The last two decades, there has been an active relocation of people from Central Asia to Russia. Uzbekistan stands out especially: citizens of this particular republic receive more quotas for the acquisition of Russian citizenship. Many are attracted by the opportunity to live, work and study here. And of course, a lot of questions arise when registering a new citizenship. One of the most controversial issues is the renunciation of citizenship of Uzbekistan. Let's look at what kind of procedure this is, what documents are generally needed to obtain Russian citizenship.
general information
When applying for Russian citizenship, all foreign citizens, with the exception of citizens of certain countries (namely Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) must go through the procedure for renouncing their previous citizenship. Together with a whole package of necessary documents submitted during the registration of a new citizenship, a citizen must provide a notarized certificate that he renounces his citizenship.
What is it for?
First of all, this procedure is mandatory for citizens of those countries who do not have any special visa agreements with Russia. Renunciation of citizenship of Uzbekistan is necessary due to the fact that dual citizenship is prohibited in this country. Also, according to article 13 of the Law on Admission to Citizenship of the Russian Federation, foreign individuals can apply for admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation, provided that they apply to the authorized body of their state with a request to renounce existing citizenship.
What does this document look like?
An official renunciation of citizenship of Uzbekistan is drawn up on the title page in a notary's office. The application is filled out only on a typewriter or on a computer, any corrections manually excluded. The photo below shows a sample of how this document should look. In the “cap” it is necessary to indicate to whom the renunciation of citizenship of Uzbekistan is sent, namely to the “Consular Section of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation”. The following is information about the applicant: last name, first name, middle name, date of birth, passport details and address at which the foreign citizen is registered. In addition to the series and the number of the national passport, it is required to register the following data: the number of the residence permit, when and by whom it was issued, and also to what date the document is valid.
Statement text
Recently, all district FMSs in the city of Moscow have been moved to a single migration center, which is located in the village of Sakharovo. This IMC employs qualified inspectors who, for the convenience of foreign citizens, have established a single sample of all required documents. For successful registration of Russian citizenship, it is necessary to very carefully fill out the text of the application for renouncing citizenship of Uzbekistan.
So, in this statement, a foreign citizen is obliged to inform the authorities of his state that he intends to change his citizenship. Namely, write the following: "I, a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan (surname, name, patronymic), renounce the citizenship of Uzbekistan in connection with the adoption of citizenship of the Russian Federation." The following is information about a notary public, which testifies to the authenticity of the signature of the person. It is also necessary to register the number of the document registered in the registry. In the right corner should be the seal of the notary and his personal signature.
Where can I renounce the citizenship of Uzbekistan?
In Moscow, almost any notary public has the opportunity to draw up this document.Usually, the notary’s office only needs to say to the competent authority of which state a statement is sent with a refusal of citizenship. Due to the fact that each country has its own requirements, it is necessary to select the text of the statement in accordance with the accepted standards. The cost of registration of renunciation of citizenship varies from 800-1500 rubles.
Many mistakenly assume that this application must be submitted to the Uzbek Embassy in Moscow. Renunciation of citizenship is a document that is intended not so much for the authorities of the republic as for inspectors for migration in the Russian Federation. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of this important statement.
Features of the procedure
In no case should you confuse two completely different, although at first glance similar procedures. This is a renunciation of citizenship of Uzbekistan and a way out of citizenship. Despite the fact that the list of necessary documents for applying for Russian citizenship contains a line requiring the execution of an application for renouncing current citizenship, it is not at all necessary to make an official withdrawal from the citizenship of Uzbekistan. It is much easier to draw up the first document at any notary's office.
It should be understood that renunciation of citizenship is a pure formality, necessary only for Russian inspectors. In the Consular Section of the Embassy of Uzbekistan, no one ever reads renunciation of citizenship, petitions and various petitions sent by mail. For this reason, there is no need to hope that soon an official response will come about your desire to abandon current citizenship. For a full exit from citizenship, you should work hard and collect a huge package of necessary certificates and documents.
Refusal or withdrawal from citizenship?
Releasing citizenship is a long process in which a citizen of Uzbekistan must first draw up a check-out sheet from his former place of residence. Unfortunately, it is only possible to receive a statement of departure at the local Entry and Departure Office of the district ATC in Uzbekistan. Naturally, in order to receive a leaf of departure, a personal presence of a citizen is necessary.
After receiving the extract, it is recommended that you register with the consular authorities in the country of planned residence as soon as possible. Next, you need to collect the following list of documents:
- a petition addressed to the president of the republic (Shavkat Mirziyoyev);
- statement of established form;
- copies of the birth certificate, passport, residence permit, certificate, diploma, as well as copies of the marriage certificate, if any;
- 6 color matte photos;
- and most importantly, an autobiography.
An autobiography should be written on a separate sheet of A4, detailing all the facts of his life. In particular, it is worth paying attention to the description of your relatives, who and where works, whether any of the family members were prosecuted.
All collected certificates and documents must be personally handed over to an employee in the authorized body of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The embassy in Moscow is located at: Pogorelsky per., 12. An official response to your appeal should come within 30 days. It is this procedure that is considered mandatory when applying for exit from citizenship.
What will happen if you do not withdraw from citizenship?
When receiving a Russian passport, many Uzbek citizens very often neglect warnings and forget to make a full exit from their previous citizenship. Of course, for the adoption of new citizenship, the usual voluntary refusal of the current one is sufficient, however, as mentioned earlier, this document has no legal force in Uzbekistan itself. Those who did not apply for citizenship and retained a national passport are at great risk when entering the republic. At the border posts and at the airport, all documents for authenticity are carefully checked.If a person has a national identity card, they can be taken for interrogation by employees of the National Security Service. Due to the fact that in this country it is forbidden to have dual citizenship, this threatens not only with a large fine, but also with administrative or criminal liability.
Best to follow recommendations. After obtaining Russian citizenship, it is necessary to notify the authorized body of your state about the change of citizenship and carry out the procedure for withdrawing from previous citizenship.