Are there great chances to take a loan with current delinquencies or with a negative characteristic? Of course, this situation significantly reduces the chances of a positive response from the bank, but in some cases there is a likelihood of receiving money on quite adequate terms. The main thing is to remember that you will not be able to hide your debts from the next banking structure. If they were so gullible, they would have long gone bankrupt, weren't they? The security service will definitely find out if you have problems in your credit history. And on how big they are, the final decision will depend. However, the loan with tech. delay - this is not a reason to fall into despair.
What to count on?
The main thing is not to despair. Delay is not the absolute impossibility of borrowing money. Much is determined by how difficult things are. It depends on the:
- loan amount;
- delay period.
It will not be difficult to get a loan with current delays of 10 thousand rubles; most banks do not pay attention to such debts. This applies to delays that last no more than a month.
In some cases, the opportunity to refinance a loan comes to the rescue. This service can be ordered at the following banks:
- Sberbank
- VTB 24;
- Raiffeisenbank;
- "Alfa Bank".
But when the delay in payment of debts exceeded 30 days, and the amount is quite large, you can’t count on much.
Negative story
It is unlikely that you can borrow a loan from a bank with current delays if you have accumulated large debts. You should not count on a positive attitude, even if you go to one bank and owe another. The very existence of an overdue period is what complicates the situation.
If your credit history turned out to be negative, banks try not to cooperate with such people if possible, you should be prepared for this. Do not try to put pressure on the manager and scream, proving to him that you will definitely manage the payment of the loan. Remember that in the final case, the decision will not be made by the manager, who still has a chance to make a good impression, but by the security service. She, in turn, is guided only by cold calculation, without any hint of emotionality and ideas of helping others.
What are they looking at?
When approving or not approving a candidate for issuing interest-bearing money, the bank usually analyzes the following aspects:
- age;
- floor;
- marital status;
- work experience;
- workplace;
- an abundance of contacts;
- availability of documentation;
- the desired amount;
- estimated debt maturity;
- the presence of delays.
Getting a loan with current arrears is not an easy task.
When can you forget about the delay?
As mentioned above, you can take out a loan with current delays if those do not exceed 30 days. Before the expiration of this period, it is customary to call technical debt. If you allowed it, but soon covered it, then after three months, sometimes after six months, information about it disappears from your profile and the incident will no longer attract anyone's attention.
But to take out a loan with current arrears, the term of which is more than 29 days, is problematic. Such delays are not erased from history and turn it into negative. They will certainly attract the attention of the bank's security service.
What to do?
How to get a loan with current arrears? It seems that there is only one way out: not to let the financial structure know that you have such a difficult situation with money. But is it possible?
Typically, credit history is stored in specialized bureaus. There are several of them. One bank may work with different bureaus, but there are hardly any that collect data from all possible sources. That is, with due diligence, you can find the bank that can not see the negative profile of your credit history.
How to do it?
As a rule, they are looking for where you can get a loan with current delays, resorting to the services of a professional. It’s almost impossible to succeed here on our own. What can an ordinary person do? Try to apply to all banks in a row, hoping to stumble upon the same one? Usually this only leads to a worsening of the situation.
What's the catch? The credit history contains not only received and paid or overdue loans. It also reflects all those applications that people submitted to certain banks. And, of course, the rejections received are taken into account. At that moment, when you decide to check all the banks of your city to find out which one will give out a loan with current delays, you will only ruin your history with numerous failures.
Remember that each next bank, having learned that the previous one has refused you, also tends to refuse automatically. In order not to be in such an unpleasant situation, it is worth using the services of professionals. Fortunately, there are a lot of those in the financial services market.
Individual approach
As already mentioned, if there is an delay of up to 30 days, it is possible to get a loan by contacting the bank. Some reliable financial institutions are ready to provide borrowed funds even when a person has had several delinquencies of this kind. This is due to the fact that nowadays there are less and less people with a clean credit history, and banks need clients and are ready to take risks.
On the other hand, they will probably try to take advantage of the situation and “warm their hands”, that is, give out a loan with current delays, but under individual conditions, as a rule, a larger percentage. However, this does not apply to situations where there is a loan in the credit history for which you have not fulfilled the conditions at all. Here the refusal is guaranteed.
How to fix the situation?
If there are banks that give loans with current arrears, then surely there should be a method of correcting the credit history, as the average person usually thinks logically and sensibly. Yes, indeed, there is such a practice. You must fill your credit history with positive information.
It is worth remembering that the entries in your profile by themselves will not appear in order to earn a reputation, you will have to work hard. It all starts with the search for a bank that agrees to give you a loan after the delay has already taken place. You repay the loan as accurately as possible on time, avoiding any delays or other violations. As a rule, the conditions will turn out to be literally “ripping off three skins,” and the loan term will be very short, but if you can manage it, you can assume that the beginning has been made.
Alternative option
What can I do if you are unable to find a bank that gives a loan with the current delay? Very simple - you can get a credit card. This option is most suitable for people who need money extremely urgently, but who have behind them a loan for which the delay is open.
Of course, you do not have to wait for favorable conditions from a credit card. But if you use it regularly, transferring money to your account on time, while the grace period lasts, then in just a couple of years you can switch to more loyal terms of cooperation with the banking structure. In addition, this practice will improve your reputation, despite the delay.
