Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to file complaints with any authorities, for example, with a complaint to the Central Bank against an insurance company. However, this is an extreme measure, which is used in case of violation of legal rights and interests. It is believed that you can only file a complaint with the court, since the work of this body is precisely aimed at restoring violated civil rights and interests. But as a rule, a lot of time, effort, and sometimes even money is spent on long trials.
However, not only the courts, but also other structures authorized by the state to consider citizens' appeals that use the services of various organizations are involved in appealing against illegal actions of third parties, which means that such structures can also protect violated rights.
The importance of the activities of the Central Bank
Among these state bodies is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which has numerous powers in resolving all kinds of financial problems of the population that could arise due to a violation of their rights and interests. The likelihood that this will happen when interacting with various organizations always exists.
The terms of reference of the Central Bank when considering citizens' appeals
The competence of the Central Bank includes monitoring the flow of financial relations that are emerging in the economic market. In addition to this, this organization considers and regulates situations in which a violation of legal norms occurs. It is possible to complain to the Central Bank specifically to two structures: banks that are subordinate to the Central Bank, and insurance companies that are related to the financial environment of the state.
For example, a complaint against an insurance company that has been submitted to this state body will be considered without fail. And in the event that the violated legal relations fall within the purview of the Central Bank, then certain measures will be taken against offenders.
How to file a complaint?
When writing a claim to the Central Bank, you must follow the basic rules:
- The necessary correct statement of the circumstances in which the rights and interests were violated. At the same time, it is worth restricting the use of emotional phrases, the main thing is to concisely state the idea.
- Clearly and correctly describe the actual violations of rights and interests in the financial sphere, as well as the consequences of such violations in relation to the person making the appeal.
- The appeal must be sent by mail, correctly indicating the address of the place of receipt.
Examples of writing complaints can usually be obtained at any branch of the banking organization in question or on the official website. This also applies to a sample complaint to the Central Bank about an insurance company.
Rules for filing complaints with insurance companies
Filing a complaint with the Central Bank about an insurance company is a simple procedure. The main thing is to draw up a document in accordance with all the rules established for it, which include the following:
- Correctly fill out the “heading” of the document, which should contain full information about the authority to which the citizen applies to protect his rights. In addition, the “header” should contain all the basic information about yourself - address, phone number, etc.
- A mandatory rule is to indicate in circulation all known data about the insurance company that violated the legal rights. Such data includes the full name of the insurance company and the address of its location, so that a copy of such appeal will also be sent to it.
- In the middle of the sheet should indicate the name of the document, which is written without quotation marks, periods, etc. In this case, the document will be called "Complaint about violations of the insurance law." In addition, here you can specify the name of the company-offender.
- In the narrative of the complaint about the insurance company, it is necessary to describe the situation in which the insurance company violated the rights of a citizen in the economic sphere.
- After the narrative, an appendix follows, in which you must specify a list of documents that are evidence of this offense. As evidence, you can use:
- documents (for example, refusal to conclude an agreement, copies of insurance policies, etc.);
- testimony of witnesses;
- audio, photo or video materials.
- At the end of the document is the signature of the applicant and the date of registration of the application.
- The document should not have corrections, and its content should be drawn up clearly and correctly.
- Whether the document is written by hand or printed on a computer does not matter. The main thing is that it be framed correctly.
- Particular attention should be paid to all the details specified in the document, phone numbers, names of organizations and their addresses. Everything must be verified and reliable.
Required number of copies of complaint
Write a complaint about the insurance company in triplicate. One of them is submitted directly to the Central Bank, the second to the regional branch of the bank. The third copy is sent to the office of the insurance company, which is the offender.
List of grounds for complaint to the Central Bank
In order to file a complaint about an insurance company with the Central Bank, it is necessary to have certain reasons for this in the form of an insurance company violating its legal rights or interests in the economic sphere. Such grounds may include:
- Cases when the insurance company refused to conclude a CTP. Such a company’s action is considered unlawful unless there are specific reasons for this. In such cases, a citizen has every right to apply to the Central Bank with a request to appeal the decision of this insurance company.
- Cases when the insurance policies contain additional services that are undesirable for the insured. For example, during the execution of the MTPL contract, it is often supplemented with CASCO insurance, which is absolutely optional to buy. This action is also a violation of the rights of the insured and may be appealed.
- Cases when the deadlines for compensation for losses have been violated. As a rule, the insurance company has at least 20 days to make a decision on the application of its client for damages. If this period was violated by the insurer, this will be a direct basis for filing a complaint with the insurance company.
- Cases when the policyholder was refused a statement on insurance payments. The reason for such a refusal may be that the policyholder has submitted an insufficient number of documents or evidence about the occurrence of the insured event. As a rule, a list of such documents is indicated in special insurance rules. But in cases where the insurer does not accept the policyholder’s application if all the necessary documents are available, the policyholder has the right to file a complaint with the Central Bank with the insurance company. A sample is presented in the article.
What if the complaint is returned?
In each of the above cases of violation of rights and interests, it is necessary to collect all relevant arguments and evidence, and then draw them up as an appendix to the main application for violation of rights.
In cases where, after consideration of the complaint by the Central Bank, it becomes clear that this violation does not apply to the sphere of activity of the Central Bank, such a complaint along with all documents attached to it will be returned to the applicant. In such a situation, the applicant may apply for protection of his rights to other state structures, for example, a court.
Sanctions on Offenders
After considering the appeal at the Central Bank and making a decision on it to offenders for the implementation of illegal actions, certain sanctions are applied.
- Return to the owner of the CTP policy all payments due to him, including all kinds of forfeits and expenses that the policyholder incurred.
- Organization of an additional audit of the insurance company in order to identify other offenses.
- Dismissal of employees whose guilt against the applicant has been proven - if, for example, the complaint against the insurance company indicated the unlawful actions of specific individuals who did not perform their duties properly.
- The closure of the insurance company or the deprivation of its license to engage in insurance activities, which is the most serious sanction of the above.
Note to insurance companies
All these penalties are quite serious and entail a number of equally serious consequences. It follows that insurance companies need to give customers maximum attention and carry out their activities within the framework of the law.