The first person the applicant met at the stage of an interview with the company is the personnel manager. Depending on the structure of the company, this may be an ordinary selection specialist, design engineer or a real manager.
What is the difference between a recruiter and an HR?
Almost every HR manager will consider it an insult to be called a personnel officer. If he is called a recruiter, he smirks slightly. And if they ask what the difference is, they will give a lecture on what HR is and what its functions are.
HR stands for Human Rersource. Not Research, as most think. Search is only a fraction of what the HR manager does. And search and selection are also two big differences.
Rersource is the main word in this abbreviation. It is work with human resources, quality personnel management, prioritization, employee development, drawing goals for them - the main tasks of the manager.
Role of eychara
The role of an HR manager in most companies is undeservedly relegated to the background. It is generally accepted that the business is built by the CEO, the sales bring profit, and the staff comes from the announcements, by itself.
In fact, advanced corporations have long realized that the HR department should be on the same line with the CEO and operations departments. This is due to the fact that the personnel manager must clearly understand the company's strategy, know what people need to work, what are required to complete tasks.
The climate in the team, the mood in the workplace are things that seem insignificant, but select up to 30% of the effectiveness of departments.
Attitude to business
Almost 85% of employers ask candidates for the role of HR manager a question: HR manager - who is this? And many hear the answer that this is an employee who should do well for people and help them find work. No matter how rude it may sound, it’s not worth hiring such employees.
Eychar's position is clear and understandable, he is the right hand of the business. Without a clear understanding of what the company wants to achieve, what are the development plans and the strategy for their implementation, there will be no qualitative selection.
The true HR manager is a tough, sometimes tyrannical businessman. You must be able to combine humanity with rigidity. In an attempt to be good and kind, fearing to refuse the candidate, many employees of the selection department never grow beyond average recruiters. In order to learn how to develop staff and help the company achieve global goals, you need to have the will and determination, and consider the goals of the company as your own.
The HR manager must fulfill duties of 120% or more. In his position there is no concept of a normalized work schedule; thoughts are always busy finding the best solution.
The job description of the HR manager in each company is different. However, the main points will always be approximately the same. The HR manager must:
- Study the labor market to find candidates for the necessary vacancies.
- Navigate the regional market if necessary.
- Establish relations with professional educational institutions and universities to conclude agreements on attracting students to practice with subsequent employment.
- Notify the Health Center, educational institutions about available vacancies and staffing requirements.
- Evaluate candidates based on the qualifications, business and personal qualities of the applicant.
- Organize certification activities for company employees.
- Conduct certification activities and analyze their results.
- Work on the formation of a personnel reserve. The basis for the formation of the reserve can serve as the results of certification, selection, analysis of responses to resumes, staff rotation, training results of individual employees or internships in relevant positions.
- Participate in the reorganization and staff reshuffle, organizational structure of the company.
- To develop and implement various activities aimed at managing the number of employees.
- To analyze the work of staff, suggest ways to improve the quality of staff work.
- Develop and implement incentive programs for staff at all levels.
- Develop career cards for employees, implement them together with management and staff.
- Carry out long-term employee development planning, analyze the results and recommend measures to improve staff quality to the management.
- Provide advisory support to HR management.
Interaction with employees
Human Resources Manager - a multi-tasking position, in addition to the above duties, he has a list of additional important functions:
- help employees by answering their questions about the prospects of their personal and professional development within the company;
- select personnel within the time agreed with the customer (direct manager or head of department or unit);
- use modern and non-standard methods of search, selection of personnel;
- adapt new employees to work in the company, accompany them throughout the entire trial period;
- receive periodic feedback from the head about the passage of the probationary period by employees;
- receive feedback from management about the work of employees, their interaction with the team;
- to maintain contact with all employees of the company to provide feedback to management, inform about tasks, objectivity of the relationship of direct managers;
- to develop a system for assessing the personal and business qualities of employees;
- submit reports to management on time;
- comply with the laws of the Russian Federation and adhere to them in matters of search and selection of personnel, compiling vacancy announcements, and conducting interviews.
