No one is insured against an accident. Often this situation causes serious harm to human health. Someone is cured, others have injuries that last a lifetime. Fortunately, with a negative scenario, the state can come to the rescue - but only to those who overcome the bureaucratic machine. It's about disability. You can get the first, second or third group, which will allow you to receive benefits, allowances, payments related to limiting the ability to work. In our country, a social pension to the 3rd group of disability relies on the basis of ideas about the social protection of citizens.
General view
Of course, getting the first or second group is an event that you would not wish anyone. This group of people is ranked only for very serious health problems, leading to the inability to service themselves. Such people cannot work in principle. Group 3 is somewhat simpler - a disability pension is expected for a working person, but a person can still lead a rather eventful life, although with a number of restrictions.
And what then does the third group mean, since a person can even work? What kind of disabled person is this? And what can one count on in such conditions? I must say that the amount of pension for the 3rd disability group in our country is frankly modest, it will be impossible to live on it, especially in a big city.
What about the numbers?
In fact, a disability pension of 3 groups is a pathetic 2,279 rubles with copecks. Funny, isn't it? But if a person works, then such an increase becomes superfluous.
Subject to a number of conditions, it is possible to increase pensions for the 3rd disability group. For example, if there are dependents, the amount grows depending on how many such people are in the care of the disabled person. The maximum increase is possible up to 6,838 rubles (also with pennies). Of course, it is impossible to support yourself and three dependents on such money, but when you combine the group and the main place of work, the increase is pleasant. In a word, the state helps — you cannot refuse this. And the fact that this money brings very little benefit in our world with the current price level is the second question. But there is also a pleasant moment: the size of the disability pension of groups 2, 3 does not depend on whether a person works. That is, from parallel revenues the figure is not reduced.
Laws and Regulation
The disability pensions of groups 1, 2, and 3 are relied on by legislative acts adopted in our country. The most significant should be called an order approved by the Government under number 95. It follows from which in which case which disability group can be obtained. The Ministry, responsible for social development and labor relations, adopted order No. 17. It describes the conditions under which a medical examination is organized, as a result of which disability can be assigned. The terms of the examination and the features of the event are also recorded in the 317th resolution of the Ministry of Health.
The first resolution of the Ministry of Labor is considered very important, since it lists all those clinics that have the right to organize an examination of a person and assign him a disability.
What about the money?
The disability pension due to group 3, as well as the first and second, is told by federal laws that are valid in the Russian Federation.There is a law regulating the rules for providing financial assistance to people with disabilities, there is one that spells out benefits available for disability. It is difficult to list all those numbers of laws that discuss ways to help people with disabilities.
The indicated federal laws are the main normative acts; it is to them that the relationship of society, the state with the disabled is subordinate. From them follows what people with the third group can count on. But note: in addition to decrees, orders and federal laws in the area, other normative and legal acts can be adopted that regulate assistance and support for people with disabilities from the local authorities and the municipality.
Who should be?
The disability pension of the 3 groups above has already been indicated, but who can count on this state aid, and who does not rely on anything? Simply put, who should be assigned to the third group and under what conditions should I go to the clinic for an examination?
The third group of disabilities suggests that some people have health problems that impose restrictions on physical activity. This leads to the impossibility of performing a number of works, and sometimes even does not allow work. According to the laws of our country, many are entitled to a minimum disability pension of 3 groups (that is, a little more than two thousand rubles), but someone can count on an extended list of privileges. First of all, these are those who contain dependents.
How and why?
The law justifies the size of the disability pension of group 3 by the fact that the people to whom it is assigned have a number of restrictions, but at the same time they are able to service themselves. In general, their situation is not as serious as in the second and first groups, which affects the volume of payments.
Criteria to talk about disability of the third group:
- service by a person is carried out without outside help, but with the use of technology, special equipment;
- independent movement is possible, but without regular rest, the duration, speed is significantly limited, below the standards inherent in a healthy one;
- training is possible only in a special mode with the use of additional funds;
- a person cannot work at the same level with completely healthy people, therefore, he needs to apply reduced standards to him.
And what is supposed?
What kind of payments a person will receive is determined by several criteria. With the 3rd disability group, pensions are:
- from the state;
- insurance;
- social.
What and how much disability pension of group 3 depends on many criteria. The calculation is made by local specialists when a disabled person contacts them as they receive a certificate from the clinic.
Insurance payments
In case of disability group 3, the pension, if insurance is required, is calculated based on the coefficients and amounts established by law for this category of citizens. At the same time, accumulated pension points are taken into account, which in fact determine the main part of the payment. Such material support is supposed in the case when a disabled person has been officially working for at least two decades. Payments can be quite substantial if a person was able to accumulate such a long work experience.
But the previously indicated amount of over two thousand rubles is the minimum working pension of the 3 disability group. This figure is written in the official documentation, they simply can’t pay less.
Social payments
A working pension of disability group 3 may be accompanied by social benefits. However, if a person has no seniority, then such state support is provided to him in any case. The government has set a minimum payout. Recalculation is not provided for them.
How much can one get in this way? Of course, the amounts here are slightly more than the minimum insurance amount, but still quite funny - just a little over four thousand rubles. It’s impossible to live on it. However, one can hope to increase the rate over time.
And from the state?
The state pension is formed taking into account a number of factors. So, it plays a role how much a social pension is supposed for a disabled person. For the third group, this indicator is increased by 100%.
