
Chilean citizenship: how to obtain documents and requirements

Not everyone is happy with belonging to one or another state. And the one who wants to rectify the situation begins to think about becoming a citizen of another country - that is, change citizenship. Chile is a state on which today people are increasingly choosing to leave their homeland. This is an attractive Latin American country, which confirms many reviews. But we'll talk about this later, but for now, attention should be paid to the very procedure for changing the passport.

chile citizenship

Naturalization: general requirements

This is the most common way by which you can obtain Chilean citizenship. To use it, you need:

  • Be an adult. Persons aged 14 to 18 are also eligible to apply. But only if he has the appropriate permission from the parents / guardians.

  • Live in Chile for at least five years. The countdown starts from the day when the first resident visa is put on the immigrant's passport.

  • Have a permanent residence permit.

  • Not to be convicted or suspected of committing crimes that are punishable by imprisonment for a period of more than 60 days (a criminal record is needed).

  • Have the financial means to provide for their life in Chile.

    So that representatives of the migration service do not have any questions, it is better to get a criminal record at the Russian consulate of Santiago (capital of the state).

Chile citizenship

Registration of residence permit

Without this document, of course, Chilean citizenship will not be issued to a person. So first of all, you need to be puzzled by obtaining a residence permit. Execute it in the following cases:

  • If a person has a visa, a rentier.

  • If an immigrant wants to reunite with his family.

  • Elderly people with a senior citizen visa.

  • Investors or people who want to open their own business in the state.

    All these cases imply further registration of a residence permit. Which subsequently can half guarantee the acquisition of citizenship of Chile.

It is important to mention that all processes associated with obtaining a residence permit and permanent residence are carried out in the State Department. And it is located in Santiago.

 How to get Chile citizenship to a Russian citizen


It is worth noting that the Republic of Chile and the Russian Federation have an agreement on a visa-free regime. Any of our compatriots can stay in this Spanish-speaking state for up to 90 days as a tourist. Therefore, everything related to the paperwork for obtaining a residence permit takes place in Chile. An exception is only a work visa. You need to deal with it directly in Russia.

So where to start? A person needs to come to the immigration department at the place of actual stay. It has its own rules, but the easiest process is in Santiago. There, recording in the queue is carried out automatically - a special machine gives immigrants numbers. The man has to get it and wait.

After getting an appointment with an appropriate specialist, a person presents all the documents collected in advance. In return, an immigration officer issues a certificate confirming the fact of consideration of the application for issuing visa documents to a foreigner. If everything is normal, then the person can only pay the state fee. After that, he is issued a resident visa. And this is a residence permit.

 Chile citizenship for Russians


In addition to a residence permit, a person is still issued two directions - to the passport office and the international police. You must go there within 30 days after applying for a resident visa.

In the international police, an immigrant is registered in accordance with his actual place of residence.There he provides only a passport affixed with a resident visa. After that, they give him an immigrant card.

In the passport office, a foreigner will be fingerprinted and entered into a database. This is, of course, done for reasons of national security.


If a person is interested in the second citizenship of Chile, then he needs to familiarize himself with the list of papers required for presentation in the migration service. And what documents will be required to collect, mandatory for a residence permit, depends on the basis of its execution.

Here is, for example, a list of papers for a foreigner receiving a resident visa in connection with marriage to a citizen or citizen of Chile:

  • Application Form.

  • International passport.

  • Birth certificate.

  • Tourist map.

  • Photos of the established format.

  • Marriage certificate.

  • Confirmation of the financial viability of one of the spouses.

For a renter receiving a residence permit, you will need to present a document confirming the existence of a source of profit in the territory of the state. An escort is also suitable.

