
How to unsubscribe from Tele2 subscriptions: step-by-step instructions

Subscriptions and paid services from mobile operators are offered to all subscribers and are connected as necessary. Some customers themselves subscribe to a huge number of services, which sooner or later leads to significant costs.

To save money, paid options must be discarded. Therefore, today we have to figure out how to unsubscribe from subscriptions to "Tele2". What tips and tricks will help bring the idea to life? In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. Even a novice user will be able to cope with the task.

Shutdown Methods

The first step is to understand which shutdown method will be used. Further manipulations depend on this.
how to unsubscribe from subscriptions on tel2

How to unsubscribe from paid subscriptions on "Tele2"? You can do this in the following ways:

  • sending an SMS request;
  • via the USSD command;
  • through the "Personal account Tele2";
  • at the office of the company;
  • by calling the service provider.

Next will be described in more detail about each approach. No special skills and knowledge will be required from the subscriber. But some ways of disconnecting are available only to the one on whom the SIM card is issued.

Before refusal

Unsubscribing from "Tele2" subscriptions via SMS is as easy as shelling pears. But before that, the subscriber should get a list of all connected paid options. Otherwise, it will not work to refuse the services provided.
how to unsubscribe from subscriptions on the phone tele2

To get information about connected options, you must:

  1. Dial * 144 #, click on the "Call" button and use the USSD menu to select the client information item.
  2. Send the request as a command * 153 #. To process it, you must click on the subscriber call button.

After one of the algorithms done, an SMS message will be sent to the person on the phone / tablet, in which all paid subscriptions will be listed. An identifier number must be placed near them. It is he who is needed to refuse options.

SMS request

How to unsubscribe from subscriptions to "Tele2"? To do this, as already mentioned, you can use the SMS request. To do this, you need to know the identifiers of paid services in advance.
how to unsubscribe from paid subscriptions on tel2

Once the previously proposed actions are done, the subscriber needs:

  1. Type a message with the text "Stop YY", where YY is the service identifier. “Stop” can be seen on Stop, no, “no”, “unsubscribe”, “unsub.”.
  2. Send the formed letter to the number 605.
  3. Wait for a message about a successful unsubscription from one or another option.

This method is convenient for its simplicity. It is ideal for those who do not want to spend a lot of time unsubscribing from paid services.

"Personal Area"

The next trick is to use the "Tele2 Personal Account". Unlike the previous method, this scenario does not require a mobile device in hand. Instead, you need to use a computer and the Internet. Or all the actions should be carried out from a tablet - on smartphones it is not very convenient to use a browser.

How to unsubscribe from subscriptions to "Tele2"? To do this, you will need:

  1. Go to the operator’s website, go through authorization under your data. If there is no profile on the Tele2 website, you can click the "Remember or get password" button. A message will be sent to the mobile phone with the profile access code.
  2. Open the Mobile Subscriptions section.
  3. Explore all connected options. Opposite them there are identifiers. They are responsible for enabling / disabling subscriptions. You need to click on the appropriate line, and then confirm the action.

That's all. You can also see the connected options in the "Service Management" section. Rejection of paid subscriptions will not require cash. This is a free feature.

Important: with the help of "My Account" you can not refuse the services "Buzzer" and "Auto Payment". These options are disabled by using USSD requests.

Office visit

How to unsubscribe from subscriptions on the Tele2 phone? And on the modem? If the methods listed above seemed inconvenient, you can act differently. Namely, contact the nearest Tele2 office. Service employees will help to connect and disconnect any options offered by operators.
tele2 unsubscribe from subscriptions team

To use this method, you will have to:

  1. Get ready. You need to take a mobile phone, as well as an identity card. Most often we are talking about a passport.
  2. Come to any Tele2 office.
  3. Present your passport, as well as inform about your intentions. In this case, you need to give the phone or tablet to employees.
  4. Wait. Employees of the Tele2 office will disable the necessary options and return the device to the owner.

You can act in a similar way if you want to disable paid subscriptions and services on the modem. In this case, you must specify the phone number used to access the Internet.

Calls to the operator

How to unsubscribe from subscriptions to "Tele2"? The next scenario is a call to the operator. In this case, you will have to report the passport data of the owner of the SIM card. This is a normal occurrence. Information from the passport is needed to confirm the identity of the person, it is not transmitted anywhere.

To refuse certain options through a call, the operator will need:

  1. Dial the number 611 on the phone and call it.
  2. Wait for the response of the operator and inform him of his decision
  3. Name the requested data.
  4. Wait a while. The operator will disable the options, after which an SMS message will be sent to the phone about the successful operation.

At this stage, the action ends. Options and subscriptions will be disabled. If the subscriber does not name the passport data, the operator will not unsubscribe.

On command

But there is another method of translating ideas into reality. What does Tele2 offer? The team in the form of a USSD request will help you unsubscribe from subscriptions without much difficulty. This method is suitable for both phones and tablets.
Unsubscribe from TV2 subscriptions via SMS

To refuse paid services, if they have accumulated a lot, it is proposed by means of USSD-requests. To do this, dial one of several commands on a mobile device - * 152 * 0 # or * 144 * 6 #. After processing the requests, the user will receive a letter on the phone indicating the successful operation.

Important: this method is suitable for rejecting all paid services at the same time. If you need to unsubscribe from one or more options, it is recommended to use an SMS request or "My Account".

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. All methods of disabling paid subscriptions offered by Tele2 are currently working at 100%.

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