Earning Promotions
If you managed to get a loan with current delays and pay off all obligations, as well as earn a good reputation, you can be sure that the bank will notice this,Against this background, you will be offered more favorable conditions for cooperation. It is beneficial for a financial institution that you remain its regular customer if your reliability has improved. However, this will continue only as long as you follow the rules established by the contract.
Preferences are expressed in the following:
- smaller package of documents upon repeated appeal;
- shortening the time for considering the application;
- interest rate reduction.
The latter usually does not seem to be very significant, because the difference is only 1-2%, however, with large amounts, it can turn out to be quite significant.
Where else to turn for help?
Where to get a loan with current delays if banks refuse? A good option is microfinance companies. For them, the reputation of customers is not so important, since the key audience of such organizations is people who banks refused to work with because of their unreliability.
If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t get a new loan to cover the old one and thereby correct your credit history, try microfinance. Here you can also be refused, but only when the credit history is completely ruined. But if you regularly take small loans that repay relatively on time, you will not have problems. On the one hand, this creates additional positive entries in your personal profile, on the other hand, it allows you to solve the problem of bad credit and pay off it.
Not knowing where to get a loan with current arrears, many turn to loan brokers. Such specialists help to choose an organization in which they will definitely give you money on credit. If you have any difficulties, then you again visit the broker, he recommends how to behave in the circumstances. However, if your story is completely corrupted, then there is a chance that no broker will undertake to cooperate with you. True, this is very rare, usually these people are real masters of their craft, so they can definitely come up with the move that will allow you to get the money.
Be carefull
Of course, cooperation with a credit broker can be beneficial, but only if the specialist is truly an expert in his field. Recently, a huge number of such workers have appeared on the money services market who are rather negligent in their work. The low level of professionalism is expressed in the following: these people simply follow the proposals of financial institutions and transmit information about them to their client, without even delving into the specifics of a particular case. Such workers do not even leave the house! They have no connections, no skills, no access to closed bases. It is completely impossible to get data on profitable offers through such a broker, it will turn out to be a waste of money and time.
However, this is not the most unpleasant of the possible options. There are more and more scammers in the financial services market who make money on the despair of people in urgent need of funds. Some of them are illegal and can lead to considerable problems, while others will put you on the brink of ruin. Be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived.
How do we make money
There are such offices where they propose to make all the necessary documents, which you then take to the bank and get the money without any problems. Avoid working with similar "entrepreneurs." This is illegal and causes administrative and even criminal liability. It is unlikely that you will be able to prove that you were simply "escorted", especially by the time the police are involved in the case, this company will probably evaporate without a trace and no one will confirm that it even existed.
Remember that any serious financial company that issues loans represents that there are such firms.For this reason, all documents submitted to the bank are checked very carefully, especially if this is the first appeal. The check reveals that the documents are fake, and sometimes banks even reject real papers. For example, if the seal is smeared or the signature of the head is not clearly visible. These security measures are taken to protect yourself from scammers. Remember that the office for falsifying documents will take a considerable amount from you, but there will be no benefit from this.
Which organizations should you contact first?
As already noted above, in the presence of delay, most of the serious banks look at the potential borrower with caution. Try yourself in the first place in the following places:
- Tinkoff Bank;
- PrivatBank.
The requirements of both banks are approximately the same.
In addition, you can try your luck in the following organizations:
- "Lime";
- OTPbank;
- "Touch Bank".
Additional solutions to the problem
One way to remedy the situation is to restructure the loan. It is relevant in the event that you just overdue 1-2 payments, and the bank is ready to meet the borrower if he really finds himself in difficult living conditions. How does this happen? The sequence is as follows:
- Study the contract.
- Collect the documents: the contract, receipts for all payments already made and those documents that indicate the reason for the delay (dismissal order, medical certificate).
- Meet with your loan manager and explain the situation to him. At the same time, be sure to check if it is possible to get a credit vacation at least for a short time. Also check whether it is possible to reduce each new payment by increasing the duration of the loan program as a whole.
If a bank representative sees that the client is interested in repaying the loan, but is really in difficult circumstances for objective reasons, the organization is likely to meet it.
But in the case when, even with this approach, the possible amounts of payments and their terms are still not suitable for you, you can turn to another method, already mentioned above - refinancing. It is about getting a loan in another structure to pay off debts to the first bank. You need to turn to this opportunity only when you clearly understand that your bank’s offer was "too tough".
Refinancing is not suitable for a person who is completely stuck in loans, but if not everything is lost, this way may be useful. Contact him if you have long been catching yourself on late payments, which you, although untimely, are still repaying. So, the sequence of actions is as follows:
- Pay off delinquency.
- Choose a bank.
- Visit him with a full package of documents, leave a request for re-lending.
- Upon approval, write an application for early repayment of the loan in the first organization.
- Close your old loan completely.
- Pay out a new one.
Unpleasant aspects of delinquency
As previously mentioned, restoration of credit reputation is not an easy task, requiring a lot of time, effort and money. At the same time, a person who realizes that in the future he may need the help of a credit organization should try to restore his story so as not to be in a hopeless situation once.
Remember that with regular non-repayment of loans you have a risk of meeting the collectors. The most negative option is the bailiffs who came to your home, because a case was opened because of the debt.