
Where and how to get an EDS for an individual

Initially, digital signatures were used solely to facilitate the conduct of business by legal entities. But gradually this opportunity to confirm the decision went beyond the business. And today, more than ever, the following question is relevant: how to get an EDS for an individual?

general information

how to get an electronic signature for an individualAn electronic digital signature is two keys represented as a unique sequence of characters. Thanks to it, you can solve such pressing problems:

  1. Receive services from state and municipal organizations.
  2. Participate in public initiatives at the federal, regional and local levels.
  3. Use your personal taxpayer account.
  4. Send documents for admission to a higher educational institution.
  5. Have access to an accelerated online loan process.
  6. Get accredited as an expert.
  7. Send documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur.
  8. Send all the necessary papers to obtain a patent.

As you can see, this is an extremely useful toolkit. But how to use it for the good? After all, with a knife you can cut bread and kill another person. Therefore, with connivance and EDS can cause many problems.

Features of the legislative framework

get an electronic signature for individuals of public servicesBut how to get EDS for individuals? In search of an answer to this question, one should turn to the legislation. Initially, the Law on Electronic Digital Signature 1-ФЗ was in force. But on July 1, 2012, he lost his strength. The Law on Electronic Signature 63-FZ is currently in force. And there is one interesting technical detail. The fact is that it is incorrect to use the phrase “electronic digital signature” now. The legislation does not provide a definition for such a term. It is correct to use the phrase "electronic signature". But since the first term is more common, it will be used in the framework of this article. And now let's look for the answer to the main question: where can I get an EDS for an individual?

In general and in general

Initially, you should decide on a certification authority. It must be ensured that he must be accredited to the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. Then you need to fill out an application for the formation of a personal digital signature. To do this, you need to specify a number of minimum necessary data and, if necessary, pay for the creation of the key. To obtain an EDS key for individuals, you will need to provide a copy of your passport, TIN and SNILS, as well as have the originals with you. Signature formation takes a little time, and the whole procedure with correctly prepared documents takes 10-15 minutes. Here's how to get an EDS for an individual. In practice, there may be differences in small nuances. So, if you contact the Federal Tax Service, you can meet with the queue. This situation is largely due to the popularity of the Federal Tax Service. When referring to other structures (both public and private) you have to pay. It is possible that someday EDS will be free for everyone. But this is not yet expected in the near future.

Place of receipt and cost

how to get an electronic signature for an individual in KazakhstanIn general, you can choose any accredited signature issuing center. But in the future, certain problems may arise regarding their recognition. In this case, it is better to contact the Federal Tax Service. With the recognition of the keys issued by her, so far no problems have arisen. Signatures are not the same everywhere. It can range from a few hundred to thousands of rubles. Or be free, as is the case with the Federal Tax Service.So, by and large, everyone is looking for the answer that is optimal for themselves to the question "where to get the digital signature for an individual"


where to get an electronic signature for an individualYou can select various options for maintaining the digital signature. It can be either significant encryption at the software level, or various hardware tricks. So how to get an enhanced EDS for an individual? The easiest option is to choose an encrypted key. In this case, when trying to fake it, an attacker will need a significant amount of time. Although, in truth, even the weakest members of this family are difficult to crack. And for this purpose, it is necessary that either the algorithm has a vulnerability, or the hacker must have a very powerful computer. In the case of the desire to provide protection at the hardware level, you can use the token. In its simplest implementation, it is a device that provides two-step authorization to be able to use an electronic digital signature. He has a secure memory, so anyone will not get access to data, including EDS.

What you need to know

get an EDS key for individualsAn electronic digital signature is legally equivalent to that left by hand. Although it can be used by a third party. And to prove the fact of interference in practice can be very difficult. What you need to know in order not to get into an unpleasant situation? Initially, you should work on a reliable password to activate EDS. It is desirable that its length be at least twelve characters long, consist of numbers and letters (upper and lower case), and it is unique. Then you need to choose a reliable program for overlaying keys on documents. It is best to use something from the arsenal of public servants. An important place in ensuring safety is also occupied by the equipment on which work is being carried out. It is necessary to ensure that malicious and spyware programs that can read the code and steal EDS certificates are not running on the computer. Therefore, read the safety precautions: you should not open suspicious emails, download obscure applications, follow dubious links, and more. Just think about what an attacker with someone else’s digital signature can do! Open a bank account and get a loan? Yes easily! And then someone will have problems. And to prove that a person did not do anything, but he was simply framed, will be problematic.

What are the benefits of EDS?

To better understand the topic, it should be noted that electronic-digital signatures are not / qualified. What is meant in the first case? This is such a signature that is created by a person independently. Say at home. For this purpose, special cryptographic applications are used. This props can be used in a small circle of friends or employees of a small enterprise. But for an electronic digital signature to have legal significance and be applicable in commercial and state structures, it must be qualified. That is, it is necessary to get it in a special accredited certification center, which was mentioned earlier in the article. What benefits can a legally secured signature provide for us? How will it become more accessible for everyone who has managed to get EDS for individuals, public services? Here is a short list:

  1. Obtaining a foreign passport.
  2. Opening your own business.
  3. Obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. Access to data on fines from the traffic police.
  5. Getting the TIN.
  6. Convenient virtual taxpayer account.
  7. Checking your personal account in the PF of Russia.
  8. Registration at the place of stay or residence.
  9. Obtaining information on enforcement proceedings.
  10. Register or rent vehicles.

And believe me - this is not a complete list of the opportunities that this technology provides to us.

And what about foreign countries?

where can I get an electronic signature for an individualDigital Signature Technology is not new. It has existed for decades. Therefore, it is not surprising that in many foreign countries, EDS is a completely ordinary thing. Yes, and with us it gradually, although not as fast as we would like, enters into everyday life. Let's look at the situation with the countries of the former Soviet Union. Let's say there is a person. He is interested in how to get an EDS for an individual in Kazakhstan. Although the focus of the article was on the Russian Federation, the information available here will help acquire a signature in this southern country. So, you need the same passport and tax identification number. Then you should contact the accredited key distribution center, fill out all the necessary papers - and an electronic digital signature will be issued. Or, say, a person in Ukraine is interested in how to get an EDS for an individual for PFCs. Here, fortunately, there is an administrative reform that has allowed to reduce the number of required papers (both necessary to provide and necessary to fill out), so that it will be enough to provide a passport, TIN, name and address of residence in order to receive your own digital signature.


how to get an enhanced e-signature for an individualThe role of EDS in our life will constantly increase. It is likely that in the future we will have to interact directly with officials only to obtain an electronic digital signature. And everything else can be done through the government services office. But this will not be limited to the use of EDS. In the modern world, it has become widespread in the private sector. What will be its role in the world of the future? Well, the answer to this question is not accessible to us, we can only speculate.

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