It is very difficult to independently calculate the state pension for the 3rd disability group. New systems for calculating coefficients and taking into account various factors are regularly introduced. This is due to the status of material support - state, which means: in the country they can change the methodology for calculating and making payments, focusing on the situation in the economy, inflation.
Is anything else supposed?
Pension 3 to the disability group is, fortunately, not all that a person with disabilities can count on, otherwise the situation would be too sad. Agree, the amounts are quite small, it is impossible to live on them.
As an additional aid, the state offers allowances. The very inclusion in the third group of disabled people already gives the right to receive a small amount of financial assistance every month. At the moment, the amount of the premium is one thousand rubles. To get this money, you have to write an application to the Pension Fund. The allowance is not intended for everyone; there are a number of limitations. So, people who do not have official employment can count on payments.
To prove that a disabled person has the right to an increase in his pension, he will need to show a work book. Photocopies will be removed by the authority for their archives as confirmation of their non-working status.
And who else?
It's no secret that people caring for people with disabilities in the first group can count on good help from the state - this is called a care allowance. But the third group is officially ranked only by those who (according to doctors) can take care of themselves on their own or using machinery, equipment. This means that if a disabled person finds someone ready to help him, the volunteer will not receive any financial incentives from the state.
However, there are no rules without exceptions; there is one in the described situation. Federal laws of the Russian Federation state that a disabled person may seek help from an outsider in a serious illness. If there is a volunteer willing to help, the state will agree to pay a small amount to such a person. The allowance paid in a similar situation corresponds to payments for temporary employment. The amounts are very small, and the calculation is carried out, evaluating the average six-month earnings.
What and how we believe: some subtleties
Disability of the third group is a pretty loose concept. A person may be suitable for a number of criteria and not meet others. The algorithm for calculating material assistance will depend on this. For example, someone gets a group before they even come of age. In this case, assistance from the state is almost six thousand rubles. This is a fixed value that is not recalculated over time. But indexing is a legal mechanism for increasing the amount.
With the third group you can work, then the pension will be re-calculated every year. How much did the employer transfer money to the Pension Fund over the year? What salary did the disabled person officially receive? These metrics can change the amount. For example, with wage growth it is impossible to make a pension less. But if the salary is maintained at the same level, more can be done.
And if there is no work?
The issue of accruing amounts to persons with disabilities of the third group who do not have an official place of work is especially relevant.Employers accept people with disabilities rather reluctantly, therefore, in our country people with disabilities have great difficulties finding jobs, and I definitely want to hope for state support in this situation.
In fact, special allowances for those who do not have a job are not legally required. The calculation is performed in the same way as for all others. At the same time, there are features in the established basic amount of the pension: for those who do not work officially, the rates are slightly higher. The reason is that people with disabilities in the third group can work, even if they have a number of health-related restrictions. Therefore, there is no legal justification for introducing special support. In 2016, some changes were introduced into the laws, in particular, for the third group of disabilities, they announced an indexation of 4% and promised in the near future to increase the amount of payments by another 6%. However, not everything is so rosy: promises with promises, but the difficult economic situation in the country was an excellent opportunity for officials to postpone the implementation of the plan for an indefinite period. They explained it simply - the budget is empty, there is nothing for citizens to give.
Are there only pensions?
Many are convinced that, in addition to pensions, disabled people of the third group are no longer entitled to any material assistance. The above is already indicated for a surcharge of one thousand rubles. But that is not all. By law, they can compensate for expenses associated with different social areas. So, when concluding an insurance contract, a disabled person is entitled to compensation in the amount of up to half the amount. And if a person with disabilities has been vaccinated, leading to complications, then he is entitled to a payment of a thousand rubles.
Disabled people may not pay some taxes. They are exempt from payment of sums for transport and property, as well as some others.
Disability mechanism
It has already been said above that membership in the third group of disability is determined during a special commission. In order to pass it, a person applying for the status of a disabled person turns to his local GP. The doctor draws up a direction for passing the commission, appoints the time and place where you need to appear, and also issues directions for passing a number of tests.
Such events allow us to make a conclusion, as a result of which a person gets access to the benefits and payments laid down in the third group. For examination you need to take with you acts confirming the receipt of professional injuries or illnesses, a statement in the prescribed form. If a student applies for a disability, he needs to take a statement from the educational institution with him, if the person already has an official place of work, then the employer must draw up the statement. Useful: an outpatient card, a certificate of income, a work book and passport, a referral from a doctor.
How to get the money?
If the commission decided to assign disability, the next step is to submit the documents to the Pension Fund. This will allow you to get the amounts due. You will have to take a passport, a document confirming the right to receive benefits, SNILS with you to an appointment with the foundation’s specialists.
You need to come to that department of the Pension Fund, which is responsible for the place of official residence of the disabled person. If a person actually lives at a different address, he needs to come to the place where his registration address is attached.
Is anything else supposed?
According to current laws, persons with disabilities of the third group have a number of preferences that can be used. This applies to telephone communications - the provision is carried out at preferential rates. You can use transport at a discount. To do this, when buying tickets, they present a certificate. You can also get to the sanatorium for free, but only in the order of priority and having a certificate confirming disability. It will also be a guarantee for receiving free of charge domestic, medical services.
In some places, for free, in some with a substantial discount, people with disabilities can buy hearing aids, prostheses for eyes, teeth, equipment to facilitate movement, and a number of other auxiliary products and mechanisms. There is a program to provide people with disabilities with free medication, with a prescription.