Due to the constantly changing financial situation in the country, the conditions of loans issued at a certain moment may become unprofitable after some time. It is impossible to take this into account, especially when registering long-term loans, which is why banks offer mortgage refinancing to their clients. In Gazprom, the terms of such a package differ from similar ones in other credit organizations in their particularities, but at the same time they provide the bank with material benefits.
Relevant at the moment
Now the main condition for on-lending in this bank is the client's age of at least 20 years. Of course, a junior citizen simply can’t apply for such a service, since they will not give out an initial loan to him earlier than this age anywhere either.
Obligatory is the citizenship of the Russian Federation, and if you want to ease the financial burden, each client can attract co-borrowers, even if the initial loan did not have this condition. In view of the above, Gazprom provides mortgage refinancing to other individuals with several options:
- on-lending mortgages to another organization;
- refinancing a consumer loan to another organization;
- re-lending to a consumer loan previously issued by Gazprombank;
- combining mortgages and consumer loans from other banks into one program.
Consumer Credit Requirements
To transfer to Gazprombank your consumer loan from another financial institution, you should know that this can only be done under certain conditions. First of all, the loan should be only in rubles. Also issued at least six months ago and before the end of its validity should remain at least 6 months. Currency loans cannot be reissued in any way, as far as the time frame is concerned, they are necessary for the advisability of transferring a loan and the ability to determine the solvency of the client. If there were delinquencies or other irregularities in the repayment period for a loan at another bank, then the borrower will be refused.
It is forbidden to combine several consumer loans from other banks into one at once.
Mortgage requirements
Gazprom Bank offers mortgage refinancing on other conditions. Since such loans are issued for a long period, there must be at least three years to receive on-lending before the end of the contract with another bank. It is also important that during this time the potential client has to pay at least 15% of the cost of the mortgage facility. In this case, it should be noted that Gazprom does not calculate mortgage refinancing based on the amount of the loan, but on the value of the property.
If initially the loan was issued not at full cost, but only at a small part of less than 15%, then it will not work to refinance the loan.
If the client wants to combine a mortgage and a consumer loan together with on-lending, then the new conditions will be equated with the mortgage.
Customer requirements
In any region of the country, Gazprom mortgage refinancing (Ryazan, Omsk, Moscow and so on) provides only to clients who are suitable for certain requirements. Among them are common:
- the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
- permanent residence in the region where Gazprombank branches operate;
- age not younger than 20 years;
- age at the end of payments no more than 65 years;
- total continuous working experience of more than a year (at the last place of work for more than six months);
- confirmation of solvency.
Depending on the region, customers may be subject to additional conditions, which should be clarified by local managers. Interest rates, maximum amounts of disbursed amounts and other conditions may also change. For example, refinancing of the Gazprom mortgage in Omsk is offered at a minimum rate of 9.2%, and in Vologda already from 12.4%.
Additional customer requirements
If you want to refinance your consumer loan, please note that the requirements listed above will be tougher. This is due to the fact that mortgage loans are always backed by collateral that guarantees a refund, one way or another. In consumer lending, such insurance is not provided for banks, so financial institutions try to select customers as carefully as possible. So, in addition to the items listed above, you must:
- have a positive credit history;
- work in a budget organization, a company serviced by Gazprombank, or included in the consumer lending program.
The advantage in this situation is that if a client receives a salary at Gazprom, then his minimum required length of service can be reduced to 3 months, but only on condition that the salary is transferred to all employees of the company.
If a potential client himself transferred his income to this organization, and the rest of his colleagues receive money from other banks, the condition is not considered relevant.
Consumer loan refinancing condition
Gazprom has been offering mortgage refinancing to its customers for as long as transferring a consumer loan to another bank, but the terms of these types of loans have always been different. Today, refinancing is offered to borrowers for a period of up to 7 years and a minimum of six months when transferring a consumer loan. The amount is calculated on the basis of the loan term and depends on many parameters. The main requirement is for the client, but the maximum amount also depends on the region. In Vologda, for example, refinancing a Gazprom mortgage cannot provide a borrower with more than 3.5 million in national currency; in other regions, the amount can reach up to 4.5 million. Of course, this is provided that the borrower is able to provide the bank with a guarantee of repayment of the entire loan on time and by the time the agreement expires, its age will not exceed 55-60 years, depending on the gender of the client.
