Today we have to find out where to get the cadastral passport. Every modern citizen should be able to answer a similar question. A cadastral type passport plays a huge role for real estate and its owners. Only not everyone understands the procedure for filling out a document. In fact, the operation will not cause any significant hassle. And even someone who is poorly versed in paperwork will be able to bring the idea to life.
Does a modern person need a cadastral passport? Yes. After all, this document is a certificate with the characteristics of the property. We can say that the passport is a detailed description of the property.
The document looks simple - it is a few sheets of A4 format on which information is written about a particular object. On one of the pages a drawing of the room / plot will be shown.
What is it needed for?
Why might you need a cadastral passport for a house or for any other real estate?
This document is required for any transactions with immovable property. Without it, the owner will be denied operations.
Accordingly, it will be necessary to think about obtaining the studied extract when:
- giving;
- inheritance;
- sale;
- alienation.
In addition, a cadastral passport may be required in court. For example, when allocating shares or during the resolution of certain property disputes. Are you planning a redevelopment of the premises? Then this document is also necessary. Otherwise, the operation will be declared illegal.
What is made out?
It is worth paying attention that only property owners can take care of where the cadastral passport is received. For other property, such documentation is not issued.
In Russia, the concept of "real estate" includes objects of the following type:
- apartments;
- rooms;
- non-residential premises;
- Offices
- houses;
- cottages;
- plots of land;
- parking places;
- garages;
- construction in progress.
For all listed property, a cadastral passport is issued and issued without fail. This statement is also required during privatization. To get it is not difficult.
Presentation forms
It is worth paying attention to the fact that this document in Russia has several forms of presentation.
- paper;
- electronic.
In the first case, the owner (or his representative) will be given a document printed on paper. In the second, the result of the request is an electronic file. In both cases, the certificate of the established form affixed the seal of Rosreestr and put the signature of the head of the registration chamber. The document no longer has any distinguishing features.
The cost of a cadastral passport cannot be called unequivocal. The thing is that it depends on several factors. More precisely, the fee for a cadastral type passport depends on:
- presentation forms;
- category to which the citizen belongs.
What scenarios are possible? For example, you can focus on the following indicators:
- 200 rubles - paper cadastral passport for individuals;
- 600 rubles - an analogue for organizations;
- 150 rubles - an electronic certificate form for citizens;
- 300 rubles - a computer document for legal entities.
In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. It is advisable to pay a fee before submitting a request in the established form. Thus, the applicant will be able to reduce the time to translate ideas into reality.
Where to go?
And where do they get the cadastral passport? There is no definite answer.Today in Russia various authorities are involved in issuing cadastral passports.
For example, these may include:
- MFC;
- Organizations like My Documents
- cadastral registration chambers;
- departments of cadastre and cartography;
- Rosreestr.
In addition, the registration of a cadastral passport is possible via the Internet. To do this, just use the Rosreestr website. In just a few minutes, the owner will be able to apply for the issuance of the studied certificate.
It is not difficult to obtain a cadastral passport for a house or any other real estate object. Especially if you prepare in advance.
To translate ideas into reality, the owner will have to prepare a certain package of papers. There are not so many of them.
The following documentation may come in handy:
- passport;
- application for the issuance of a cadastral passport;
- check with paid duty;
- title documents for property;
- power of attorney (if any).
Organizations additionally submit constituent documents. All papers must be submitted with copies. There is no need to certify them. The only exceptions are power of attorney. They must be executed by a notary public.
Title papers
Some do not quite understand how to get a cadastral passport. In particular, due to problems with the preparation of documentation.
The point is that ambiguity can arise during the collection of title papers. What do they relate to?
Most often, the following references serve as such documentation:
- certificate of ownership;
- extracts from the Unified State Register;
- testament with certificate of acceptance of inheritance;
- court decision;
- contract of sale;
- deed of gift.
Now this issue will not cause any difficulties. And each owner will be able to collect and bring title documents to the property.
Order of receipt (personally)
We found out where to get the cadastral passport. And how exactly can this be done?
Guidelines for ordering statements of the established form are as follows:
- Form a package of documents (we have already considered their list).
- Pay the fee for issuing a passport for the property.
- Contact the registration authority selected in advance (taking into account the location of the property) with the appropriate request.
- Get a receipt on the acceptance of documents.
- At the appointed time, pick up the finished passport for an apartment, house or land.
Done! This manual, it is not hard to guess, helps to get a paper copy of the passport. Its electronic counterpart can be ordered only via the Internet.
Online order
Now consider another scenario. Where do I get the cadastral passport online? On the website of Rosreestr. You can try to request such help from third-party sources, but doing so is not recommended. It is possible that a person will simply be deceived. Although there are indeed services with an urgent order of cadastral passports.
Guidelines for submitting a request of the established form via the Internet are as follows:
- Go to page.
- Go to the "Services".
- Click on "Extract from the State Property Committee."
- Set the pointer near the item "Cadastral passport".
- Choose the type of property.
- Fill out the request form. This can be done using the keyboard. All fields have prompts.
- Specify the type of presentation of the document.
- Select the paper receiving authority (if necessary).
- Put a checkmark next to "I agree."
- Click on the "Submit Request" button.
- Open the email inbox indicated in the application and follow the link in the letter from Rosreestr.
- Indicate the application number.
- Click on "Check".
- Click on "Enter payment code."
- Enter the corresponding number and click on the "Go to payment" button.
- Choose a method of payment for the service.
- Enter user account details.
- Confirm action.
It remains only to wait. After some time, the user will either receive an electronic cadastral passport, or he will receive a notification about the readiness of the document.After that, you can come with a passport to the place indicated in advance and get help.
Service Duration
How much time will it take to issue a cadastral passport? A sample of this paper will be presented below. First you need to find out all the features of its receipt.
On average, the issuance of cadastral passports is carried out within 3-5 business days from the moment the owner requests it. Changes to the previously valid document are made no later than 10 days after the submission of the request in the established form.
Some third-party services help you get a cadastral passport faster - in just a few hours. On average, extracts of the established sample will be ready in 3-4 hours. But it is better, as we have said, to avoid accessing third-party resources.
Cadastral and technical passports are almost the same thing. Only the first document reflects more complete information about the property. And this should be remembered by each owner of a property.
A sample cadastral passport is presented to your attention. As you can see, there is nothing special about this document. No distinctive marks, watermarks or national emblems. Therefore, fraudsters can easily fake a statement of the established form.
Last changes
Since January 1, 2017 in Russia there have been some changes. They led to the reorganization of Rosreestr.
Now you do not need to think about where to get the cadastral passport. After all, this document is no more. As well as certificates of ownership of real estate.
Instead of the listed papers, the citizen is issued an extract from the Unified State Register. It can be issued according to the same principles as a cadastral passport. The difference lies in the cost of the certificate and in the fact that this document has different types.
On average, the cost of extract from the Unified State Register is 350 rubles for individuals and 600 for organizations. Even a third party can request a document, although in practice this can be difficult.
Inquiries from the registry of rights are:
- are common;
- extended;
- about burdens;
- incapacity;
- about property rights.
These are the most common types of statements. Usual certificates resemble a cadastral passport, and extended ones allow you to see the history of the transfer of ownership of an object from person to person.
We found out where to get the cadastral real estate passport. In fact, this operation does not require any special skills and knowledge, but is carried out literally in a few days.
Only in 2017, owner-citizens should think about obtaining extracts from the Unified State Register. Now this type of certificate is necessary for transactions with property. The algorithm for their design is the same as in the case of the cadastral type passport.