Investing in the future may be the most winning project for a brave person, but only when it was decided to invest in something really worthwhile and promising. Defining such an area is not easy. No one doubts that investing in information technology is an investment of finances in the most promising sphere. On the other hand, the abundance of startups that have gone bankrupt without releasing their product has taught people with money not to trust even the IT industry. What can you invest in so that you can proudly say that it was you who made the investment in the future? Below are a few examples of areas where new technologies are being introduced, and the future promises considerable profits.
Custom approach
What investments in the future can Russia offer a person with money? In recent years, the sphere of waste processing has attracted more and more attention. Money, as you know, does not smell, and environmental issues are becoming more topical. From year to year, civilization consumes an increasing volume of products, which provokes a huge amount of industrial waste. Environmental monitoring in recent years shows that in Russian cities the level of pollution has risen sharply. On the one hand, citizens themselves are to blame for this, on the other, there are more and more people who are ready to fight for a clean environment.
Unfortunately, the abundance of garbage in wastelands, in forests and along roads has turned into a familiar picture, which is perceived by ordinary people as the norm. At the same time, you need to remember: in order for one bottle of modern plastic to break apart, it takes several centuries. The scale of the impending environmental disaster horrifies everyone who has thought about this issue.
What can be done?
Along with the growing environmental problems, there are more and more who are ready to make efforts to solve them. Now in society this question is not raised as actively as it will be in a few decades. This means that those entrepreneurs who today decide to invest in waste processing enterprises will be on the horse in just 10-15 years - just when the company will be able to build up good capacities and reach the top in its city, region.
Investments in future technologies that help recycle waste produced by society and industry are guaranteed to pay off. Several dozens of methods are already known that make it possible to deal with municipal solid waste. The most advanced:
- pyrolysis at low temperature;
- burning in the area allocated for this;
- plasma treatment.
What to invest in?
The oldest approach is garbage burning. To do this, isolate polygons remote from settlements. The method was considered quite acceptable, but in recent years it has completely lost its reputation. Firstly, the volume of waste is too large to be able to burn everything, and secondly, too many pollutants together with smoke are released into the atmosphere, which leads to even greater oppression. Consequently, investing in the future in the form of acquiring such a landfill and equipment that allows garbage to be removed from cities and recycle it, will not justify itself in the least.
However, ecology is not the only aspect. Garbage can become a source of good money if substances suitable for recycling are isolated from it. Burn waste - burn money that can be obtained in this way.
Profitable investments in future projects are those that involve investing in high-temperature pyrolysis. During processing, nothing harmful is emitted, but heat is produced, which can then be used to generate electricity or to supply heating systems. If you pre-sort the garbage, and then apply pyrolysis, you can achieve economic benefits by receiving recyclables. It can be sold in factories.
Investing in the future: motherhood
This may seem like a too practical approach, but planning children is also an investment. For a long time, economists have proposed considering maternity capital as an investment of the future. This is not surprising: on the one hand, money can be used to buy real estate, but you can save it so that the child can then pay for tuition at the university.
Material support of young families from the state turned out to be a practice that is really useful for the population. Unlike the situation that took place 10-15 years ago, today young people are not afraid to have a baby, because they are no longer terrified of the economic crisis - they know that they can count on money from the government that will help “put the child on its feet” . True, you must be able to dispose of these funds correctly.
Help of private owners
If a potential investor has the means and wants to work with a project aimed at the future, but does not know what to pay attention to, private companies can come to his aid. One of these works in the city of Barnaul - LLC “Investments in the Future”. There are similar organizations in the capital, and there are even, for example, in Singapore. Russian businessmen also work there, who are closely studying the latest technologies and are able to suggest to a layman which areas will be most profitable in 5, 10, 15 years.
When addressing such a company, remember: even though its employees will provide you with an analysis of different areas, profits in them and prospects, this forecast may not be justified, so there is some risk. To avoid “burnout”, you can simultaneously invest in several projects in different areas. It will not work in one case - success will come in a parallel company.
