Today, many people are thinking about obtaining a second citizenship, because a foreign identity document will become a permit for residence and work in another state. In addition, the visa issue and the fear of deportation to one’s home country will automatically disappear. In addition, second citizenship is often considered reserve to prevent the urgent need to move to another locality, for example, due to a political conflict. So, there will be an opportunity not to worry about obtaining work permits, training, or about how to become a refugee on official terms. The most uncomplicated method in 2017 on the issue under consideration is obtaining citizenship for investment. What is citizenship for investment and how to organize the procedure? To carry out such an operation, it is only necessary to invest a certain amount of money in real estate or a specific fund, and in return to become a full holder of the passport of another country in the shortest possible time.
Indisputable advantages of a second citizenship
As stated above, a second passport will never hurt, but rather make life easier and brighter. It does not matter at all whether it is used regularly or stored for special circumstances. One way or another, someday a foreign document is sure to come in handy. By the way, citizenship, for the investment received, gives the individual fundamentally new opportunities, such as the possibility of moving to another country, finding a new job, studying an interesting and unfamiliar national culture, and so on. At the same time, a person has rights similar to local residents. Great, isn't it !? If you have a foreign passport in a foreign country, you can count on:
- Getting a free education.
- Use of free medicine.
- Legal employment.
- Protection of state law enforcement agencies.
Additional benefits
In addition to the above advantages, the holder of a foreign passport has the full right to apply for a loan, receive monthly social support if necessary and appropriate justification, as well as relax abroad during vacations. In addition, most countries where issued citizenship for investmentare characterized by a visa-free regime with various kinds of states. For example, being a subject of a European country, a person is given the right to visit Japan, New Zealand, India, Austria and so on. Of course, this provision significantly expands the range of options that are available primarily for travel. The good news is that a person can significantly save time, because he will not have to draw up visa documents and work on related issues.
The above facts, no doubt, are the absolute advantages of obtaining a second citizenship if it is not prohibited to have one in the native country of the individual. If, in accordance with the law, in order to give a citizen new citizenship it is necessary to abandon the usual, then it is worthwhile to think carefully whether it is really necessary. Then, after all, you will probably have to permanently move abroad and never again be considered full-fledged at home.
The direct procedure for obtaining citizenship for investment
To begin with, it should be noted that the procedure for investing and further registration of foreign citizenship is strictly regulated through certain state programs. So, it consists of a number of stages (by the way, in different countries the above procedures, as a rule, are somewhat different):
- Choosing an investor type of investment.
- Application for participation in the program and obtaining approval.
- Investing funds by transferring them to a special account.
- Submission of a package of documents directly to the state migration service.
- Invitation of the investor and his family (if available) to the nearest embassy (consulate) in order to obtain foreign passports. Of course, this procedure is carried out only after reviewing the documentation and approval of candidates.
Procedure Summary
As it turned out, take part in a particular program and, accordingly, get citizenship for investment the whole family of the investor has the opportunity. In addition, the rules of some countries include the inclusion of even parents in the application. But this is done exclusively if they are financially dependent on the investor. For example, today Cyprus citizenship for investment not only the applicant’s parents, but also children under 28, who depend on him financially, can receive it.
Obtaining foreign citizenship by investing in real estate
To date, the most common type of investment is the purchase of real estate of residential or commercial type for a specific minimum amount of cash. Thus, in relation to different countries, the following rules apply to this account:
- Cyprus citizenship for investment can be obtained by acquiring residential property worth more than two million euros. The same value is appropriate for the purchase of commercial property. However, in production, in addition it is necessary to buy housing, the cost of which exceeds five hundred euros.
- Citizenship Investments St. Kitts and Nevis real estate typically exceeds four hundred thousand dollars. In addition, the facility itself is mandatory approved by the government. By the way, in this area most often acquire parts of the resort complex.
- Malta citizenship for investment involves a combined investment program. It is important to note that in the aggregate investment in residential real estate should exceed three hundred and fifty thousand euros. Interestingly, in accordance with the terms of the program, it is possible not to purchase housing, but only to rent it.
