
Where and how to get an electronic signature key: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

Many of those who constantly interact with electronic document management have probably come across a concept such as electronic signature. Nevertheless, for most people this term remains unfamiliar, but those who managed to try this tool were not disappointed. In simple terms, an electronic signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature. Often this method is used when working with electronic documents, regardless of the field of activity. Let's take a closer look at what it is, what it is used for, and how to get an electronic signature key.

how to get an electronic signature key

What is an electronic signature for?

People who have not yet had time to get acquainted with this tool have logical questions about why, in general, they need an EDS, when you can just print a document on a printer, endorse it and put the usual print?

So, there are a number of reasons why an electronic signature is more valuable than a real one. Let's consider them in more detail:

1. Electronic document management. In the context of modern computerization, there is no need to save documents in paper form, as it was done before. Now all state organizations recognize the legal force and convenience of electronic documents for several reasons:

  • they do not occupy space;
  • securely stored;
  • the process of exchanging information is greatly simplified and so on.

In intercorporate circulation of documents, the electronic signature has no analogues at all, since it completely solves the issue of travel with the aim of signing documentation in subsidiaries. Access from the computer to the documents of the combined companies is ensured by the electronic signature, which is a guarantee of authenticity, and also facilitates the communication of managers.

2. Reporting. The documentation, supported by an electronic signature, has legal force, which means that you do not need to send a courier or deliver documents yourself, you just need to open the document with a report, fix the EDS and send it to the addressee by e-mail. All actions will take only a few minutes.

3. Government services. The main advantage is that you do not need to spend time on long lines. An individual can simply enter an electronic signature on a universal electronic card (UEC), which already has all the important data.

4. Online bidding. In this situation, the EDS guarantees that a real person takes part in the auction, who bears a material obligation for non-compliance with the terms of the contract.

5. The arbitral tribunal. Electronic documents supported by electronic documents are recognized as full evidence.

6. Transfer of documentation. This option is especially useful for legal entities, because it gives the right to:

  • Introduce electronic reporting in the company, thus carrying out the exchange of documents between departments, structures and other cities.
  • Draw up and sign legal agreements with partners from other cities and countries.
  • Provide evidence in electronic proceedings at trial, without personal presence.
  • Send reports to government bodies without leaving the office.
  • Receive services from the state, confirming the right to them with an electronic document.

get an electronic signature key for tax un

Heads of organizations with an integrated electronic document management system will forever get rid of questions regarding the processing and preservation of folders with important papers.Thinking about how to get an electronic signature key certificate now? You will find the answer to this and many other relevant questions below.

How it works?

A qualified type of electronic key is the most common, since the principle of its operation is extremely simple - the digital signature is registered in the Certification Authority, where its electronic copy is stored.

Not sure how to get a digital signature verification key certificate? A copy is sent to the partners, and the owner company has access to the original key certificate.

Having received the electronic key, the owner installs a special program on the computer that generates a signature, which is a block with the following data:

  • Date of signing the document.
  • Information about the person who has signed.
  • Key identifier.

After receiving the documentation, partners must receive a qualified certificate of an electronic signature verification key for the decryption process, that is, authentication. The digital signature certificate is valid for one year and stores the following information:

  • Plate number.
  • Validity.
  • Information about registration in the Certification Authority (CA).
  • Information about the user and the CA where it was manufactured.
  • List of industries where you can use.
  • Guaranteed authenticity.

It is almost impossible to fake a digital signature, for this reason it is unrealistic to insure it against fraud. All processes using keys are carried out exclusively within the program, whose original interface helps in the implementation of electronic document management.

how to get an unqualified electronic signature key

The procedure for obtaining EDS. Step-by-step instruction

Having studied all the advantages of EDS, you decided to get it. Perfectly! But here the question arises, how to get an electronic signature key? The answer is in the detailed step-by-step instruction below.

  1. The choice of type of digital signature.
  2. Selection of a certifying organization.
  3. Application for the production of electronic signatures.
  4. Payment by invoice after the application is confirmed.
  5. Preparation of a set of documents.
  6. Obtaining a digital signature. It is required to come to the certification center with the original documents (or photocopies certified by a notary) that are required for the digital signature, with a receipt for payment of the invoice, in addition, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs should have a stamp with them.

The process of obtaining by itself is very simple, however, in some situations, the receipt of an electronic signature may be refused, for example, erroneous data are indicated in the application or an incomplete package of documents is provided. In such cases, errors should be corrected and the application reapplied.

Next, we consider each item in more detail.

