
Housing subsidy for military personnel: receipt procedure, documents

Military personnel can count on various types of support and assistance from the state. This is due to the fact that, while serving, they risk their life and health. Their work is associated with a significant risk, so the state is trying in various ways to improve the living conditions of the military and their family members. The most popular is support, which implies the possibility for people to purchase housing. Therefore, a housing subsidy for military personnel is proposed. It allows not only to buy housing, but also to build a house.

Legislative regulation

Subsidies are granted to different segments of the country's population. Their main purpose is to help in the process of buying or building a residential property. Only people in privileged categories can count on such support. Assistance is offered one-time, and the rules for the provision of funds are governed by various regulations. A separate document is issued for each category of the population.

Housing subsidies for military personnel are granted on the basis of the following acts:

  • Federal Law No. 76, which states that military personnel have the right to receive housing from the state;
  • The order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 contains information about the procedure for providing subsidies;
  • Art. 51 ZhK includes rules on the basis of which the military and his family are recognized as needing housing, therefore the right to receive material assistance from the state appears;
  • PP No. 512 contains a list of documentation and a sample application on the basis of which the military is recognized as in need of support;
  • PP No. 942 establishes the rules by which housing is paid;
  • PP No. 76 includes the rules on the basis of which the subsidy is calculated.

Funds are provided exclusively for specific purposes, represented by the purchase or construction of housing. Therefore, state bodies strictly monitor that money is spent on the necessary goals.

housing subsidy for military personnel

Assignment Support

Issued by the Nachfin housing subsidy to military personnel only for the purchase of housing. Its main goal is to support the military. It allows you to purchase or build housing at the expense of public funds. This project was introduced in 2014, and is still considered the most popular among all other proposals of the state.

Housing subsidy for military personnel allows you to buy a residential property in the secondary or primary market. For this, a special mortgage program is being developed, and funds are also allocated in the form of subsidies. You can use the money to:

  • purchase of a finished residential facility located in the primary or secondary market;
  • acquisition of an apartment, private house or land intended for the construction of a residential building;
  • construction of a residential building;
  • buying an apartment on the basis of DDU.

In any case, the spending is verified by state authorities, so it will not work to use the funds received for other purposes.

The nuances of buying a home

The most commonly used housing subsidy for military personnel to buy an apartment or house. Ready-made housing has many advantages:

  • it is possible to quickly settle in the selected property;
  • there are no risks associated with an increase in the deadlines for completion of the facility under construction.

But such a purchase has some disadvantages. These include the rather high cost of finished apartments and houses in comparison with buildings under construction.Therefore, if the military family has the opportunity to live in another territory, then it is advisable to independently engage in the construction of the facility. The subsidy may be supplemented by its own military savings or by credit. The amount of support depends on the quadrature and value of the selected property.

housing subsidy for military personnel documents

Housing construction methods

A housing subsidy for military personnel can be issued not only for the purchase of a finished object, but also for the construction of a residential building. The construction of an object involves the selection of one option:

  • conclusion of an agreement with the developer, for which DDU is used;
  • personal development of the project, on the basis of which a house is being built;
  • the choice of a construction company, which is engaged in the development and implementation of the project, and all stages are certainly consistent with the customer.

A subsidy is allocated for any of the above purposes.

Features of building a house on public funds

A feature of the construction of the facility is that the military will have to report on the money spent with a certain delay. Therefore, you will have to wait until the object is completed and registered in Rosreestr.

Difficulties may arise with obtaining a loan if own savings and subsidies are not enough to build a house. In this case, it is important to choose a developer who will be approved by the lender. If the house is being built on its own, then you will have to transfer to the bank the available other property as collateral, and solvent guarantors are often involved.

Support Terms

The right to housing subsidies for military personnel is vested exclusively in the military, who meet certain program requirements. These conditions include:

  • a military family should stand in line for improving living conditions, so citizens should not have their own living quarters;
  • it is allowed to take advantage of the support of the military, who have their own housing, but its area or sanitary condition must not meet certain criteria established by law;
  • the military has a valid contract with the Ministry of Defense;
  • it is allowed to take advantage of the support of military personnel who were dismissed due to retirement or poor health, but the service life should exceed 10 years;
  • active military personnel must serve at least 10 years, during which time their families must live in official premises allocated by the state.

Only servicemen who really need housing can count on support.

payment of housing subsidies to military personnel

Who needs help?

The payment of housing subsidies to military personnel is made only to those in need. Therefore, this status should be confirmed in the queuing process and when considering an application for a subsidy.

