The implementation of the inventory of property and liabilities is aimed at checking the accuracy of the information in the accounting documentation. The procedure allows you to evaluate the correctness of registration of business transactions, the completeness of their reflection. As part of the audit, corrections and clarifications may be made. Let us further consider how the inventory of property and obligations of the organization is carried out.
The procedure is regulated by the provisions of the Federal Law No. 402 and PBU. In addition, specially developed guidelines for the inventory of property and liabilities. In accordance with them, the objectives of the procedure are:
- Establishing the actual availability of values.
- Comparing the data obtained during the audit with the information in the accounting documentation.
- Assessment of the completeness and accuracy of the reflection of operations.
In other words, an inventory of property and liabilities allows you to get an idea of the real situation at the enterprise and to detect discrepancies in information.
Validation Objects
Analyzing the Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations, we can conclude that the procedure is carried out in relation to:
- Fixed assets.
- NMA.
- Production stocks.
- Attachments.
- Finished products.
- Cash, other assets.
Financial liabilities are:
- Accounts payable.
- Bank loans.
- Reserves.
- Loans
Commission creation
Inventory of property and obligations is carried out according to the rules established by the head of the enterprise. The exception is cases of mandatory verification. It is carried out by authorized state bodies. To carry out the audit, a standing commission must be formed. Its composition is approved by the head. The director of the enterprise issues an order for an inventory of property and obligations under f. INV-22. It indicates the composition of the commission. It may include:
- Administration representatives.
- Economists.
- Techniques.
- Accountants.
- Other specialists.
The order also indicates:
- Composition of property and liabilities subject to inventory.
- The reason, the rules for the verification, the timing.
The commission should include experienced employees who are well aware of material values, especially the formation of value, as well as the rules of primary accounting.
Additional revisions
In the inter-inventory period, it is advisable to carry out systematic and spot checks. They are also carried out by order of the head of the enterprise. To carry them out, special commissions or inventory groups are created in the organization. In their composition, in addition to specialists of the enterprise, representatives of the public may be present.
Important point
For the period of the inventory, it is necessary to stop all operations related to the receipt and release of material assets. If the audit is delayed for a long period, their renewal is allowed only with the consent of the head and Ch. accountant. At the same time, the release of values is allowed only in the presence of a commission. Special inventories are compiled for these objects, and receipts and expenditure orders are marked with a note that the operations were carried out after the inventory. In this case, the date of registration of the inventory on them is indicated. These documents should be taken into account after inventory. Before it starts, the presence of cards, books, inventories, other registers, data sheets and other documentation is checked.In the absence of any papers should ensure their receipt and completion.
Preliminary stage
The inventory of property and liabilities consists of three stages. At the preliminary stage, it is carried out:
- The study of objects of verification.
- Providing sealing of valuables storage areas.
- Checking the correctness of measuring instruments.
Preparatory stage
At the second stage, the commission members are divided into certain groups and assigned to the corresponding inventory objects. The participants in the procedure get acquainted with the instructions, receive the necessary forms. Materially responsible persons must submit the latest report on the transfer of values to the accounting department. They should also be given a receipt stating that all documentation for retired and received objects has been handed over, there are no unearned property or obligations. Typically, verification is carried out in the presence of a responsible employee.
The inventory is carried out in the order of location of the property in the storage places, for each responsible employee individually. The results are recorded in the inventory. It is made in triplicate. The inventory shall indicate:
- The full name of the values.
- Sequence numbers in accordance with the price list.
- Grade.
- Cost.
- Amount.
- Total amount.
When filling, cleaning is not allowed. Corrections can be made in a corrective way. Documents are signed by all persons included in the commission, and the responsible employee. At the same time, before verifying the inventory, the latter provides a written reference. It indicates that all the values named in the inventory were checked by the commission in kind, and there are no claims under the procedure. If the materially responsible employee does not agree with the results of the inventory, he can challenge them. For this, he draws up a statement addressed to the chairman of the commission. The transfer of the document should occur no later than the next day after the end of the audit.
Accounting for inventory of property and liabilities
The rules for regulating discrepancies revealed during verification are regulated by the Federal Law No. 402. The law establishes the following procedure:
- An excess of values is due, the corresponding amount relates to financial results. At a budgetary institution, funds are credited to funding funds.
- Lack of values, losses from damage within the framework of norms are attributed to distribution or production costs, and over norms - to guilty employees. If the latter were not established or the court refused to satisfy the claim for damages from them, losses are written off to financial results, and from a budget institution - to reduce funding.
The results of the audit are reflected in the reporting of the month in which it was completed.
Inventory of property and liabilities: postings
The reflection of the verification results is carried out by the entries:
- Db sc 01, 43, 50, etc. Cd. 91.
The procedure for attributing shortages and losses within the framework of norms to production or selling costs is used only when identifying actual shortcomings. In this case, entries are made:
- Db sc 94 cd 10, 43, 41, etc.
- Db sc 20, 26, 44 cd 94.
Lack of values, money, other property, their damage in excess of the norms is reflected in the entries:
- Db sc 94 cd 43, 10, 41, etc.
- Db sc 73 cd 94.
In case of OS shortage, you must first make the following entries:
- Db sc 02 cd 01 - for the amount of depreciation.
- Db sc 94 cd 01 - the residual st-st OS.
If found guilty, missing or damaged objects are evaluated at the market price. The entries are as follows:
- Db sc 73, subch. "Calculations for compensation of material damage" Cd. 98.
If it was not possible to establish the perpetrators or the court refused to recover damages, the following entries are made:
- Db sc 91 cd 94.
- Db sc 99 cd 91.
The results of the audit must be reflected within ten days from the date of its completion.
The nuances of filling out documents
Requirements for the execution of papers fixing the results of the inventory are established in the guidelines. In accordance with them, on each page in the inventory, it is necessary to write down the number of serial numbers of values and their total in physical indicators that are present on the corresponding sheets. It does not matter which units of measure are used (meters, kg, pieces, etc.).
Correction of errors is carried out in all copies by means of strikethrough and affixing on top of the correct record. Certification of its correctness is carried out by all members of the commission and materially responsible employees (they must sign). It is not allowed to leave blank lines in the inventory. If they are on the last page, a dash should be inserted in them. On the same sheet, a mark is made on taxation, price verification, calculation of the results of signatures of all persons performing the audit.
In all cases, inventories can be filled out both by hand and using technical means (computer, in particular). It should be remembered that for non-compliance with the general rules for the preparation of primary documentation, liability is stipulated, and the papers themselves may not be taken into account. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of the reflection of information. In case of revealing facts of knowingly false information, the perpetrators will be punished under applicable law.
Inventory of property and liabilities, therefore, acts as an essential tool for establishing compliance with the actual availability of objects and data on them reflected in the accounting documentation. Its main purpose is to ensure the safety of the OS, inventory, cash. During the audit, on-farm reserves for subsequent use are identified.
After the inventory, the results are carefully analyzed. Based on the conclusions made, management decisions are made. Upon completion of the inventory control checks may be carried out. They are necessary to assess the correctness of the procedure. Control checks should be carried out after the end of the inventory, but before the opening of the warehouses where the objects that have undergone revisions are located. Members of the commission and materially responsible employees also participate in them. With particular care should be checked especially demanded, in high demand values reflected in the inventory. The results of such audits should also be documented.