Investors or an entrepreneur will need to add to the main package of documents a business plan and a certificate confirming the transfer of financial resources calculated for investment in the development / opening of their business. It will also require a report indicating the geographical location of the enterprise, estimated profits, the amount of invested funds and the availability of jobs for local residents.

second citizenship of chile

Permanencia definitiva

Considering the question of how to obtain Chilean citizenship to a Russian citizen, I would like to talk about this document. Permanencia definitiva literally translates as final stay. This is a document that in fact gives a foreigner all the rights of a Chilean citizen (with the exception of the election). Its presence gives the immigrant the opportunity to stay in the country without any restrictions, as well as engage in absolutely any legal activity. But it is issued for five years.

This term is not accidental. If during this time a person has not abandoned the idea of ​​how to obtain Chilean citizenship and passport, then at the end of the notorious 5 years he can go to the migration service and carry out his plan.

It is important to know

I would like to recall that there is still such a thing as “loss of Chilean citizenship”. Or rather, the loss of residence permit. In this state, the following rule applies: if a person has not been in the country for more than 365 days, then his residence permit is automatically canceled. The minimum stay is not established. Theoretically, it is enough to appear in Chile once a year.

Interestingly, it is possible to extend the period of stay even if the foreigner is abroad. To do this, he needs to make an appointment at the consulate of Chile in the state in which he resides at that time. Thus, it is allowed to renew a residence permit 4 times. It turns out that without losing your residence permit you can stay abroad (including at home, in Russia) for up to five years.

how to get citizenship and a chile passport

Next steps

So, if there is a residence permit, 5 years in the country have lived, and the foreigner still has a desire to obtain Chilean citizenship, then he needs to print a document whose name in Spanish is: Requisitos para solicitar la nacionalidad chilena por nacionalización. Translated into Russian: requirements for obtaining a passport of a local resident, which come with the application form.

Filling out this document should not cause difficulties. It does not differ much from that which is intended for sending to the migration service in the event of a request for a residence permit. Profiles and requirements are similar. But there are differences. In this case, a person, instead of a visa registration certificate, presents:

  • A copy of the certificate of permanent residence permit.

  • A certificate of his reality (it is received by the international police).

Presenting an escriture will not be superfluous.So in Spanish-speaking countries a document is called that confirms the fact that a person owns real estate purchased by him in Chile.

Attachments to the application

This is not all you need to know about the process in which Chilean citizenship is formalized for Russians. In addition to the above, an application will need to be accompanied by a document confirming the financial viability of the immigrant.

In his role may play not only an extract from the bank, demonstrating the availability of funds on the person’s account. A dividend document is also suitable. Or a certificate confirming the existence of an individual business that brings a steady, stable income. Pensioners can present an extract testifying to the calculation of legal payments by age. A contract is even suitable, confirming that a person is renting out his property and receiving money for it.

About waiting and accelerated process

Well, this is the basic information that every person who wants to obtain Chilean citizenship needs to possess. For Russians, as well as for other countries submitted, the time for considering the application is 7 months. This is an average. In any case, the person will be notified of the decision of the migration service. If the authorities approved the petition, then he will first be assigned the status of a citizen of Chile, and then they will issue a passport. From now on, he will cease to be an immigrant.

However, in some cases, Chilean citizenship can be obtained very quickly. How to get privileges by time? One must be a child of a Chilean descendant born outside the borders of this republic. The option is, of course, not for everyone. But this is a very convenient program that was developed with the aim of preserving the nation. The passport filed by this country is issued on the basis of family ties. And this process takes a maximum of two years.

An immigrant will need to file documents directly in Chile, as in all the other previously mentioned cases. However, if for this you do not want to fly to another point on the planet, you can collect all the papers and confirm the ethnic roots, and then submit them to the Chilean consulate.

However, there is also a nuance here. After the authorities verify the information provided by the immigrant, they will change his last name in the Spanish manner. This is the specifics of the program.

As you can see, you can really get Chilean citizenship without much difficulty. But the passport of a subject of this state can open many opportunities. Without a visa, a person will be able to enter the territory of the USA, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, as well as two dozen other countries, for visiting which Russian citizens are required to stamp in their passport.

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