Investing in the future: who invests in what
While some invest their money in enterprises that will serve the needs of society in the near future, others seek to invest in education and science. For example, the following direction is increasingly moving forward: geological exploration in the Arctic. This area is still developing, and today you can only make predictions about the possible benefits, but these investments in the future are extremely promising.
Experts say that if mining is started in the Arctic right now, this will lead to the development of related areas in the polar territories. In addition, certain prospects appear along the Northern Sea Route, and this is directly beneficial for the country as a whole. Officials are convinced that Russia's competitors in this area are concerned about increasing their presence in the Arctic, which means that you need to hurry - invest more, occupy a large territory until others encroach on it.
The future in the Arctic
Officials say that now businessmen are ready to invest in industry in the Arctic, but there are restrictions on the part of the state: intelligence is slowly being conducted, tolerances are issued. It is expected that these mechanisms will be improved soon, which will attract more investors.
The Arctic shows excellent opportunities for gas and oil production, that is, resources without which industry in our world is unthinkable. Even if alternative energy sources can be introduced, petrochemicals will still be among the top areas.The accumulation of capacities in the Arctic will make it possible to provide resources for all partners in the future, and this is primarily China, Iran, whose production capacities are increasing, and demand is growing along with it. Consequently, those who invest in geological exploration of the Arctic today will receive excellent profits from this in the future.
Art as a direction for investing
Investments in education and the future will always be relevant. This area was in demand ten and twenty years ago, so it will be in the future. But this cannot be said about the world of art: a few decades ago, our fellow citizens could not even imagine how profitable investment in the future is to invest in art.
Those who have guessed to master this area earlier today can get a good profit. But investing in art has several features:
- benefits are possible in the future, but not now;
- it is important to be able to distinguish the original from a fake;
- you need to know which contemporaries will become famous in the future, that is, choose the right direction for investing money.
Suppose a potential investor has a familiar artist. Having invested money in his paintings today, in the future he may either become the owner of an incredibly expensive collection of works, or receive objects of art that are not very valuable in the market. Being able to determine the potential of the creator, you can invest in the future with a high share of benefits and low risk.
Education is an investment in the future
No one doubts this thesis. Investing in science now, you can become a top specialist in the future. It is an investment in a personal future. And for large investors, another way is possible - investing in educational institutions. If you can find a company that has good prospects, then the benefits for the coming decades are provided.
In what areas is it now considered profitable to invest? It is necessary to pay attention to industries where the demand for educational services will be high even in ten or more years. It:
- economy;
- foreign languages;
- information Technology;
- robotics;
- nuclear power.
Where else to invest money?
Experts from all over the world agree that one of the most promising areas for investing in the future is tourism. In particular, this applies to the tourism market of Russia. While this area is not very well developed, interest in Russia as a travel destination is growing in different countries. This means that those who build tourism infrastructure today can count on big profits in the future - not only distant, but also foreseeable.
Where to invest in tourism? Seminars and meetings of various sizes are regularly held, including national conferences devoted to this issue. The tourism sector is actively supported by the state, which simplifies the investment of money in this area, and also helps to achieve minimal risks. However, there are still some sore spots to this day. The main task of the Russian tourism sector in the coming years is to increase competitiveness, which will help attract more travelers, including those who are used to a high level of service.
Tourism prospects
Statistics show that the increase in tourist flow shows primarily St. Petersburg. At the same time, the number of travelers coming to solve business issues is reduced. Many tourists go to Moscow, but mainly for exploring the sights.
China is the leader in the number of tourists coming to Russia. It is estimated that as early as this year a quarter of all travelers visiting the country will be from there. Experts say that the reason is in the loyal rate of the national currency, which creates favorable conditions for both foreigners and operators. But domestic tourism is no less significant.In recent years, it has shown an increase of almost a quarter. According to analysts, in the future the figure will only increase. Therefore, investing in this area is an extremely reliable option, and the most promising area is logistics. Transport for travelers, providing access to regions remote from the capital - these are the most profitable investment areas for the near future.