on the CSG website involves the transfer of funds to an account with Rosgosstrakhbank. To receive a transfer to an account with another bank, you should use a special form.
- There is an opportunity to receive money by transfer via Russian post. For this, documents are sent by mail to the address indicated on the site.
- The information received in the request is carefully checked. If an agreement is found, payments are made. If the documents are lost, then a refusal is written to the applicant or a notification is sent about those documents that are missing.
- In the event that the applicant decides to use the services of Rosgosstrakhbank, after completing the application, an account is opened in his name. The applicant will be notified in writing or in the form of an SMS message about the transfer of funds. The RCSC or simply the center for compensation payments of Rosgosstrakh OJSC carries out all the necessary calculations.
- Cash withdrawals can be made through the post office or in a bank branch.
What is missing in the payment procedure?
Any information of interest on Rosgosstrakh compensation payments can be obtained by calling the hotline. Moreover, when you apply again, information about you can easily be found in the database, which will greatly facilitate the communication process.
At the moment, there is no Internet service that would allow you to receive compensation without visiting the post office or office of Rosgosstrakh. On the bank’s website, you can apply for opening an account to receive compensation. At the same time, the client is given a number of discounts on other services of a banking institution.
Let us remind once again that the amount of payment and other calculations are carried out in the settlement center of compensation payments of Rosgosstrakh OJSC.
Difficulty getting
The main difficulties that the insured person faces in processing the indemnity are due to the fact that an extremely long time has passed since the signing of the contracts. The most common problem is the loss of an insurance policy. At the same time, this issue is completely solved, because instead of a lost document, you can provide:
- Payment documents confirming the fact of payment of contributions through the cash desk.
- Certificate of 40% contribution increase, which was intended to compensate for abnormally high inflation, issued in 1991.
- Certificate of employment, which is a confirmation of the cashless payment of insurance contributions directly from the salary.
- Account statement. Applicable if contributions were paid directly to the agent.
- A savings book in the case when contributions were transferred through a bank branch.
- Hand-filled questionnaire with a detailed description of the information that was obtained through any possible sources. This will significantly help in the process of collecting evidence of the existence of an insurance contract.
- In the event of the death of the insured person, the assignees will need to contact a notary public who will prepare all the necessary documents for transfer to the compensation center of Rosgosstrakh (Ryazan, for example).
Problems with the contract and not only
Sometimes information about the conclusion of the contract may not be in the database. In this case, it makes sense to go directly to the department through which insurance contributions were made. There are other problems that prevent compensation from Rosgosstrakh:
- The agreement was signed after 1992.
- Receiving a large amount of money due to premature termination of the contract.
- The necessary package of documents was not attached to the application.
- The policy was invalid by 1992.
- Some employers refuse to provide a statement on the transfer of contributions. This action is illegal and must be appealed.
- The agreement was terminated due to late payment of contributions for two months.
- Contributions that have been transferred to student accident insurance are not reimbursed.
Thus, the advantages of receiving compensation through Rosgosstrakh include the possibility of filling out an online application for opening an account and receiving a written notification of the transfer of funds. Disadvantages customers call large queues in the branches of a financial organization. The amount of compensation payments at Rosgosstrakh Bank, which is not comparable with lost funds due to its small size, is also called a negative aspect.