
Cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg: how to find out?

Today we have to find out what the cadastral value of an apartment is. In St. Petersburg or any other city - this is not so important. The main thing is that this characteristic in Russia is one of the most important when calculating taxes, as well as when buying / selling real estate. In addition, we have to get acquainted with the methods of checking the cadastral price of an apartment in St. Petersburg. What development options are there? How to find out the state price of real estate? What should every citizen know? The answers to all these questions will be found later. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.


The first step is to figure out what is at stake. What is called the cadastral value of real estate? All objects in this category have it.Cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg

Cadastral value is the price of a property of one type or another. In contrast to the market, it is established directly by the state. The individual characteristics of land and housing in general are not taken into account. We can say that this price is the cost of real estate, close to real.

In practice, it often turns out that market prices differ from cadastral ones. Up or down - it all depends on the region where the citizen lives. It is possible that these price tags will match.

This is how the cadastral value of an apartment is characterized. In St. Petersburg, as in any other city, you can get information on the price of real estate in several ways. About them will be discussed later.

When data is needed

But before that, it is necessary to understand in which cases the studied information may come in handy. The price of an apartment set by the state plays an important role in Russia.

It can be useful in the following cases:

  • when calculating tax when exchanging real estate;
  • to calculate tax payments in case of donation of an apartment;
  • to obtain property tax data;
  • in determining the cost of notarial services in matters of real estate;
  • during the registration of a mortgage in banking organizations;
  • when selling real estate;
  • during the preparation of benefits and state aid of local purpose;
  • during the judicial debate on property rights to real estate.

In fact, there are a lot of situations in which it is necessary to find out the state price of an apartment. But most often in practice this need arises in tax calculations and in real estate transactions.Find out the cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg

What may be required

Interested in the cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg? Regardless of the region of residence, a citizen can use one of several possible scenarios for obtaining relevant information. But for this you will have to have certain data. Which ones?

So, among the information necessary for a citizen, there are:

  • cadastral number of the object of interest;
  • real estate address.

No more information is required to the person. This will be enough to find out the state price of real estate.

Ways to get information

Now a little about what options for the development of events take place in practice. Interested in the cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg? How to recognize her? There are some very effective ways to bring ideas to life.

Today, all residents of St. Petersburg and other cities can obtain information about the state price of an apartment by the following methods:

  • through the Internet;
  • by personal appeal to the information agency (they will be discussed later);
  • from the available documents.

Most often, in practice, the last option occurs. Its only drawback is that the data may be out of date. Therefore, the first two methods are gaining popularity.Cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg Rosreestr

Where to go for help

Where exactly can the cadastral value base of apartments in St. Petersburg be found? The bodies providing such information are diverse. Therefore, the population can independently choose where specifically to turn to them.

To date, information on state real estate prices is allowed to receive:

  • in Rosreestr;
  • through the cadastral registration chamber of St. Petersburg;
  • through the official website of Rosreestr;
  • through the MFC.

All these services officially provide data on apartments in different regions. Not necessarily in St. Petersburg. Some also say that the cadastral value of real estate can be found using third-party Internet services. How safe is it? And how exactly to act in a particular case?

Rosreestra website

Let's start with the most common methods. For example, today everyone has access to the cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg online. This means that a citizen with the help of certain pages will be able to get information of interest to him.

Most often it is proposed to act through the Rosreestr page. This service helps to get all the necessary data on real estate. And the cadastral value here is offered for review without fail.Base cadastral value of apartments in St. Petersburg

How exactly can you act? A citizen can obtain data in the presence of a state cadastral number of real estate. This will require:

  1. Open the website of the Federal Register of the Russian Federation.
  2. On the right side of the page (bottom), click on the "Cadastral Value Statement" button. It is located in the "Services" block. This is a small green window on the right.
  3. Carefully examine the page that appears before the user. Enter information about the property. Be sure to fill in the "Cadastral Number" field.
  4. Choose the type of information. For electronic submission, it is necessary to mark "Links to an electronic document."
  5. Enter the email address with which you will work in the future.
  6. Fill in the field "Enter text from the image." Click on the "Go to applicant information" button.
  7. In the window that appears, type in the requested information. Mandatory fields are marked with the corresponding sign.
  8. Click on "OK."

That's all. Now it remains to wait a bit. An e-mail will receive a link with a page on which the cadastral value of the apartment in St. Petersburg will be located. Rosreestr offers this service absolutely free.

By the address

There is another rather interesting approach for solving the problem. How can the cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg be obtained? The state registry at the address suggests receiving this information. Every person who knows the location of real estate has the right to implement the task. It is best to use the Rosreestr website to bring ideas to life.Cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg online

What is the algorithm of actions reduced to? A person who wants to receive data on state prices for a particular apartment must:

  1. Repeat the steps above. It is necessary to stop at paragraph 3.
  2. Instead of the cadastral number of the property, in the designated fields, type the address of the apartment.
  3. Select the type of document to receive. For example, "electronic link".
  4. Dial the email address to contact the citizen.
  5. Fill in the details of the applicant.
  6. Wait for a response in the mail.

In principle, there is nothing difficult or special. In just a few minutes online you can get information about real estate that interests you.

Cadastral Chamber

But that is not all. Often people do not trust the Internet.In this case, the cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg by district can be obtained by personal appeal to the State Cadastral Chamber. A similar body is available in every city.

What will a citizen need to realize his ideas? As a rule, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Find out in which area the object of interest is located. Find out the address of the cadastral chamber of a particular part of the city.
  2. Prepare documents for the request. As a rule, these are: a cadastral passport, a citizen’s identity card, an extract from the BTI on finding real estate, a certificate of ownership of real estate.
  3. Submit an application for the issuance of a cadastral passport / certificate of state value of housing to the registration chamber.
  4. Get the document after a while. Usually it is issued within 5 days. To issue a passport / certificate, an applicant’s identity card is required.

That is how the data on the cadastral value of real estate in St. Petersburg and not only can be obtained. This is the most true and accurate solution.

Cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg how to find out

Multifunctional centers

The latest innovation of the studied topic is the appeal to the MFC. Interested in the cadastral value of a quart in St. Petersburg? How to recognize her through multifunctional centers?

To do this is no more difficult than in all the previously listed cases. Would need:

  1. Contact the MFC at the location of the object of interest.
  2. Submit an application for a certificate of cadastral value of real estate. Documents on property rights to the apartment, the applicant’s identity card must be attached to it.
  3. Receive a document at the appointed time. It will be ready within 10 days from the date of application.

As a rule, this scenario is in special demand. It is relevant for residents of all regions of the Russian Federation.

From the passport

How else can you learn the information to learn? The cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg (as in any other city) is prescribed in the corresponding passport. Therefore, as already mentioned, you can carefully study this document. It will write information about the state price of real estate, current at the time of paper processing.Cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg by district

As already mentioned, this option is not too good. This is due to the fact that the information in the cadastral passport becomes outdated within 5 years. You have to constantly order a new sample document.

Third-party Internet services are not recommended. Often they are fraudulent sites for money. From now on, it is clear how the cadastral value of an apartment in St. Petersburg and beyond can become known.

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