State enterprise is an extremely important component of all business areas, which are based on a market-oriented economy.
State functions in market management
Business entities related to the state have always played the most important role in the markets for services and goods. Today, entrepreneurial activity on behalf of the state includes the direct management of such important strategically significant objects as mail, railways and so on.
The volumes of competition between state and private monopolies are not so great, since private businessmen, at the moments when their offspring grow on a large scale, are themselves interested in appropriate control, which gives them all guarantees to protect all kinds of competitors from aggression. The state provides and provides legal support to various types of private activities of entrepreneurs, both in the domestic and foreign markets.
At this current stage of development, the market economy cannot exist normally without government intervention.
Aspects of oversight activities
This supervisory activity is usually considered in two aspects:
- the state as a subject of market relations;
- mechanism for regulation and general control.
The mechanism of functioning and activity of the market itself includes regulatory instruments, such as a pricing policy for consumer goods and a direct ratio of the wages of the population. This makes it possible to maintain the proper level in the field of employment, and, in addition, fully ensures its ability to act as consumers of various goods.
Constantly conducted state support for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Private features and definition of entrepreneurial activity that is carried out by the state
In order for each component of the structure in its system to function satisfactorily and efficiently, direct intervention of state instruments is necessary. Throughout history, the state, except for defensive, judicial and legislative functions, also played an important role in the economic field. The control of such a global authority over the country's economy appeared during the formation of the very first state formations and received significant development in European countries at the beginning of the period of the medieval era. Absolutely any economic sector is, to one degree or another, subject to state regulation and control. State enterprise is based on this.
Regulatory and Control Functions
There is no doubt that it is the leadership of the countries that should have certain functions of regulation and control of activities in order to be able to provide decent conditions for the functioning of business of various sizes. But among entrepreneurs, apparently, based on their interests, there are different opinions about the extent to which this or that sphere of production may be subject to global regulation. Some business representatives insist on the correctness of the actual availability and development of instruments of state monopoly, while others try to adhere to all kinds of liberal views.In parallel with this, with historical examples, if we take into account the Keynesian revolution, it has already been proved that the country's economic sphere alone is not able to heal itself in situations associated with financial decline.
Who is responsible?
All responsibility for the level of functioning of state-owned enterprises, and the development of the country's economy, lies directly with the legislative apparatus of government. It is well known that the satisfaction of society and the nation financially is directly proportional to the volume of development of the country's economy. And in order for this level to be considered high-quality and high, the ruling circles apply whole groups of methods of regulation and management. One of them is, first of all, building a competent system for taxation, legislation, credit and monetary systems, and so on.
Tasks pursued by state. entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation
Among the main list of functions entrusted to the state, the following areas can be mentioned:
- development of the fuel, energy and metallurgical industries;
- activities for forecasting scientific and technological improvements;
- preservation of the environment and its protection;
- the establishment and creation of social infrastructure, for example, communications, medical care, transportation, education and so on;
- availability of guarantees in the field of social protection for disabled and poor groups of the population;
- development of the financial system.
All of the above tasks should be solved only through the use of public administration tools.
Organizational and legal functions, as well as types of activities of the state. entrepreneurship
In the Russian Federation, as in all other countries, state-owned enterprise is considered an integral part of any economy. But within this framework, it has its own specificity, which is dictated by the following factors:
- The economic element that controls state business in Russia has retained the signs of the former forms of the Soviet Union, which were characterized by global regulation in all areas of life.
- The need for state entrepreneurship in order to establish the country's economy.
- The intervention of the tools of the governing apparatus in all areas of the economy, as well as stereotypes about the only true understanding of officials about the conduct of economic relations.
- The seasoned traditional mentality, which implies a significant credit of trust in relation to state bodies, but not to commercial ones.
Important government support for medium-sized enterprises.
Immediately after the disappearance of the Soviet Union throughout the former territory, including in Russia, a massive wave arose in the field of privatization of economic enterprises, as well as the registration of new legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity. As a result of such changes, the number of organizations in Russia increased tenfold, which led to the emergence of new forms of state entrepreneurship.
Leading areas of entrepreneurship in Russia
Among the main and leading areas of Russian business should be highlighted such as:
- Agriculture;
- industry;
- trading mechanisms;
- building.
After the aforementioned wave of privatization, the area of state regulation of entrepreneurship has lost a significant number of enterprises.
State Enterprise Image
The following options are classified as forms of entrepreneurial activity of state structures:
- The objects of federal property, that is, we are talking about nuclear activities, communications, transport, banks and information.
- Objects of a regional nature, that is, subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as various municipal and federal property.
Signs of government activity
How is the state development of entrepreneurship?
Signs of state entrepreneurial activity include:
- real estate ownership of institutions;
- subordination of governing entities to the owners of organizations;
- the institution is not liable to the law for the obligations of the holder of the existing property.
Government organizations are one of the types of business concerned. Absolutely any questions regarding the material, pricing and production policies of such institutions are controlled exclusively by the state. If it acts as a customer of products that are produced by state-owned organizations, then a state order agreement is necessarily concluded within this framework. After the conclusion of such a document, these institutions cannot refuse their obligations, except as otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
State enterprise in Russia
The specifics of our country's governance are based on a kind of command system for regulation and supervision. Such a structure in itself is a kind of relic of the past management system that existed in the Soviet Union. This inconvenience can be overcome by striving for a common collegiality in making absolutely all decisions, as well as using the opinions of independent experts and introducing a competitive basis for the direct approval of new leading personnel. This is how state support for entrepreneurship is provided.
The only common feature that unites the process of public administration in different countries is the presence of special ministries for this, which are formed in order to control the activities of a particular sphere of society.