
Dependent - this is ... Supplement and allowance for dependents

Quite often, unemployed persons are kept in families of working citizens. They can be, for example, minor children, close relatives, having a disease that requires constant care, or disability. Availability of dependents in the family involves certain benefits for citizens. Let's consider them in more detail. dependent this

General information

Dependents - Group citizens fully supported by working relatives. For each such person, in accordance with domestic law, a certain amount of money is required. The rules also provide supplement for dependent to the salary of the working person. The rules for registration and accrual of material assistance to unemployed relatives are fixed in Federal Law No. 173.

Normative base

The state assumes the obligation to provide social protection for disabled people, including persons with disabilities. To receive material assistance, the interested entity applies to the authorized body with a statement. Persons who have submitted documents proving that their relative - dependent. Retiree, guardian, trustee, representative of a disabled person - entities that are entitled to apply to the social protection department. In addition to the aforementioned Federal Law No. 173, normative regulation of this sphere is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law No. 167 and No. 178. dependent pensioner

Terminology features

As follows from the above information, a dependent is primarily an unemployed citizen. It is worth saying that there is no clear definition of this concept in the legislation. Not specified in the norms are also specific payments that can be counted by the people on whose support the dependent is located. This, according to many lawyers, is a significant legal gap. Nevertheless, from the analysis of the norms, it is possible to determine several categories of citizens that fall under the category in question. Who is a dependent?


  1. A family member, close relative with a disability or a disabled citizen.
  2. Beneficiary. In particular, we are talking about citizens who are granted benefits and assistance on the terms of a life-long maintenance contract.
  3. Relative minor. It can be not only a child, but also a grandson, sister / brother, etc.
  4. Citizen of old age.

Thus, a dependent is a person who needs special care.

dependents group


In the families of working people, situations often arise when they have to leave their labor activities in order to provide care for the dependent. A person who falls into this category of persons requires care. Accordingly, the relative whose maintenance he is on is forced to lose his earnings. In order to somehow compensate for this, special programs are being developed at the state level to provide material assistance to individuals who are in charge of an unemployed citizen.

Dependency allowance

As you know, social benefits are periodically indexed. Since 2017, the amount of benefits for disabled relatives in the care of pensioners has changed.

In the absence of disability, persons under the age of 80 are assigned:

  1. For one disabled relative - 3416 rubles.
  2. For two - 4270 rubles.
  3. On three - 5124 rubles.

supplement for dependent

Citizens over the age of 80 who do not have a disability are entitled to:

  1. For one disabled person - 5978 rubles.
  2. For two - 6832 rubles.
  3. At three - 7686 rubles.

Increased Amount Sizes

They are established for people who are pensioners with disabilities and caring for a dependent. If a person has 1 gram., He receives:

  1. For one disabled person - 11211 rubles.
  2. For two - 12,813 rubles.
  3. At three - 14415 rubles.

If an elderly person has a disability group of 2, he is entitled to:

  1. 6406 rubles per dependent.
  2. 8008 rubles - for two.
  3. 9610 rubles - for three.

Persons with disabilities of the 3 groups of old age, on whose maintenance there are disabled citizens, can count on the following amounts of financial assistance:

  1. 4004 p. - for one.
  2. 6443 - for two.
  3. 7207 - for three.

dependency allowance

Features of the calculation

When accruing, the insurance part of the pension provision is taken into account. The calculation of social assistance payments, surcharges to benefits received is made from the amount determined after at least 228 working months, or 19 years. A fixed value is added to the result. It is calculated in accordance with the age of the person whose maintenance the unemployed citizen is. The number of dependents in the family also matters.

Design specifics

Before contacting the PFR branch for calculating the statutory payments, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents. The list of securities, in addition to a standard form statement, includes:

  1. Help from the FIU. It should contain information that the applicant had not previously drawn up any surcharges to the benefits received by him.
  2. Help from the employment service. This document should indicate that the subject is unemployed. The legislation establishes certain conditions under which the applicant can count on receiving financial assistance. In particular, a citizen who is dependent on a disabled person should not work or engage in entrepreneurship.
  3. Passport or other document confirming the information about the applicant.
  4. Marriage certificate. It is granted if one of the spouses acts as a dependent.
  5. A document from the guardianship authority. This certificate is necessary if the content is a citizen who has not reached the age of 14. In addition, the consent of parents will be required to accrue material assistance.
  6. Family composition document.
  7. SNILS.
  8. Certificate of residence. Alternatively, the subject may present an extract from the home book to her.
  9. Certificate of possible additional income.

It should also be borne in mind that persons with disabilities provide a document on the appointment of the appropriate group. This certificate is issued by a competent medical institution. After the adoption of all documents, the authorized body considers them and makes a decision (no later than 10 days from the receipt of the papers). If the applicant is denied the appointment of additional payments, then this period shall be reduced to 5 days. The refusal must be motivated and sent in writing. the presence of dependents


So that at the end of the year a citizen receiving additional financial assistance does not lose it, he needs to submit several papers to the FIU. The applicant provides:

  1. Certificate of residence.
  2. A document certifying the absence of additional income, except for the allowance paid for the maintenance of a disabled relative.
  3. Certificate of the number of family members.
  4. Extract from the work book.

These documents are presented to the territorial unit of the FIU. After checking the information provided, recalculation is performed.

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