Real estate investing in other countries
In what other countries is it relevant today to obtain citizenship for certain investments? Of course, in the United States of America! However, it is quite difficult to acquire US citizenship through investment, which is justified by the capacity and complexity of the procedure itself. Nevertheless, the influx of emigrants in this country is very large. What is the size of investment capital there? US citizenship for investment can be obtained in case of investment in commercial real estate from a million dollars in large cities. If we are talking about rural areas, then an amount of five hundred thousand dollars will be enough. Despite such serious numbers, today a lot of people choose the appropriate path, which is not at all surprising.
Nested Canadian citizenship investment according to the program of the province of Quebec equals 800,000 CAD for a period of 5 years. In addition, this is done exclusively under the guarantee of the Quebec government. It is important to add that money is returned without interest.
Is it possible to become a Bulgarian citizen for investment?
How to get Bulgarian citizenship for investment? For this, a potential investor needs to perform a number of operations:
- The applicant should invest 512,000 euros directly in the capital of a particular company in the country involved in the Priority Investment Project. After that, he needs to support this investment for about a year until the moment when it will be possible to apply for Bulgarian citizenship. By the way citizenship through investment in a given country, it is possible to obtain by investing a certain amount in government bonds.
- The applicant must be in the status of a permanent resident of Bulgaria during the year.
- After granting citizenship by state bodies, it is necessary to maintain a previous investment made for another two years.
How to get Austrian citizenship?
Austrian citizenship for investment can be obtained in accordance with the relevant provisions of state law through some investments in the economy of this country. So, it is possible to invest money in a business directly or in a joint venture. It is important to add that Austrian government structures welcome investments in venture capital funds or in innovative technologies. Thus, the minimum investment is considered the amount of six million euros. By the way, passive investments aimed at state securities or in real estate are not grounds for granting Austrian citizenship to a person.
How to obtain citizenship of other countries?
To obtain citizenship of Barbuda and Antigua, it is necessary to purchase a certain share of resort real estate, which must be approved by the relevant government agencies. The minimum rate in this case is four hundred thousand dollars.
Obtaining the citizenship of Grenada is accompanied by investments in excess of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and with respect to Dominica this amount is two hundred thousand. In addition, in the latter case, the choice of the corresponding objects is strictly limited by the content of the program. It is important to note that the acquired set may include not one, but a certain number of real estate objects. The main criterion here is the excess of the total amount, the minimum stipulated for each country separately.
Citizenship for Charity
Today, citizenship for charity is a very popular type of investment and takes second place after investing in real estate. This type of investment is actively practiced in the following countries:
- In Malta, six hundred and fifty thousand euros should be invested in the direction of a special Development Fund for the country. An additional acquisition in this case is the Central Bank in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand euros, in addition, rental of real estate is mandatory.
- For Saint Kitts and Nevis, the minimum contribution to the Sugar Production Diversification Fund is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
Citizenship for charity. Where is this practice relevant?
In addition to the countries listed above, citizenship for charity can be obtained in Grenada subject to a contribution exceeding two hundred thousand dollars to the National Transformation Fund. By the way, a Dominican foreign passport today remains the most accessible for citizens of other countries. Why? The fact is that in Dominica, the minimum contribution should be equal to one hundred thousand dollars. Funds go directly to the Economic Diversification Fund.
What is the difference between a donation?
What is the main difference between a charitable contribution and investing in real estate? The fact is that in the first case, the irrevocable nature of the appropriations is implied. This fee is considered a one-time fee. For its implementation, it is enough to send a certain amount of money to the government account of a particular country, and in return get foreign passports for yourself and, of course, your family. It must be borne in mind that money will never return.
Citizenship through investment in the Central Bank
In third place in the list of methods for obtaining citizenship through investment is investing in securities of a foreign state. The implementation of this option is possible for the following countries:
- In Cyprus, it is necessary to purchase securities of state ownership in the amount of five hundred thousand euros. In addition, you need to buy real estate of residential type in the amount of two million euros.
- In Malta, government securities worth more than one hundred and fifty thousand euros should be purchased. Moreover, it is necessary to make a non-repayable contribution to the Development Fund of the country and buy (rent) real estate.