In accordance with the current legislation, the certificate of a professional accountant is not one of the mandatory requirements that apply to representatives of this profession. However, those who have it available have certain advantages. First of all, this concerns the demand among potential employers. If you are having difficulty finding a job, ask how to get a certificate of a professional accountant.
What is it needed for?
It should be noted that the work of such specialists becomes more complicated due to frequent changes in the legislation. It should be understood that the employer also faces problems of choice among potential candidates. After all, he wants to be sure of the qualifications of the hired employee.
This document, called the certificate of a professional accountant, will be a confirmation of your qualifications and serious intentions, and will also distinguish you from other potential candidates for an attractive vacancy.
This is especially true for those professionals who claim a favorable position in a reputable company that has worked well in the labor market. Such employers highly value employees who have sufficient knowledge to carry out their own duties, and also strive for advanced training. That is why it is worth learning how to get a certificate of a professional accountant before contacting a reputable company. This will significantly increase your chances of a successful interview and subsequent admission to the company staff.
Advanced Training Rules
For those who are interested in how to get a certificate of a professional accountant in Moscow, it is worth noting immediately that this training is not for beginners, but for those who already have a certain theoretical background, some skills, as well as practical work experience.
So, what are the requirements for those who claim to receive this document.
It depends on the presence or absence of practical experience.
If the candidate has worked as an accountant for more than three years, it is enough to get a secondary general education, as well as special training in accounting.
If the candidate does not have practical experience, a secondary specialized education or an incomplete higher education in the specialty “Economics and Management” is required.
How to get a certificate of a professional accountant?
The list of actions is relatively simple. First of all, you need to find out where to get a professional accountant certificate. You can find an accredited center that is entitled to issue such licenses. For example, IPB of Russia at the address: Moscow, ul. Tverskaya, d. 22B, building 3.
Further, the potential candidate must submit an application and undergo further training. The entire course is usually designed for two hundred and forty hours. You should also familiarize yourself with the schedule in advance. It should match your capabilities. After the completion of such courses, an appropriate certificate is issued.
However, if you are interested in how to obtain a certificate of a professional accountant, be prepared to take an exam, which consists of two stages.
The first stage combines the oral as well as the written part.Testing of knowledge at this stage is performed by teachers of the accredited center in which you were trained. The second stage is carried out in writing. It must be handed over to the IPB. It is this organization that makes the decision.
It is important not only to know how to obtain a certificate of a professional accountant remotely. Important information will also be the fact that this document is valid for five years. Not every specialist can extend it. This right is reserved only for those specialists who are constantly undergoing continuing education, which includes the need for annual training for forty hours.
That is why employers often give preference to employees who are able to present a certificate of a professional accountant. This allows you to convince the future leadership that you are constantly updating your own knowledge and will be able to fulfill your duties in a quality manner.
Now you know where to get the certificate of a professional accountant in Moscow. It is enough to contact a specialized center that provides training for specialists. It is worth noting that you can attend the course in person or remotely. This is especially convenient for those professionals who do not have enough time. In addition, you can prepare yourself. Only the end result is important. In this case, it is a successful exam and a certificate of a professional accountant.
Depending on its type, the number of questions will depend. For example, an accountant usually has to answer twenty-four questions, and his chief colleague - twice as many, that is, forty-eight.
It is important that the exam provides the opportunity to use regulations, as well as reporting forms.
So, the legislation does not oblige current accountants to obtain a certificate to confirm their own qualifications. However, it is important to understand that employees who have passed the appropriate procedure, passed the exam and received a document, gain significant advantages. Especially in comparison with those who did not.
Moreover, the presence of a certificate that confirms your qualifications will become a kind of protection against dismissal due to a mismatch of your position. This is beneficial not only to the employee, but also to the employer. Indeed, when hiring a specialist who has a certificate of a professional accountant, he can be sure of a highly qualified specialist.
This information will allow you to decide on the need to obtain a similar license. Do not forget, however, that this is preceded by a training course, as well as the subsequent passing of the exam. However, after going through all the difficulties, you will increase your own professional demand.