Fans of historical novels probably remember the term Free-Lance, which means a free (hired) spear-bearing warrior. For the first time this word was used by the writer Walter Scott in the novel “Aivengo” to refer to civilian soldiers.
Freelance warriors are currently fighting Photoshop and the dynamic JavaScript language.
Who are freelancers?
The popularity of freelancing is growing every year, since this work is similar to the work of a free artist who is independently looking for customers, performers, managers. An invention such as the Internet allows many not to stand behind a dusting machine in a rattling workshop or not to get up at six in the morning in any weather and trail to work. Freelancers work schedule is free and flexible. Remunerated workers are paid immediately upon completion of the order and with electronic money. At the same time, the customer can be in Moscow, and the contractor in Omsk or another city.
The main advantage of a freelancer is the lack of bosses, an alarm clock and the first day of the week - Monday. But in addition to many advantages, as in every work, remote workers also have disadvantages.
What kind of specialists can become freelancers?
Consider online freelance as the most popular today. Freelancers include:
- Text specialists.
- Programmers and administrators.
- Designers
- Specialists in website promotion.
- Money Makers.
- Coaches
The first category of specialists in working with texts includes seo- and ordinary copywriters, that is, those people who write their own texts, as well as rewriters who process other people's texts in their own way. Content managers fill the site with content, and editors and proofreaders check the texts of freelance copywriters or rewriters. The check includes correction of spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. Many translators of technical or literary texts are happy to undertake such work, but the most significant in this category are writers who write unique texts for various publications at a percentage of their sale.
Programmers and administrators are busy trying to write programs and various scripts, understand language markups such as HTML and CCS, and so on.
Modern designers
Designers are engaged in the arrangement of interiors, landscapes, currently graphic designers, web designers, combining a programmer and an artist, are popular. They should understand such widely used programs as llustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, 3D Max, 4Studio, MAX and so on.
The category of specialists in website promotion includes optimizers, or, in other words, SEOs, those involved in website promotion in search engines. They also include layout designers or, in other words, advertisers, those who attract to the site through various advertisements (banner, contextual and so on).
Lonely Freelancers
Mini-mikers are freelancers working alone. They are not looking for customers, performers, designers and so on. They are trying to promote their own project, including doorway use. For this kind of activity you need to have extensive knowledge.
Coaches, or, in other words, trainers, are freelancers who are specialists in any field. Most often they offer their services online in the form of webinars, correspondence on the Internet. Classes can be both individual and group.Coaches are required not only to possess knowledge in a particular field, but also intelligibly pass them on to students. Such services are usually cheaper than conventional ones.
Before becoming a freelancer, any sane person will ask himself the question: how much do freelancers earn?
To reliably answer this question, Payoneer conducted a survey among 25 thousand freelancers around the world. One tenth of the respondents were Russian-speaking respondents from Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and other CIS countries. Most of the respondents consisted of a male part, more than fifty percent were people from 20 to 29 years old. There were much more Russian-speaking respondents with higher education than their counterparts in foreign countries.
On average, female freelancers in Russia earn $ 24 an hour, and men $ 21 an hour. How much do IT freelancers earn? From the respondents it turned out that information technology workers earn an order of magnitude higher than the rest.
Beginners, for whom freelance is not the main source of income, on average earn about 100 dollars from writing articles. If remote work has become the main source of income, then a person can earn on this, starting from $ 500 and above.
How much does a freelancer programmer earn?
One of the advantages of remote work is that you can travel and work anywhere in the world with your laptop, if only there was Internet access. High-class specialists will never be left without work. The initial income of a programmer is from 50 000 - 80 000 rubles. Further - more, it all depends on the person himself, on how disciplined he is and how much he wants to make good money. This is actually a tricky question. Freelance has both its pros and cons.
The pros and cons of freelance
Consider the positive points in the work of a remote programmer or designer.
- There is a feeling of freedom, a freelancer should not report to his superiors. No one will fine him for being late and so on.
- You can plan your work day and rest day yourself.
- Highly paid work can be done while living in the outback, having a computer and fast Internet at hand.
