Various kinds of violations and injustices are the unchanging reality of our daily lives. Often, such phenomena are guided by our passivity, the fact that a person will simply be too lazy to show any resistance, and he will simply remain silent. But in most cases, this position is incorrect. A written complaint could help not only those who find themselves in an unpleasant situation. She is able to provide support to all "comrades in misfortune."
Complaining about various kinds of violations is the civic duty of every person. After all, such actions lead to the eradication of miscalculations and abuses, which significantly improves the quality of life of society and makes the world more equitable.
Buyer and Trade
Not so rare is the purchase of low-quality goods in the store, the lack of change in the calculation or the low level of service. Unfortunately, in a similar situation, many buyers begin to resent, but soon forget about what happened. This gives the store employees a good reason to continue to behave with customers in this way. The main reason for such indifference to violations lies in the low level of legal literacy of the bulk of the population of our country.
Probably, many of the buyers would not refuse to protect their rights if they knew how to do it right. But, being offended, they simply respond to the inappropriate actions of sellers with ordinary abuse. What should be the complaint about the store, allowing competently protect their rights?
Causes of Conflict
Each person has his own unique personality. Therefore, it is not surprising that what one likes is not like the other.
Sometimes a complaint about a store is absurd. And often conflict situations are invented by the citizens themselves. However, there are objective reasons forcing customers to write a complaint about the store. So what leads to conflict situations?
Changes in the service sector for the better began to occur after the emergence of large retail chains. The leaders of such companies strive to maintain the image of their company. And for this, they need smiling and polite subordinates who are able to calmly respond to any criticism and who believe that the client is right in any situation.
However, even the loudest slogans about excellent service do not protect customers from meeting with far from the friendliest employees. Often, in response to reasonable comments, sellers use profanity, shout out threats, etc. And it is not surprising that after this a complaint is drawn up on the store.
Lack of
Often, store employees refuse to give change, citing the lack of a bargaining chip. This very common technique allows the cashier to collect a very impressive amount of such shortages per day. Sometimes store employees simply "lose their vigilance." They "forget" to give change to the client if they see that he is preoccupied with something or is in a hurry about his business. Sometimes sellers go to other tricks. They give change, but only try to slip smaller bills into a busy conversation on the phone or to a very thoughtful person.
Unfortunately, such conflicts are not uncommon. And if the buyer is sure that he was deceived, and the employee does not admit his guilt, then a complaint against the seller of the store can correct the situation.
Expired goods
As a rule, in grocery stores with a wide range of perishable products, sellers sin by forgetting to remove packaging and jars from the shelves whose shelf life has come to an end. Sometimes such products remain on the trading floor consciously. After all, some non-vigilant buyers may acquire a delay. However, eating such foods threatens health problems.
If this situation does not go unpunished and a complaint is written about the work of the store, then the buyer will be able to protect not only himself and his family, but also other visitors to this outlet from possible problems.
Each store in which food is sold is certainly equipped with appropriate cooling devices. There are various instructions that set the limit for their noise. However, store employees themselves often forget about this.
Today, retail outlets are often located on the first floors of apartment buildings. Such a neighborhood gives residents a lot of trouble. If there is an unacceptable level of noise from air conditioners and refrigeration units, as well as from sounds when unloading goods at night, a complaint must be written about the store in a residential building.
The basis for expressing dissatisfaction may be:
- installation of banners covering the view from the windows of apartments;
- strong odors;
- improper installation of cooling devices, which lead to a decrease in air temperature in apartments located on the floor above, etc.
Book of comments and suggestions
A store complaint can be written directly at the point of sale. After all, when committing an unlawful action on the part of the seller, the conflict situation is best resolved on the spot. There is a book of comments and suggestions for this. It directly in hot pursuit and describes the current situation.
Often, store employees say they don’t have such a book. In this case, a complaint must be made on the store in Rospotrebnadzor.
Each buyer should know that the book of comments and suggestions is a mandatory attribute of each outlet. Store employees are required to properly arrange it and keep it in a place accessible to the buyer. This is usually an information booth where the relevant licenses are located. In addition, according to the current legislation, a book of comments and suggestions should be issued to the buyer upon request. According to available instructions, it must be numbered so that there is no possibility of removing sheets. On the cover of such a book must indicate the name of the store, as well as contact numbers and addresses of the administration.
Writing a complaint
Upon receipt of a book of comments and suggestions, one should first of all make sure that it complies with all available standards. Only then can a complaint be written about the store. A sample of such treatment includes some mandatory points. So, on a blank sheet should be written the surname, name and patronymic of the buyer. It also indicates the time and date of treatment. You must also write a full name the seller or the store employee who participated in the conflict. The following describes the incident. All events should be stated sequentially and without emotion.
The complaint must be written in legible handwriting without spelling errors. At the end of the appeal, the buyer must sign and indicate the contact phone number.
The complaint allows the indication of its requirements. For example, reduction of noise in a short time, removal of expired products, etc.
To respond to the appeal, the store is given no more than two weeks. During this time, a response book is compiled in the book of reviews and suggestions, revealing the essence of the work that was carried out to eliminate offenses.
