You can treat alcohol in different ways, but you cannot judge it from only one point of view. Alcohol, especially high-quality, is not only strong, but also rich in taste. Of course, it all depends on the ingredients used, the method of preparation and the exposure time. Especially difficult and interesting is the production of Scotch whiskey. This amazing drink has a strength of 40 degrees and above. In addition, it is completely natural and contains corn, barley, rye and clean water. Can whiskey be considered an elite drink? And is it really possible to cook it at home?
From market leaders
Perhaps it is worth highlighting some varieties of the drink and based on those describe the production of whiskey. An example would be JackDaniels. This is a delicious drink that has proven itself.
Issue "Jack" in the distilleries of the town of Lynchburg. Its strength is classic 40 degrees, and this is with a completely natural composition, in which 80% is corn, about 12% is rye and about 8% is barley. All this goes in tandem with delicious spring water. The product is of high quality, due to the use of distillation and filtration methods in production. Such methods allow you to remove sugar, glucose and fusel oils from the drink. Maple coals are used for filtering, which gives the drink a unique taste with its softness.
JackDaniels appeared in 1875 and was named for the founder of the distillery, Jasper Newton, Daniel. Daniel used his entrepreneurial talent in full and was able to establish the production of whiskey, spending a lifetime on it, namely 50 years.
Daniel founded his distillery at age 20. He applied slow filtering methods using a layer of coal. The process was carried out before the drink was bottled in barrels, and this gave the taste a softness. The production of whiskey was not random in the town of Lynchburg, since in this area there is a spring with tasty and clear water. With such a base, the drink acquires a unique taste, and therefore it has become profitable to produce whiskey.
Initially, “Jack” was bottled in clay bottles and closed with cork from oak bark. In 1895, branded packaging became square. The reason for this upgrade was the visit to the city of a salesman conducting a presentation of a non-stereotyped bottle with a twisting stopper.
Whiskey production technology
Naturally, making a good drink is not so easy. So will true connoisseurs have to abandon the preparation of whiskey at home ?! Not at all! The most important thing in whiskey is its taste and aroma, and these two characteristics are affected by the method of malting, the quality of the grain and its grade, the water used, the filtration method and, of course, the construction of the still cube.
If you have everything you need at home, then the production of whiskey at home will not at all complicate you. In the manufacturing process, the barrel in which the drink will be aged is important. Ideally, it is worth keeping an eye on a barrel in which port, madeira or sherry has been aged. If you pour whiskey into other barrels for several years, you can create complex flavoring compositions, thereby changing the shades of aroma and taste.
Different countries have their own whiskey production technology and the results, respectively, vary significantly. There are two main areas that are called classic. This is Scottish and Irish technology.
Details of classic manufacturing algorithms
So, the production of whiskey in Scotland is characterized by the use of peat in the drying of malt. This provides a special smack of smoke. For Irish technology, peat is excluded, but triple distillation is used, because of which the whiskey becomes soft to such an extent that it can be drunk without dilution.
Take a closer look at Scotch whiskey. This is truly a national product, having the category of name, enshrined geographically in law. The name of the drink comes from the Gaelic phrase "water of life." It turns out that initially the drink was compared with a medicine and recommended for prolonging life.
Scotch whiskey production involves the use of barley malt and barley. To get the wort, malted barley is required. Previously, an imitation of spring warming occurs, so that the grain begins to germinate. The malting process is stopped by drying. Collected malt is dried with hot, dry air with swamp peat smoke. Mostly Scotland produces blended whiskey, obtained by mixing malt and grain whiskey (in a ratio of 1: 2).
And how are they?
Irish whiskey is completely different in taste and preparation method. Production differs from Scotland by triple distillation. When drying, peat is used extremely rarely, and therefore the drink is obtained without the smack of smoke.
Irish whiskey dates back to the fifth century AD, when, according to legend, missionaries brought the art of distillation to the island. This is a legend, but historical records tell of the first licensed distillery Old Bushmills and its owner Walter Taylor. Already in the 19th century, the largest beverage manufacturing companies were formed, which conducted international trade. The aroma and taste of Irish whiskey has been appreciated internationally.
