Kindergarten is a very popular place. Young children are sent here for preschool education. A particularly similar trend is observed in families where both parents work. Sometimes it happens that the chosen preschool educational institution for one reason or another does not satisfy the legal representatives of the baby. Then the question arises of how to transfer the child to another kindergarten. Do parents have such a right? We will have to understand these issues further. What does the current legislation of the Russian Federation say? And what does the practice of real life demonstrate?
On the rights of citizens
Is it allowed or not to transfer a child to another kindergarten in Moscow or in another region of the Russian Federation? To answer this question, it is important to study the laws in force in the country.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation indicates that children have the right to preschool education. And the choice of an educational institution for the education of a minor remains with his legal representatives. That is, parents decide on their own where to send their child for training.
Moreover, the law does not spell any restrictions. You can choose absolutely any garden. The registration and the actual place of residence of the child do not impose any restrictions in such a matter.
Transfer from one garden to another is also possible. This is the right of every parent. After all, a previously selected institution may not meet expectations. Or family circumstances are changing, which leads to the need to change the preschool educational institution.
In other words, you can change the garden. But when and how? We will deal with the features of these issues below.
Reasons for transfer
Should a child be transferred to another kindergarten? A similar question arises among many parents. Indeed, the change of educational institution quite often is a strong blow for the baby.
The most common reasons for the transfer are the following factors:
- conflicts of the child with other pupils of the institution;
- conflicts with educators;
- unjustified expectations regarding the level of education;
- conditions of children staying in the institution that do not suit parents;
- child complaints.
Also, the operation under study is possible if:
- parents just want to change the garden, without reason;
- family relocation.
It should be clearly understood how to transfer a child to another kindergarten. Psychologists claim that such a decision will have to be carefully considered. Indeed, sometimes a process has no real reason for existence.
For example, conflicts with caregivers or children in a group can often be resolved without the operation being studied. If it didn’t work out, then think about changing the preschool educational institution.
Briefly about the process
How to transfer a child to another kindergarten? It is important to clearly understand the algorithm of actions. Otherwise, problems will arise during the implementation of ideas.
Translation instructions are presented as follows:
- Pick up a new garden.
- Collect a package of documents for translation.
- Get approval from another kindergarten at the reception.
- Expel a child from a previous institution.
- Apply for the child in the new garden.
That's all. It would seem that everything is extremely simple and clear. But in real life problems are not excluded. Especially when it comes to the psychological factor. We will deal with him later. First, consider all the nuances of paperwork.
Application Methods
How to transfer a child from one kindergarten to another? To do this, you need to know how to submit relevant requests.
In Russia, you can send applications for transfer to other educational institutions:
- personally;
- by mail
- through the MFC;
- through "State Services".
The last option will dwell in more detail a little later. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. But only if you prepare for the procedures in advance.
Important: some citizens will not be able to use the "State Services" to transfer a child to the garden or for his primary enrollment. You will have to register in advance on the service and confirm your identity. Only after that all operations of the site will be available to the user.
Documents for deduction
How to transfer a child to another kindergarten? To cope with this task, citizens will need to form several packages of documents. Let's start with the list for deductions.
It includes:
- passports of parents;
- application for deductions in connection with the transfer;
- voucher for the adoption of a child;
- certificates confirming the benefits of children.
All listed papers are presented with copies. In connection with the latest legislative changes, when a child is enrolled / expelled from kindergartens, it is required to bring a child’s SNILS. This document is not required at all educational institutions.
Travel Documents
How to transfer a child to another kindergarten? Parents must decide on a new place of education for the baby, and then go there with a request for the established form.
To accomplish this task, certain papers will be required. Usually they include:
- birth certificate of a child;
- certificate from the former garden;
- application for admission;
- a medical report on the child’s health status (optional);
- SNILS of the baby;
- certificates indicating the benefits of the child.
It is better that in the former educational institution they give out a characteristic for a minor. This will greatly speed up the process.
In addition, kindergartens are primarily secretly accepted by registration. First, the places are distributed between the "local" children, then - between the rest. Therefore, a certificate of registration of the child will not be superfluous. Such an act cannot be called legal, but it does occur.
After considering the relevant request, parents will be given a ticket to kindergarten. It, as we have already said, must be taken to an old school for expulsion.
What you need to enroll in a new way
Now that the child has been expelled from the previous garden, you can go to a new institution. At the same time, do not forget that during the deduction it is required to pick up some children's documents.
Parents must give:
- child’s medical card;
- certificate of deduction;
- personal documents of a minor requested by legal representatives.
As we have said, it is advisable to request a characterization of the baby in advance. This technique will simplify the process.
In order for a minor to be taken to another kindergarten, it is necessary:
- passports of parents;
- birth certificate;
- certificate of deduction from the old garden;
- medical card (if issued).
In general, this list is reminiscent of the paper that was required upon initial application to the new garden. The use of benefits for admission must be documented.
The turn to transfer to another kindergarten plays a huge role. Indeed, educational institutions are admitted only in this order. It’s just that enrollment in the form of a transfer or initial adoption of a baby is possible only if there are free places in the organization. And this happens extremely rarely.
A queue for kindergarten is formed in the summer - from June to July. Those who applied earlier will go to the educational institution first. The exception is beneficiaries. A separate queue to the kindergarten is formed from them.
You can check the degree of proximity to enrollment in person, at the MFC or at the State Service.But this is not the most difficult task of all. It is more important for citizens to figure out how to file a request for transfer to the garden.
Government Services and Submission of Request
How to transfer a child to another kindergarten via the Internet? To do this, you need to register in advance on "State services". As soon as this stage is finished, it remains only to act according to the instructions.
It looks like this:
- Open the "State Services" website and go through authorization on it.
- Go to the service catalog and select the item on education.
- Click on the line "Transfer to another garden."
- Click on "Get ...".
- Fill out the request form.
- Indicate the gardens in which you want to transfer the child.
- Confirm application submission.
It is done. Now it remains only to wait for their turn. Check it is offered through the service "Check the queue in the garden." He is also at the "State Services".
Can refuse
We found out how to transfer the child to another kindergarten. It is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if you immediately prepare for the operation.
Can a citizen be refused a child in the garden? Yes. This is possible if:
- the child did not pass the entrance tests;
- a minor receives complaints because of behavior;
- there are no places in the garden.
In this case, the second option is extremely rare. Due to behavioral problems, they do not fail too often.
If there are no places in the garden, you will either have to wait in line, or choose another educational institution.
Translation Psychologists
What psychologists give recommendations? How to transfer a child to another kindergarten?
Doctors say that a child should be transferred only if:
- he wants it;
- peacefully resolve the conflicts did not work.
Forced translation is not recommended. This is a serious blow. In particular, due to problems with adaptation in the new team.
Nevertheless, in general, the procedure under study is not too dangerous. Sometimes children themselves ask to other gardens. This is the most favorable scenario.
In order for the process to go through with the least losses and problems, it is enough to simply prepare the necessary documents in advance.