Personal and professional competencies
Many employers believe that HR is a personnel officer. The functions of filling out personnel documentation and issuing certificates are transferred to it, and a pack of vacancies that need to be closed is issued to the load.
Unfortunately, most personnel in the human resources department do not know the tools that a professional human resources manager owns. When approaching the issue of finding an employee for a vacant position, the personnel officer, most often, misses personal moments - will the candidate fit into the department, will he be able to work in a team. Does his career goals coincide with company values.
Core competencies
HR manager competencies:
- Understanding the goals of the company, sharing them.
- Empathy (the ability to empathize). Must be present in a dosed manner, otherwise the eychar will not be able to refuse unsuitable candidates and will quickly “burn out”.
- Focus on results.
- The ability to provide only the necessary information.
- The ability to see and hear a person. Often this competence is confused with the ability to "read as a book" of their counterpart. As practice shows, in this case, a judgment about a person is more based on stereotypes.
- Stress resistance.
- Analytical thinking.
- Strategic thinking.
- Ability to manage talents.
Personal qualities
The personal qualities of the personnel manager should help him work with people. Too much sensitivity, weakness, and shortsightedness will not allow the employee to fulfill the duties assigned to him in a quality manner.
Qualities of an HR manager useful in his work:
- sociability;
- impartiality;
- active life position;
- adaptability;
- strategic thinking;
- ethics;
- self-control
- self-confidence;
- stress resistance;
- attentiveness;
- good faith;
- creativity.
HR rights
HR manager responsibilities and rights are equally important. The personnel manager has the right:
- to receive information from the senior management on plans for the development of the company with the aim of early formation of a reserve and a strategy for finding personnel;
- attend management meetings related to personnel policy changes;
- participate in discussions of issues related to the personnel management system;
- make suggestions for talent management;
- interact with all employees, request the necessary information to fulfill their direct duties;
- manage document management related to its direct activities;
- inform the head of the structural unit or his direct supervisor about the difficulties encountered in the process of selecting an employee for a position;
- track changes in the labor market.
Necessary skills and knowledge
In the work of eycharu it is necessary to use a large number of modern progressive tools. Considering what the HR manager does, this knowledge must be constantly refreshed and supplemented.
Important skills:
- knowledge of labor legislation, the basics of sociology;
- ability to conduct business negotiations;
- literacy;
- possession of tools and methods of personnel assessment, the ability to analyze their effectiveness;
- the ability to organize;
- planning, quality time management skills.
Where to apply talents?
Consider what the job itself is. The HR manager most often operates in the office and meeting room. Most of the companies need such employees. Functionally, it can relate to both the department (department) of personnel and the operational department. Companies in which cooperation between the operating department and the human resources department is established estimate the growth of their profitability and efficiency by 12% (data relate only to the performance indicators of employees as a human resource).
Personnel management specialists also attend conferences and meetings at universities. Such meetings take place regularly, but the frequency is regulated by the holding of job fairs in the institution itself and the need for young staff in the company.
People management
HR manager is, above all, a huge responsibility. Responsibility to business, to staff. A professional employee will never leave a half-finished map of employee development. The desire to improve not only himself, but also the employees of his company is inherent in the HR in full.
HR manager is the engine of the company. Understanding his goals and objectives, he delivers high-quality personnel capable of realizing the tasks set by higher management. If the manager does not understand what kind of employee is needed, he focuses only on requirements, not taking into account the particular culture of the company or the wishes for the employee’s personality, then the vacancy will be formally closed. The time interval between the submission of an application from the head of the department until the end of the internship and the admission of the employee to the ranks of the organization is reduced if the personnel manager is able to capture the personality characteristics of the candidate, compare them with the personality of the head.
HR manager is an indispensable link in the structure of a large organization.
It does not matter what the position will be called - HR manager, HR, recruiter. The main thing is how management understands this position and what powers it gives to the employee.