As a guarantee of payment, credit organizations accept collateral, which in this case can be movable property, for example, a car, a guarantee of a legal or natural person or a group of persons.
Additional Information
The interest rate on the loan may differ from many conditions. Basically, this is the loan term and amount, but a refusal to insure a loan can increase the rate, and this may also affect refinancing a mortgage. Gazprom Bank, as it were, does not oblige customers to insure their loans, but if this is not done, then the rate automatically increases by 0.5%, and it does not matter at what point the client stopped paying insurance. After its expiration, all subsequent payments are immediately recalculated. A similar, not very pleasant situation develops for employees of companies receiving salaries in the same organization.
If at a certain point, employers cease to cooperate with this bank and transfer the remuneration of employees through it, then borrowers will automatically receive an increase in the annual interest rate by 0.5%. Such conditions do not always depend on the clients themselves, therefore they collect negative reviews in large numbers. Refinancing the Gazprom mortgage in Krasnoyarsk and other cities, taking this into account, is not the best choice for the majority, but it may provide an opportunity to save certain categories of citizens.
Mortgage Transfer Terms
If a potential client wants to transfer his mortgage to Gazprombank, then its conditions will differ from those described above. In this case, the advantage is that when you combine a mortgage and a consumer loan from another bank in one loan, the conditions for them will be equated with mortgage, and therefore more loyal. Of course, you can get them only if the amount of the consumer loan does not exceed one third of the total amount of the new loan. Gazprom provides mortgage refinancing for a period of 1-30 years and for at least 15% and no more than 85% of the price of collateral. Moreover, the largest amount can be only 45 million rubles, and the smallest 500 thousand. If the client needs to pay a smaller amount to another bank to close the contract, then there is no point in refinancing the loan; organizations will not approve it.
An important condition for on-lending in this case is that Gazprombank only gives out money for entire apartments in multi-apartment buildings. No private houses, rooms or non-residential buildings may act as collateral.
Additional sources of income
In this case, it is more likely to understand additional guarantees that the client will be able to repay his loan on time. Such situations are especially necessary when the borrower, together with refinancing of the Gazprom mortgage, combines the on-lending of a consumer loan to another financial institution, since the size of monthly payments increases noticeably.
In the event that the bank considers the current income of the client insufficient for such payments, it is allowed to provide an additional security deposit in the form of real estate (another one, and not one that will be a mortgage security deposit), or to attract guarantors.
Service Reviews
Mortgage refinancing from Gazprom receives mostly positive feedback from customers, it is understandable - low interest rates, especially for the bank’s salary customers, attract many customers. Among the advantages, many note the ability to independently choose the type of payment for a future loan. Thus, the client himself can relieve himself of part of the material burden by choosing a system of differentiated payments for repayment, which can be done not in every credit institution. Also among the inherent positive features of the bank are the complete absence of restrictions on early payments, as well as a wide range of loan amounts.
Among the minuses of the organization, customers note a narrow customer focus and incompetence of employees. So, some complain that the bank employees deliberately provided false information to customers or were silent about the need to replace documents in order to cash in on delinquencies of customers that arose not through the fault of borrowers. It also sometimes indicates that the organization does not meet customers when they experience temporary difficulties.
Of course, judging an organization only by negative reviews is impossible, because there are always many more than positive ones. Having successfully taken off his financial debt, not everyone will run to share this information, but almost everyone seeks to pour negative emotions on the court of others.
How to send a form
If the potential client is interested in this opportunity to transfer their loans to Gazprombank, he can submit an application for consideration by visiting the organization’s office in person or through the official website. According to reviews, the second option is processed faster and for its implementation it’s enough to just go to the page of the site and select the “Loans” section for the “Private Clients” section, and it already has the kind that you plan to refinance. Next, the recalculation menu is selected, after which the client is given the opportunity to leave the questionnaire. It is necessary to indicate as much accurate information about yourself as possible in order to get an answer in a short time.