- You can go around the whole world while working. It turns out to combine business with pleasure.
- For the freelancer, the entire scope of virtual services is open. Therefore, even in a crisis, they answer to the question how much freelancers earn, which is quite decent.
- The salary is issued immediately upon completion of work, and it is not necessary to translate into the business the fantasies of the boss who are not paid. Everything is negotiated on the Internet immediately and clearly.
- The remote worker still spends most of the time in his office (at home), and it is gratifying for the family to see his father more often (albeit from the back). There is an opportunity to get together at a table, have lunch and dinner with your family, share news.
How much can you earn as a freelancer without panic, depression, and so on, since this paper also has a flip side to the coin?
A person working on a free schedule has to spend time looking for a suitable customer (employer), advertise his services, create his own portfolio.
How much can a freelancer earn if he gets to scammers on the network and becomes a victim of fraud? Naturally, not at all. Therefore, you should always be alert and before you take an order, get acquainted with a potential employer on his previous work or read reviews about him.
Many people find it psychologically difficult to tune in to work without a daily routine. Self-discipline plays the first and main role here. It is important to distribute the work evenly so as not to get tired and take time to rest and family.
Freelancers do not have such help in the form of sick leave, paid vacations, and so on.
How much does an freelancer earn on average - this can be calculated individually for each.Since they largely depend on their own daily routine, on average it happens, as the saying goes, “it’s thick, it’s empty.” You need to be able to adapt to such work.
Freelancers have no such thing as a pension. In old age you have to rely only on yourself. Or, as an option, register as an individual entrepreneur. But this is done only by those with high incomes.
At first, home-based, remote work seems convenient and acceptable to everyone, but this is only at first glance. Giving an answer to the question of how much a freelancer can earn on the Internet, one must take into account the circumstances in which he is. Often, homework interferes with focusing on work, especially if the apartment or house is small. Not everyone understands why dad or mom (or brother, sister and so on) all the time sit at the computer and do not go to the store or go for a walk with the child.
It is quite difficult for a freelancer to plan large purchases, take loans, and so on. In order to finally understand how much freelancers earn, it is necessary to work at least a year in this direction, although then there will be no clear answer.
So, in order to become a freelancer, first of all, you need to love your job, since people who undertake this kind of activity often devote a lot of time to it, from twelve to fourteen hours a day.
Who can become a freelancer?
But this happens, of course, not always, only when there are many orders, and the deadlines are running out. Not getting pleasure from what is done, not loving this thing, it is better not to become a freelancer. Persistence and perseverance are important here.
Beginners are advised to motivate themselves to work, to plan their time. It is advisable to find one or two customers who will enter into a joint tandem and will supply work.
How much do freelance designers and other virtual reality workers earn?
Many designers on the Internet work with 3D sculpture or 3D graphics, distribute work on sites, make models for the studio, and so on. On average, such work is paid from 60,000 thousand rubles.
There is plenty of such work on the Internet, and there is no need to go anywhere. If you make progress in design, you can earn up to 80,000 thousand rubles.
And how much do freelance managers earn? Their work is also much appreciated, as they must be able to communicate and make connections. They must make sure that they say only good things about the company or product or anything else that they represent.
Managers should be able to work with content, run it and promote it, and for this, analytical skills are needed.
It remains only to consider how much freelance translators earn. At first glance, it seems that the work of the translator is the easiest in the remote mode, but this is not entirely true. In order to pay pennies for the transfer, you need to earn a name for yourself, that is, create a high-quality portfolio, and for this you will have to work hard, taking up the first time for low-cost projects.
It is advisable to translate texts in one direction - either technical, or medical, or fiction, and so on. Otherwise, confusion will be created in the head that is not easy to overcome.
In general, such a profession as a remote translator is promising, a beginner is advised to make translations not as a main job, but as a part-time job, and decide whether he can or will he want to do this for several hours in a row a day. The average translator starts at 20,000 rubles.
Before becoming a freelancer, you need to decide for yourself: whether I want to do this or not, and only then plunge into the information field.