Claim Department
A similar structure is found only in large stores. You will not find such a department in small retail outlets. Its main function is to consider customer complaints, resolve disputes, and improve the quality of service. The employees of such a department have the right to punish not only the ordinary seller, manager, but also the director. Reporting a low level of service to such a structure is quite simple. To do this, just make a call to the phone hotline store.
If you have any complaints, you may require a dialogue with the administration of the outlet. In this case, the complaint may also be made orally.
Further appeal
It often happens that the buyer leaves his complaint in the book of comments and suggestions, and no answer was received in the form of a description of the work carried out on the claim. What to do in this case? Where to write a complaint about the store? An appeal to higher authorities will be required. If no response was received to the complaint left in the store, a new document should be prepared. On a new sheet in the book of comments and suggestions, the buyer should write that after the time allotted by law, he did not receive any answer to his claim. After this, you can begin to compile three documents at once, each of which will reflect the fact of violation of consumer rights.
Where to write a complaint about the store? To Rospotrebnadzor and the Trade Inspectorate. Also, a complaint can be directed to an employee of the administrative apparatus of the store, that is, to the director or senior manager. Sometimes a store in which a conflict has occurred may relate to the distribution network. In this case, you can contact the head office by sending a copy of your complaint there, which was written in the name of the store director.
Submission of documents to Rospotrebnadzor
What to do to speed up the complaint? When submitting documents to Rospotrebnadzor, it will be necessary to take copies of the appeals left in the book of comments and suggestions, to which no reply has been received. If the essence of the complaint concerns the sale of low-quality goods, then when selecting a package of documents it is advisable to attach a copy of the check, as well as photographs proving the fact that it is impossible to further use the purchase. In addition to all this, an independent examination of the product can be carried out by the buyer. A copy of its result should also be sent to Rospotrebnadzor. It will be great to attach copies of the store’s responses to your complaint. This will be direct evidence that the outlet is aware of the violation, but they are not going to take measures to further prevent such cases.
When writing a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to adhere to a certain pattern, consisting of the following points:
- title;
- details of the department to which the complaint is filed;
- information about the buyer (his full name and address);
- applicant’s contacts (mail box and telephone).
The following is the information part, which includes:
- a description of the event that caused the dissatisfaction of the buyer or violated his rights;
- requirements put forward;
- substantiation of the legality of claims;
- contacts of witnesses of the event.
The final part provides a list of attached documents, puts the signature of the buyer, as well as the date of writing the application. An anonymous store complaint may simply not be considered. In any case, the buyer clearly will not wait for an answer to it.
The collected package of documents is sent to the main office of Rospotrebnadzor, located in the city where the buyer lives, or by e-mail.
Hot line
The oral appeal of citizens also accepts Rospotrebnadzor. The hotline of this instance is open daily, except weekends, from 10.00 to 17.00 Moscow time. Break - from 12.00 to 12.45.A call can be made from anywhere in the country for free.
For what issues in this case can I contact the Rospotrebnadzor? The hotline is designed to receive citizens' appeals regarding situations that have caused a violation of consumer rights. Here you can get the necessary clarifications and leave a complaint.
Appeal to the prosecutor
Filing a complaint with this law enforcement agency guarantees the buyer the fastest possible resolution of a disputed issue. But for this you will also need to collect the necessary package of documents. First of all, you need a photocopy of your passport. Also, the complaint must be accompanied by evidence of violation of consumer rights in the form of photographs, recordings of a conversation with the seller, etc. Submission of documents to the prosecutor's office is carried out personally. To do this, you must contact the authority located at the location of the store.
Consumer Protection Society
This organization is designed to take the side of those people who were deceived by the store employees. To file a complaint with this company, the following documents will be required:
- photocopy of the passport;
- directly complaint;
- A photocopy of the book of reviews and suggestions, as well as a check;
- other documents related to the conflict situation.
The Consumer Rights Protection Society helps to draft lawsuits to appeal to the court.
Other higher authorities
In addition to Rospotrebnadzor, the Trade Inspectorate is responsible for monitoring compliance with the quality of the services and goods provided. Its competence also includes consideration of complaints against store employees who have committed offenses or misconduct against the buyer.
To contact the Trade Inspectorate, you will also need to collect the necessary package of documents, including:
- checks and other documents capable of confirming the purchase of goods;
- copies of the results of the examination (if any);
- photographs of violations or defective goods;
- a copy of the passport;
- statement.
In what form to write a similar complaint? Her sample is presented below.
If the store in the house interferes
If problems arise, tenants must contact the administration of the outlet. The complaint should contain a warning about filing documents with the court. As a rule, such a threat is a guarantee of resolving the issue. Otherwise, you will need to contact Rospotrebnadzor.
A complaint about the noise from the store may be filed with the police or the Housing Inspectorate. But this only applies to issues of violation of public order. To appeal to these authorities you will need to collect certain evidence. This can be video or stills. Neighbors can subscribe to such a statement. After all, a collective complaint will have more weight.