If from the moment of receiving the status and registration of support the living conditions of the military family change, then a refusal to transfer funds will be received. You can enter the queue for housing subsidies for military personnel under the conditions of:

  • lack of own housing;
  • the military man lives in a one-room apartment with other persons who are not his relatives;
  • acts as the owner of the room in the apartment, and it is not isolated from other premises in real estate;
  • registered military in a communal apartment or dormitory;
  • he lives with a relative who has a serious chronic illness;
  • existing property is subject to demolition;
  • the house in which the military’s apartment is located is considered emergency or will be rebuilt;
  • a man lives in a social apartment on the basis of a social security agreement;
  • the existing residential property is too small, so less than 15 sq. m. per family member m

It takes into account not only real estate registered on the direct military, but also on members of his family.

calculation of housing subsidies for military personnel

How is the military recognized as needy?

The provision of housing subsidies for military personnel implies preliminary obtaining the status of a needy person. To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • if indeed the family of the serviceman meets all the requirements, a statement is drawn up;
  • documents are collected confirming that the military does not have his property or his housing does not meet the standards and living conditions;
  • all documents are submitted to the Ministry of Defense, namely to the Department of Housing of this institution;
  • based on the documents received, a decision is made on the possibility of providing support to the applicant.

The refusal is usually caused by the lack of necessary documents or the presence of optimal military real estate for family members.

provision of housing subsidies to military personnel

Application Rules

It is important to correctly prepare a certain package of documents so that a housing subsidy for military personnel is assigned. The application is considered the most important documentation. It is formed on the basis of a special form, which can be studied on the portal of the Ministry of Defense. When compiling this document, the following information must be entered:

  • addressee submitted by the Ministry of Defense;
  • personal data about the applicant, submitted by his F. I. O., military rank, term of service and other information;
  • Title of the document;
  • direct request, on the basis of which the military is assigned to the needy;
  • passport details and personal number of the applicant;
  • information about the contract on the basis of which the serviceman serves;
  • place of service;
  • data on available property;
  • consent to data processing.

The document is signed not only by the military, but also by all adult members of his family. Other documents are attached to the application. A housing subsidy for military personnel is assigned only upon the transfer of all necessary documentation required by the Ministry of Defense. It is additionally important that the military does not hide any property from the state.

What documents are needed?

Other documents are attached to the correctly drawn up application:

  • military passport;
  • passports and birth certificates of all members of his family;
  • certificate of personal account from the place of residence for five years;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • extract from the house book;
  • extract from the USRN containing information about what property is registered on the applicant.

This list of documents can be significantly increased by employees of the Ministry of Defense. Usually they are required to confirm certain facts.

right to housing subsidy for military personnel

Rules for calculating housing subsidies for military personnel

Once a military family is recognized as needy, it can count on a subsidy. The payment is represented by one-time assistance to citizens, and its size depends on the individual characteristics of a particular applicant.

You can independently perform the calculation to determine how much the family can count on, as well as how much money will have to be prepared for the planned purchase of a home.

For the calculation, it is advisable to use a special online calculator. The following data is entered into its form:

  • the number of members of the military family, and not only adults, but also children are taken into account;
  • the right to obtain additional space, available only to senior officials;
  • current housing size;
  • total area of ​​the property selected for purchase;
  • the rate of 1 square. m. in the region where the object will be acquired;
  • the number of years served by the military under the contract.

For calculation, the formula is used:

Subsidy amount = standard area based on the number of family members * average price of 1 sq. Km. m. * correction factor.

The coefficient depends on the service life, since if this period does not exceed 16 years, then 1.85 is applied, and if the military has served more than 21 years, then for him the coefficient increases to 2.45.

housing subsidy housing for military personnel

How is the subsidy provided?

The payment of housing subsidies to military personnel is based on successive actions:

  • as soon as the military family is recognized as needy, it is entered in a special register;
  • You can find out your turn on the website of the Ministry of Defense;
  • a bank account is opened, where funds will be transferred after approval;
  • then you just have to wait for a decision.

The documentation is reviewed within 20 days, after which a written response is provided to the applicant. With a positive decision, funds are transferred to the military account. After that, he can engage in the construction or purchase of housing. After registering an object, it must report where the state funds were directed.


As part of supporting military personnel, they are offered the opportunity to take advantage of special housing subsidies. Its size depends on different parameters, therefore it differs for different military. The process of obtaining cash involves registering the family as a needy person, after which documents for a subsidy are submitted.

You can use the money to buy or build housing. The military will have to draw up a report on where the funds were sent.

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