But the twentieth century, streaked with war, almost wiped Irish whiskey from the market. As a result, only the Irish themselves consume domestic whiskey, and from hundreds of distilleries there remained a miserable handful. There are only three major beverage producers in Ireland, and almost a hundred in Scotland. But the varieties of the drink in Ireland are truly unique. In particular, single malt and single-grain whiskeys are produced here, as well as pure from distilled cube. The latter variety is really unique, as it contains green ungrown barley.
Become in order!
The correct production order of Scotch and Irish whiskey is very difficult for the amateur, and industry masters are in no hurry to destroy the halo of mystery surrounding their work. In the process, masters have to go through seven key stages before revealing their creation to the world. So, the main components of Irish whiskey are barley, barley malt, spring water and cereals, among which are wheat, rye and oats.
At the first stage, the grain is soaked in water for a couple of days, and it is necessary to lay out a thin layer so that the seeds can germinate. Part of the grain starch is then converted into sugar.
At this stage, the production order of Scotch and Irish whiskey is identical. Then the grains are sent to special ovens to preserve the soft malt flavor without extraneous aromas. The Scots at this stage dry the grain with hot peat smoke. They consider this moment the most important in production, as the drink gets a characteristic "smoked" taste. Different regions of production of whiskey use their peat, which sometimes smells of algae and iodine, and in other places - heather and honey. These nuances significantly affect the aroma of the drink.
Next, the mixture of malt and barley must be ground and pour boiling water in special vats to dissolve the remaining starch and sugar. For Scotch whiskey, the aging time is limited to 12 hours, and for Irish wort it is aged for two days. The liquid from the grain sediment is separated. During infusion, sugar turns into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
In the fourth stage, the Irish begin the triple distillation process in copper distillation cubes. The first two distillations add a degree to the drink, but the third finally purifies the alcohol. In Scotland, at this stage, the light 5% mash obtained from the wort is distilled (one or two), and then diluted with water to 50-60% and sent to the last stage.
At the finish line
By the fifth stage, the drink is, in fact, ready, but the most painstaking and careful work begins - pouring into oak barrels. In absolute darkness and peace whiskey is aged for at least three years. During this period, the bouquet and taste are finally formed, and the drink acquires a golden color. Each grade has its own aging time, after which the barrel is printed, and specialists taste the drink.
Finally, the mixing stage begins. The fact is that the nature of each sort of whiskey is determined by the master, who can decide to combine up to forty varieties of whiskey in a barrel. After the drink is once again filtered and the Irish are diluted with water to the desired strength, and then bottled. The correct production order of Scotch whiskey differs little from Irish. The aging should be at least three years, and ideally, when other alcoholic beverages were already stored in the used barrels. In such containers, the taste of adhesive tape is enriched.
By the way, there is a culture of making whiskey in the United States. Residents of America because of an acute deficit of barley learned to combine corn, rye and wheat. The drink was called "Bourbon". By the way, according to a similar recipe, whiskey is made in Canada, and the Japanese add millet and rice to corn. An interesting fact is that the production of Scotch whiskey involves the use of certain barley grown in only a few areas. Thus, the original taste and aroma of the drink is preserved.
In secret about the main thing
So, whiskey has become a fairly popular drink, and therefore it is not surprising that it is made in many parts of the world. The most expensive and high-quality, however, remains products from Ireland and Scotland. It is these countries that account for the majority of bottles sold worldwide, since the original recipe and production technology have been preserved here. It turns out that it reached our times through four centuries.
Outlined toast!
Good company, properly set table and elite alcohol - you must admit that it is very difficult to resist such a bait! It remains only to find a few reasons for the solemn toast, and in the morning there will be no remorse.
Start with the fact that whiskey does not contain fats and carbohydrates, which means that your figure will not suffer from libations. But keep yourself within the bounds of decency, because with excessive use your liver and appearance will suffer. Do you really hope that in the morning after a stormy feast your eyes will be wide and clear, and the bags under the eyes will not be honored with their visit ?!
