At any enterprise, the accounting of salaries and labor of employees is carried out in accordance with the primary documentation, which is executed and maintained by the personnel service. If the activities of this unit are not delivered well enough, then serious malfunctions occur in the work of the entire company. Let us further consider what are the documents of personnel records management.
General information
As mentioned above, with insufficiently competent organization of the personnel department, various problems arise in the enterprise. In particular, delays in the payment of salaries, sick leave compensations, and untimely preparation of papers for submission to supervisory authorities are possible. All this leads to a significant deterioration in the financial performance of the company. Documents of the personnel service are filled in accordance with the requirements contained in the Labor Code. Control over the correctness of paperwork is carried out by both the labor and tax inspectorates. A supervisor can visit any office of the company, regardless of its type of activity and type of ownership, and require the personnel documents of the organization for verification. Inspectors are vested with such powers in accordance with Federal Law No. 134.
Paperwork tasks
The activities of the personnel service covers all processes that relate to the compilation and processing of documentation in accordance with established rules. It is carried out to solve a number of management tasks. These include, in particular:
- Transfer of employees to another job.
- The conclusion of employment contracts and admission to the state.
- The organization professional activity workers.
- Encouraging employees.
- Providing employees with vacations.
- Certification of employees.
- Accounting for the use of time for work.
- Making staffing.
- Attracting employees to work on non-working holidays and weekends.
- Travel arrangements.
- Dismissal from work and termination of the contract.
- The imposition of disciplinary sanctions.
What are personnel documents for?
The main purpose of these securities is to ensure maximum transparency in the framework of labor relations. The clerical system is based on certain rules and requirements. Their observance guarantees employees stability, and for the administrative staff of the company - simplified management. Thanks to the precise regulation of the range of duties and rights provided by personnel documents, the interests of all participants in labor relations are respected.
Types of papers
In accordance with the norms of the Labor Code, the main forms of personnel documents are as follows:
- Staffing schedule.
- Vacation schedule.
- Inner order rules at the enterprise.
- Documents in accordance with which the procedure for processing personal data of employees, as well as their duties and rights, is established.
- Instructions and rules for OT. Any employer must provide a safe environment for employees to carry out their professional activities. Employees should be familiarized with the written instructions and rules with a signature.
- Shift schedules. The Labor Code sets the maximum permissible duration of work per day. During shift work, time is taken into account by drawing up appropriate schedules.
The listed personnel documents are most often the subject of verification by regulatory authorities.
Personnel documents, including information about employees, are created during the work of the unit with staff.Such papers are always closely associated with a specific employee of the enterprise. They reflect information on the professional activity of the employee, his qualifications, labor results, conditions for admission to the staff, length of service and so on. Such documents, in particular, include:
- Administrative papers confirming the labor activity of a citizen.
- Information and settlement documents.
- Official internal correspondence.
- Books / magazines of registration and accounting.
Documents of each group have their own specifics. They are intended for various purposes, developed, put into effect, approved in the appropriate order.
Administrative Papers
This category includes orders and orders from superiors. With their help, the head exercises the authority to manage the enterprise, as provided for in the Charter of the company. Orders are divided into two groups. The first includes acts on the main activities of the company. They, in particular, are orders on production issues, the procedure for certification, instructions and so on. In the second group are orders on personnel. These include acts of dismissal, hiring, transfer, granting leave, disciplinary sanctions, incentives. The documents of the first group cover the activities of the enterprise as a whole and relate to the work of the personnel department indirectly. Another category of securities is directly related to the activities of personnel. For the most part, these are unified personnel documents. Their forms are approved by the State Statistics Committee. The documents reflecting the activities of the staff include:
- work book;
- certificate of employment;
- employment contract;
- copies dismissal orders and enrollment in the state.
These documents are intended to provide the fullest illustration of the work experience of an employee. He, in turn, will be important both for the purpose of granting him a pension in the future, and for calculating disability benefits during his activities at the enterprise. Copies of orders from other employers serve as the basis for making in the labor record book about part-time registration of its duplicate.
Information-calculation category
These documents are maintained in order to record the personal data of employees, to consolidate information regarding their work activities. Among them are present:
- personal card;
- time sheet;
- staffing table;
- private bussiness.
Most of them use standard forms. Unified forms of personnel documents greatly simplifies the process of filling them out.
Internal correspondence
It is used at the enterprise for registration of the accepted personnel decisions. For example, to attract to disciplinary liability any employee must take an explanation from him. If the employee is supposed to be encouraged, his immediate superior sends a corresponding submission to the director of the enterprise. Internal correspondence acts as one of the options for the official exchange of views between employees.
Books of control and accounting
Registration journals are designed to account for available personnel documentation (orders, certificates, personal files, work books). Each paper is assigned a specific number. The journal also includes the date of registration of the document. Correct accounting gives securities legal force. This, in turn, allows you to prove a particular position in a labor dispute. Registration and storage of personnel documents of this group is carried out by authorized persons. The company uses the logs:
- Orders for transfer, dismissal, employment.
- Employment contracts.
- Vacation Orders.
- Travel certificates.
- Disciplinary orders and rewards.
- Job assignments.
- Orders on business trips.
- Local acts.
- Labor books and additional inserts to them.
- Help.
- Hospital sheets.
- Accidents at the enterprise.
Some examples of personnel documents are approved at the federal level, while others are developed by the company itself.
Are all papers necessary?
Conditionally above personnel documents are divided into three categories:
- Depending on the specifics of the company.
- Recommended.
- Mandatory.
The latter must be maintained by all enterprises, without exception, regardless of the number of employees, type of activity, legal status. These documents are either directly or indirectly indicated in the Labor Code. For example, the need to draw up company rules follows from Articles 189-190, staffing - from Art. 57. Recommended papers are designed to optimize staffing. Their presence or absence depends on the decision of the head. Documents that depend on the specifics of the organization will be mandatory for a particular company. If the company provides for harmful or dangerous working conditions, then it is mandatory to develop additional rules and instructions. For example, it may be the Regulation on regular medical examinations, safety briefings and so on.
Paper Recovery
Often, when a new personnel worker appears at the enterprise, he encounters certain difficulties. For example, the company may not have one or the other required securities. It is impossible to draw up and implement the necessary documents in one day. In this case, it is necessary to highlight the most important and begin their design. Experts recommend first of all to start compiling vacation schedules and staffing. Then you should check the availability and correctness of the execution of contracts, orders for the transfer, employment, marks in the work books.
If the company does not have accounting books, they also need to be kept. Next, you need to put all your personal cards in order. All documents are dated at the time of execution. However, in the text of the form, for example, f. T-2, the real date is put down, that is, the number when the employee was hired or transferred. In this case, you can contact the accounting department for help and request personal accounts of employees to clarify and verify information. In the process of recovering lost or missing securities of an enterprise, one should not forget about the current work. After this, it is necessary to start compiling, drafting and implementing mandatory local acts. The storage periods for personnel documentation are approved by the corresponding List. All papers listed therein must be submitted subsequently to the archive.