Before starting any construction, you need to get a lot of information about the different parameters of the existing land. For this, engineering surveys are required. They should be carried out exclusively by experienced professionals. There are several types of engineering surveys, and each variety has its own goals and features.
Procedure appointment
Engineering surveys for construction are carried out before the construction of absolutely any object. The main purpose of their implementation is to obtain data on different conditions of the building construction, which may be natural or economic. It is they that allow you to get the source data for the assessment, the results of which reveal the feasibility of the construction of a certain structure.
If, on the basis of surveys, it turns out that there are no optimal conditions for the planned construction, then further actions related to the creation of the project are suspended.
A direct construction site is being studied. At the same time, environmental conditions, technological and economic, are evaluated. The ecological condition of the land is being studied. Also, the goal of specialists is to predict possible changes in these factors, which may affect the safety of operation of the constructed facility.
What is done after the process?
As soon as the surveys are completed, experts solve various issues:
- the possibility and profitability of the construction of a particular facility is determined;
- recommendations are given regarding the elimination of harmful environmental consequences from building a house;
- sound environmental measures are being taken at the site;
- measures are being taken to promote the preservation of different values, which can be not only natural, but also cultural or historical.
We study not only the soil itself, but also the plant world, as well as animals living on the territory.
Who is involved in the procedure?
Engineering surveys for construction are carried out only by specialists with appropriate education and experience. It is necessary to apply for this in companies that have a license to carry out these works.
Sometimes the survey departments of design companies are involved in this process, but this in any case requires a license.
Process types
There are several types of engineering surveys, all of which have their own purpose.
It is considered optimal to use all these types of work at once, so that as a result a comprehensive assessment of the existing territory is obtained.
1. Obtaining geodetic data
This type of survey involves the study of the terrain. This allows us to understand where there are slopes in the territory, what features they have, what geomorphological parameters of the earth are. Additionally, the boundaries of water bodies are taken into account.
To carry out such work, the information from the joint venture of engineering and geodetic surveys 11-104-97 is studied. The procedure itself can be performed in two ways:
- The manual method involves direct visits by specialists to the desired area with the necessary tools, after which the necessary studies and measurements are carried out manually.
- Aerial photography, in which accurate and detailed photographs of the area are made using air transport, which are then studied carefully by specialists.
After carrying out these works, the results will be obtained in the form of:
- topographic map;
- detailed information about all land plots where engineering communications take place at the construction site;
- In addition, information necessary for other types of engineering surveys will be obtained.
The manual method is most often chosen by specialists, since aerial surveys require a lot of effort and money that customers usually cannot cover, and significant costs.
2. Geotechnical information
These types of work involve obtaining information about:
- soil bedding features;
- plot properties;
- the presence of unusual soils, which may be swelling or permafrost, organomineral or subsidence.
Engineering and geotechnical surveys are conducted on the basis of a special survey. Various methods can be used for its implementation, for example, geophysical or drilling. Also, a mining method or aerogeological is often used.
3. Hydrogeological work
The study is being carried out simultaneously with previous works, and its main purpose is to determine the presence of groundwater in the territory. In addition, other important data is revealed:
- limit levels of groundwater rise;
- their properties;
- the possibility of applying for different needs of people, for which they are analyzed in order to determine the composition.
To study groundwater, you need to create wells or other recesses. Research should be conducted in different seasons.
4. Hydrological studies
This type of engineering survey is designed to analyze available open water surfaces. Therefore, different lakes and rivers, ponds, reservoirs, seas or reservoirs are studied. Marks of the boundaries of these objects are made, the state of the water mirror is evaluated, and a study is conducted to determine the properties of water.
Experts during engineering surveys determine when the water will approximately freeze, as well as what parameters the ice will have. The current velocity is determined, if any. To do this, visually inspect objects, measure the speed of the flow of water, and also determine its temperature.
All results are recorded in a special report.
5. Meteorological observations
They are conducted to obtain data on:
- temperature changes in the territory under the influence of various factors;
- durations of different seasons;
- the duration of the period with low or high temperature;
- the number of days that are cloudy or sunny;
- precipitation is estimated;
- the average thickness of the snow cover is determined;
- The direction and strength of the winds are taken into account.
The research process is comprehensive, therefore, it can cover other natural factors. To obtain information, observations are carried out for several years or months, and specialists independently obtain data in the field.
6. Determination of sanitary conditions
They are also called environmental engineering surveys. They are certainly held before the immediate construction process. Their main goal is to determine how the process of building a building can affect the nature and people themselves.
If environmental engineering surveys reveal that the construction of a particular building can negatively affect the environment, then special measures can be developed by the surveyors to prevent such consequences.
7. Geobotanical observations
These include soil studies, which provide data on the state of the vegetation cover of the territory. It is considered important to plan the various activities necessary for the improvement of the site.
The flora and fauna of the territory is also evaluated to identify different plants or representatives of the animal world. If some species are rare, measures must be taken to conserve them.
Goals and objectives of research
All types of engineering surveys should be carried out prior to the direct construction process of any facility. After their implementation, a special report is generated, the information from which is the basis for creating a project for future construction. Therefore, it is important to obtain truly relevant and necessary information about the state of the territory.
Based on the results of the analysis, it is decided where it is optimal to erect the structure, how it will be assembled, and various design or planning decisions are made. It is possible to draw up not only a master plan, but also a situational one.
The main task of conducting such studies is the determination of different conditions at the construction site in order to ensure the effective and safe construction of any building. Other goals include:
- conformity assessment of existing conditions and features of the territory with the data contained in the project;
- it is decided what parameters the future structure and its main elements should have;
- the need arises for various protective measures to obtain a safe building;
- engineering observations of the facility are carried out;
- local monitoring of the territory is carried out;
- if necessary, reorganization and land reclamation are implemented.
Thus, due to engineering surveys, it is possible to solve many problems and achieve the most important goals.
How is the process organized
Organization of engineering surveys is carried out by the designer or customer of the construction. For this, a technical task is formed, which contains the main objectives of the implementation of this process.
Since there are several types of studies, a separate report is made for each of them. Its form and content are strictly regulated.
The whole process is divided into successive stages.
Engineering Stages | Their content and features |
Preparatory | At this stage, the necessary documents are developed for the study. These include different schedules, on the basis of which the work is performed, the executors of the process are approved, and the required amount of equipment and materials is calculated. |
Field | It consists in the direct implementation of the survey. This includes various measurements, well drilling, testing, sampling of water or soil, as well as observation or other measurements. |
Laboratory | At this stage, the study and analysis of the obtained copies, samples and information from specialists is carried out. This process is implemented in the laboratory, and the result is the creation of different tables and reports. With their help, you can find out what properties the soil has, what is the chemical composition of water, assessed the possibility of construction and other important factors. |
Cameral | It consists in carrying out calculations, creating different schedules and generating reports that are transmitted to the customer. It is on the basis of the data available in these documents that a decision is made regarding the possibility and necessity of building an object. Various measures are being developed to prevent negative effects on the building or nature. |
Thus, there is a significant list of engineering surveys. Each type of such research has its own characteristics and goals. All these actions should be carried out only by experienced professionals with the appropriate equipment. The procedure consists in the implementation of various actions involving the study of climatic conditions, soil, water and other features of the territory. Based on the data obtained, it can be decided whether it is expedient and safe to erect an object in a certain area.