
Where and how to restore STS to a car in case of loss - step by step instructions and requirements

Vehicle Registration Certificate - a document that can be useful to every driver. Without it, a person will not be able to drive a car. This causes certain difficulties after the purchase of movable property. How to restore STS? What you need to know about this procedure? To understand all this and not only we will try further. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Especially if you prepare in advance for the appropriate operation.

Documents on a car - STS, policy, diagnostic card

Description of the document

How to restore STS to a car? The first thing you need to understand is what kind of statement is involved. Why is it needed at all?

STS is a document attesting to the registration of a transport vehicle with the traffic police. It indicates the characteristics of the vehicle, as well as information about the owner of the movable property. Here you can also see information about the place of registration of the car.

Mentioned paper plays an important role when driving. Without STS, citizens can only drive a car for 10 days from the date of purchase of transport. In addition, car taxes will be calculated using car registration.

Reasons for sharing

How to restore STS? It is far from always worth considering this task. Unfortunately, not everyone knows under what circumstances it is necessary to carry out a car re-registration procedure.

The corresponding operation is needed if:

  • the citizen changes registration data;
  • car owner moves;
  • there is a change of ownership of movable property;
  • The document has been stolen or lost;
  • the technical passport of the machine is restored;
  • certificate of registration has been damaged.

These are the most common scenarios. If a citizen returns to Russia after a long absence or brings a vehicle into the country, you must also contact the traffic police for registration actions.

Appeal to the traffic police

Where is the service provided?

Many drivers are thinking whether it is possible to restore the STS. For example, if the document was stolen, lost or damaged. What to do under such circumstances?

Restoration of the certificate of registration with the traffic police is possible. In the course of the manipulations, a person will be given a new copy of the STS. Re-launching the document marked "Duplicate" does not work.

How to restore an STS to a machine in case of loss or theft of the relevant certificate? Under such circumstances, a person may request:

  • MREO;
  • Traffic police;
  • State traffic inspectorate;
  • MFC.

Another option for applying is applying for IT technology. More precisely, then to the portal "State Services". With it, you can order almost all possible state and municipal services.

Instruction: personally restore the document

How to recover STS in case of loss or theft? Deal with a similar issue with preliminary preparation is not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

Suppose a person contacts the registration authorities in person. In this case, you will have to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Go to the police and report the theft / loss of the document.
  2. Get a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the established sample.
  3. Prepare extracts provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for registration actions.
  4. Apply for renewal of documents for the machine.
  5. Make a state fee for the provision of services for the restoration of STS.
  6. Appear in the traffic police and conduct vehicle inspection.
  7. Get on hand documents for the vehicle.

That's all.As a rule, there are no difficulties with issuing a certificate of registration of a machine. Especially if you prepare for the procedure in advance.

STS recovery through MFC

Instruction: appeal through "State services"

How to restore STS to a car? The second method is an appeal to the help of the State Services service. It allows you to carry out registration actions with a car without leaving the house.

First you have to prepare an account on the portal. To do this, you need:

  • pass a free registration on the "State Services";
  • complete the user profile;
  • Verify your identity using any of the available methods.

As soon as the user fulfills these requirements, you can begin to work with electronic services.

STS recovery through State services

How to recover STS remotely? The applicant must:

  1. Log in to the Gosuslugi website and find the "Vehicle Registration" block in the catalog of available options.
  2. Select the service "STS Recovery" or "Registration of transport."
  3. Indicate the reason for contacting the registration authority, and then click on the "Receive" button.
  4. Fill out an electronic application. Part of the information will be automatically inserted into the application from the citizen’s LC.
  5. Choose a place and time for obtaining documentation for the car. A similar step is automatically skipped in some regions.
  6. Click on the "Submit Application" button.
  7. Pay state duty for service. This can be done after approval of the application.
  8. At the agreed time, come to the traffic police or the MFC for information on the car.

Important: before applying through the State Services, a citizen will have to go to the police and write a petition for the loss or theft of STS.

How to restore STS if you lost it

Documents for the procedure

A huge role for translating ideas into reality is played by the preparation of extracts for vehicle registration. How to restore STS?

The package of securities will depend on the reason for contacting the registration authority. As a rule, if a document is stolen or lost, you can prepare:

  • certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • an application for a certificate of registration of a car;
  • technical passport of the machine;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • car insurance policy;
  • applicant's identity card;
  • title papers on the car.

All of this should be enough. The applicant can restore the certificate of registration of the car through a representative. This operation brings certain troubles. In particular, due to the need to prepare a notarized power of attorney for registration of vehicles in the traffic police.

Operation cost

Now it’s clear how to restore the STS to the car in case of loss. What else do you need to remember about the upcoming operation?

For example, how much does the study operation cost. The state duty for it will consist of several payments.

STS on the car

Here are the possible operations that you will have to pay for along with the registration of a car:

  • production of state numbers - 2,000 rubles;
  • renewal of STS - 500 rubles;
  • TCP adjustment - 350 rubles;
  • restoration of the registration certificate - 800 rubles;
  • production of a plastic certificate of registration of a car - 1,500 rubles.

These fees are valid for 2018. If you want to restore the STS, you can do it at minimal cost.

If a citizen pays a fee for STS through "State Services", he receives a 30% discount on these payments. The bonus is valid until the end of 2018. Whether it will be extended is still unknown.


Has a man lost an STS? How to restore this paper, we found out. And how much time is spent on translating ideas into reality?

Registering a car in the traffic police is a quick procedure. Recovering documents to a car will also not take much time.

As a rule, a new STS is made on the day of the application for restoration. In some cases, you have to wait 1-3 days.

If a citizen submits an application through the MFC, the waiting period for a certificate is from 10 to 15 days. In some cases, STS is manufactured for a very long time - up to 2 months. This is possible if a citizen declares the theft of documentation for the car.

It is recommended that you check with the selected registration authority for more accurate information about the speed of service. Only there they will be able to say how quickly the documents for the car will be ready under certain circumstances.

Can refuse

How to recover a lost STS? The answer to this question will no longer confuse a person. Now it’s clear how to act in one case or another.

Many people wonder if they can refuse to issue a certificate of registration of a car. What does the legislation of the Russian Federation say on this issue?

They may refuse to register a car and restore a STS if:

  • a citizen does not have the authority to file an application;
  • a person has prepared an incomplete package of certificates;
  • extracts used are fake or invalid;
  • the car is banned from registering actions;
  • transport does not comply with established safety rules;
  • the applicant did not pay registration fees.

They simply cannot refuse to restore STS. If a person suspects the illegality of the traffic police, you can go to court or the prosecutor.

STS recovery methods


Now it’s clear how to restore the STS in a particular case. To do this is not difficult.

We brought to our attention the features of re-issuance of certificates of registration of a car. The main thing is that the owner of the machine independently contact the registration authorities or prepare a power of attorney for the representative. Otherwise, it will be impossible to cope with the task.

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