Sweden (the official name is the Kingdom of Sweden) ranks second among countries with the highest standard of living, which includes various comparative indicators: from food quality to the level of aging of the population. The social programs here are famous for their humanity and non-interference in personal space, and the streets are so calm that near the apartment buildings one can meet all the local fauna: from the squirrel scurrying from tree to tree to the deer crossing the road.
The Kingdom seems to be a kind of paradise for tourists and immigrants, where everything is so beautiful and rosy that the question of moving and full living in this fabulous country involuntarily arises by itself. And with it another: “How to obtain Swedish citizenship to a Russian citizen?”
Is it necessary to refuse the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation in favor of the citizenship of Sweden? No, it is not necessary, and in accordance with the laws of both countries. According to article sixty-second of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a Russian citizen may have dual citizenship under international treaties of the Russian Federation, and the presence of a second citizenship does not deprive rights and freedoms, does not relieve him of obligations arising from Russian citizenship. In turn, on July 1, 2001, Swedish legislation was amended to allow residents of the country to have dual citizenship. So Sweden recognizes dual citizenship.
Residence permit vs Swedish citizenship
It may seem that there are no significant differences between a residence permit for foreign citizens (PUT) and obtaining Swedish citizenship, but this is only at first glance. Because only residents of Sweden:
- have the full right to live, work and study in the country, as well as vote in parliamentary elections;
- may be elected to parliament (Riksdag);
- have the right to work in the police or in the military sphere (there are other posts that can only be held by Swedish citizens);
- can receive full protection of the state in case of unpleasant incidents both in the European Union and in other countries of the world (this is an issue that affects both work and leisure).
How to become a full citizen of Sweden
How to obtain Swedish citizenship to a citizen of the Russian Federation? What are the ways? Currently, there are the following ways to obtain Swedish citizenship:
- Birth.
- Adoption.
- Naturalization.
Each of the above items has its own nuances, so they should be considered in more detail.
A child born in the country receives Swedish citizenship if:
- his mother is a resident of Sweden;
- his father is a resident of Sweden and is married to the mother of the child;
- his father is a resident of Sweden, and the child was born out of wedlock, but in the Kingdom.
If the child is born from a father who is a citizen of Sweden, but is not the legal spouse of the mother of this child, who, in turn, is not a citizen of Sweden, then he can obtain citizenship if his parents register a marriage until he is eighteen years old .
A child under the age of twelve, adopted by a citizen of Sweden, will automatically acquire the citizenship of that country if the decision to adopt:
- taken in Sweden or in another country in Scandinavia;
- accepted in another country, but approved by a Swedish organization authorized to do so;
- valid under Swedish law.
A child who is already twelve years old can obtain citizenship after adoption by applying to the appropriate authorities.
Naturalization. Legal advice
To obtain Swedish citizenship, lawyers recommend taking into account a number of rules and nuances. A citizen of Russia must fulfill certain conditions. Firstly, it is necessary to reach the age of eighteen years (children under the age of majority submit an application with their parents). Secondly, you should confirm your identity (present a passport or other document proving the identity of the owner). In cases where the presentation of an identity document is not possible, the use of a certificate from a spouse is allowed. The Swedish authorities can also concede in this matter if the citizen who submitted the application has lived in Sweden for 8 years and his personality does not raise doubts in the relevant authorities. If the identification can not be done with 100% accuracy, then a foreigner can be issued a passport in which this aspect will be indicated as a mark.
In addition, you must continuously live in Sweden for the past five years. This requirement refers to the legal stay in Sweden, for example, registration of a residence permit. In some cases, the period may be shortened to the following indicators:
- 2 years for citizens of the Scandinavian countries (Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland);
- 3 years in case of living with a Swedish citizen for two years (after marriage with a Swedish citizen, a foreign citizen receives a residence permit for a period of one and a half to two years and only after it can apply for citizenship, for which, in turn , it’s not enough just to be married - you need to live together, which is controlled by the relevant services);
- 4 years for refugees.
It should be noted that the length of stay in Sweden annually for more than six weeks is not included in the period of permanent residence. In addition, residence permits are not taken into account, for example, taking training courses (including studies), staying on a visit or a business trip as an invited guest (teacher, musician, artist or athlete). The same situation is with those who occupy a working position at the embassy or consulate of another country in Sweden.
It is necessary to comply with Swedish laws, not have a criminal record and arrears before the court and tax authorities (immigration services regularly monitor the integrity of citizens). If you have some offenses, they will not necessarily entail a denial of citizenship: it simply increases the waiting period (from one year to ten years).
Family reunion
Also, for moving to Sweden it is worth knowing about the concept of “family reunion”. Foreign citizens can obtain permanent residence in the country if, before moving to the Kingdom, the whole family lived together on the same territory and carried out joint home activities, but some of its members moved to Sweden. In other cases, the migration department grants temporary permission to stay in the country for a period of one year, which can be extended for another year, and if the family still lives together after the next two years, citizens can be issued a residence permit in the country.
I want to be a Swedish citizen: how and where to apply
Applying for Swedish citizenship is done online through the website of the Swedish Immigration Agency.
You can also use regular mail and send a request by registered mail. The cost of the application is one and a half thousand crowns (about one hundred and sixty euros). The time elapsed from the moment of sending the application to its approval varies in each case (usually the duration of this process is 9-12 months).Stateless persons who have received refugee status and / or travel documents from the immigration service are exempted from the cash contribution.