Continue the feast with the idea that whiskey is the "water of life". You can give yourself up to fantasies that you drink real living water. A luxurious thought, especially if you drink “living water” with feeling, with good sense and with arrangement. A glass of whiskey with ice and soda will not stir up your mind, but it will cause a pleasant feeling of slight disorientation, relaxation and tranquility. From this point of view, whiskey can really become living water, because the drink literally wakes you craving for life.
Further, you can recall the distant 18th century, which we know only by hearsay. Then whiskey becomes the equivalent of currency. The drink was exploited with might and main for cooking, medicine, and drinking. Such loyalty to whiskey led to the rebellion of farmers in 1794, when rising taxes and fees could bring to the complete elimination of whiskey. The fight was worth it, but it is so nice that today a favorite drink cannot just pick up and disappear from the shelves!
If you are worried about your health, then relax and boldly pour yourself a portion of whiskey, because this drink can help prevent cancer. This was announced in 2005 by Dr. Jim Swan, when he presented at a conference in Glasgow the results of studies on a group of people using single malt whiskey. It turned out that whiskey contains more ellagic acid than red wine. Such an acid is present in many fruits and is an antioxidant that absorbs cancer cells in the body.
Also, drinking whiskey can save you from a stroke, however, if you know the art of moderate alcohol consumption, which is about a couple of piles of 50 grams per day.
A sip of whiskey after a hard day can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, as confirmed by a 1998 study. Also, from such a dose of the drink, the body's defenses against many diseases are mobilized by increasing the level of antioxidants in the body.
And finally, boldly object to anyone who dares to reproach you with the lack of quick wit when drinking alcohol, because six piles of whiskey a week protect you from senile dementia. This version has a medical justification; special studies by the Israeli medical center showed that the risk of developing dementia is lower among those adults who moderately consumed alcohol.
Or maybe home?
Good question, will your own whiskey look like the original? Is home production relevant or is it better to trust industry professionals? Of course, it will be difficult to create greatness on the basis of ordinary cans and vials that any person has at home. There are a million reasons to replenish your home bar, but you will probably have to devote a lot of time to finding all the necessary tools. So it’s worth immediately abandoning the idea of getting an original drink within the same apartment. In this case, the vat can be replaced with a volumetric pan, find an analogue of a cube for distillation among kitchen utensils and filter the drink using your favorite strainer. But it’s better to insist on alcohol in a wooden container. Find this one? Then you can get a good substitute, but, in principle, you can try to get by with bottles for the first time, although you should not expect an original aroma and taste in this case.
Barley can be sorted and cleaned, and then soaked in the pantry. After that, you can "forget" about him for a week and a half. If the grain does not germinate during this time, then the whiskey will turn out to be grain. Next, the grain must be dried, and using not peat, as in Scotland, but smoke from charcoal and beech shavings. In the apartment this will not work, so get to the cottage.
Next, use a mixer or a normal pusher to grind the malt and mix it with water. Do not forget about aging to make sugar. To the wort obtained in this way, add yeast and leave to ferment for a couple of days. The distillation stage for ordinary homemade alcohol can be omitted, but not for whiskey, so a copper apparatus like a retort is required. Aging and blending the drink at home can be done exclusively by eye.
Beautiful ending!
It is not in vain that such specific equipment for the production of whiskey is required, because this drink deserves respect and reverent attitude. At the tastings, the masters demonstrate the correct method of bottling, beautifully describe the taste of the drink, managing to find notes of raisins, nuts or honey in it. Scots and Irish people are very attentive to their whiskey technology and do not stop arguing about who became the pioneer in the release of the drink. Even the spelling of “whiskey” varies. In Scotland, whiskey is written in bottles. And in other countries - whiskey.
But in any case, whiskey is recommended to be slightly diluted with water in order to feel a rich aroma.Ideally, you need to prepare bacon for an appetizer, which will not allow you to quickly get drunk, and also stock up on a glass of apple juice, which perfectly sets off the taste of whiskey.