Step 1. Choosing the type of EDS

Not sure how to get an unqualified electronic signature key? First of all, you should understand the types of digital signatures, which, in accordance with federal law, are several:

  1. Simple. It contains information about the holder of the signature so that the recipient of the documentation can understand who the sender is. Such a signature has no protection against fakes.
  2. Reinforced. It is also divided into subspecies:
  • Unqualified - contains data not only about the sender, but also about the amendments made after signing.
  • Qualified - the most reliable type of signature. She has high protection, and also owns legal force, 100% corresponds to the signature by hand. A qualified signature is issued exclusively in organizations accredited by the FSB.

how to get an electronic signature key for un

Most customers fill out an application for a qualified signature, which is understandable, since scammers of various categories hunt for electronic signatures, as well as for other keys that provide access to personal information and transactions related to finances.

Step 2. Certification Authority

Not sure where to get your digital signature key? In the certification center, it is an institution engaged in the manufacture and issuance of electronic digital signatures. Now in Russia there are more than a hundred such centers.

Step 3. Application

After choosing the type of signature and certifying organization, it's time to apply. Not sure how to get an electronic signature key? You can fill out an application in different ways: in person at the company’s representative office or by filling out it on the website. When sending an application online, documents are sent to the CA by mail or courier, with a personal visit they are transmitted along with the application.

An online application will allow you to save personal time, in addition, it contains a minimum amount of information: initials, phone number for communication and email address. After sending within an hour, a call will be made to the phone from an employee of the certification center to clarify the entered data. During the conversation, he will be able to answer all your questions and advise on the types of electronic digital signatures.

where to get the electronic signature key for public services

Step 4. Payment

Not sure how to get an electronic signature key? First you need to pay the bill, this is done before receiving the EDS. Immediately after confirming the application and agreeing on the nuances with the client, an invoice is issued in his name. The cost of a digital signature varies, depending on the chosen organization, area of ​​residence and type of signature. Cost includes:

  • Generation of a signature key certificate.
  • The software that is required to generate a signature and send documentation.
  • Technical support.

The cost of a digital signature starts at 1,500 rubles, the average ranges from 5 to 7 thousand rubles. When ordering a large number of signatures, for example, for the entire organization, the minimum cost may be lower.

Step 5. Preparation of documentation

Not sure how to get an electronic signature key for an IP? The list of documents for different categories of citizens varies significantly: an individual, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, therefore, we will analyze the package of documents necessary to obtain an EDS separately for each group.

Legal entities

  • Original passport of the CEO.
  • Photocopy of 2 and 3 pages in 1 copy.
  • Certificate of OGRN.
  • Documents on the establishment of the organization (Charter or constituent agreement).
  • INN
  • SNILS.
  • Application for the manufacture of electronic digital signature.
  • Extract from the unified state register of legal entities (the form must necessarily contain the seal of the Federal Tax Service, as well as the signature, surname and position of the department employee).

how to get an electronic signature key for tax

Individual entrepreneurs

In order to receive an electronic signature key for a tax, an individual entrepreneur must provide the following set of documents:

  • Original passport.
  • A copy of sheets 2 and 3 in the passport - 1 copy.
  • A photocopy of the document on state registration of an individual as an IP - 1 copy.
  • SNILS.
  • A photocopy of the tax registration document - 1 copy.
  • Extract from the USRIP certified by a notary public (the term for issuance must not exceed 30 days).
  • Application for the manufacture of electronic digital signature.
  • Application for joining the Rules of the Certification Authority.
  • Consent to the processing of the applicant’s personal information.

If there is a power of attorney and a passport, the digital signature of an individual entrepreneur can be taken by his authorized representative.


How to get an electronic signature key for a tax individual? First of all, the following documents should be prepared:

  • Passport of a citizen.
  • INN
  • SNILS.
  • Application for the production of electronic signatures.

get a qualified certificate certificate key electronic signature

Step 6. Obtaining a digital signature: final stage

And finally, we come to the last question: where to get the electronic signature key for public services and other services? This can be done at special distribution points located throughout Russia. Detailed information about certification centers is located on the official website of the organization, in a special section.In general, the period for obtaining a digital signature does not exceed three days.

Possible delay on the part of the applicant, due to late payment of the invoice or errors in the documentation.

Important! pay much attention to the extract from the unified state register of legal entities and individuals, since the process of preparing the document takes 5 working days!

Now you know where and how to get the electronic signature key. The registration process is quite simple, and with proper preparation it will take very little time.

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