During the economic crisis, more and more people are thinking about their own business. Moreover, you can start a good business with small investments. Many start-up entrepreneurs managed to become financially independent thanks to the BEGEMOTiK franchise. Attracts constant support of the company and the opportunity to start a business with minimal investment.
What is franchising?
Starting a business from scratch and getting good income almost immediately is almost impossible. Initially, it is necessary to prove to the target audience that the product or service offered is of really high quality. It usually takes several years before a business begins to make really good profits. Franchising is a completely different matter. This is a special form of entrepreneurship that began to be popular in Russia only a few decades ago. At the same time, static data indicate that out of 100 franchise companies that have opened, about 90 successfully operate. That is, it is really profitable.
What is franchising? This is a financial relationship between a large company that has already managed to form its name on the market, and a novice entrepreneur. For the established remuneration, a person gets the opportunity to start his own business under an already promoted name.
In fact, this is a lease of a trademark well known to customers. Thus, with the proper preparation of a business plan, a new business begins to be profitable from the first days. Under the described conditions, novice entrepreneurs in Russia can open a BEGEMOTiK store.
Company Information
Hypermarkets "Hippo" today known to many. This is a huge chain of stores operating throughout Russia. It offers quality toys for various age categories, including products for the smallest (rattles, rodents, nipples, etc.).
The first stores began their work in 2005. The company was developing rapidly, and management had to look for new markets. Thus, the idea of the Hippopotamus franchise was born. The company offered to open stores in different cities under their already promoted name for entrepreneurs. Such cooperation has proved beneficial to both parties. Businessmen received a ready-made business, and the company significantly increased sales.
Over 12 years of work, she received more than 300 reliable partners who decided to acquire a franchise. The company has representative offices also abroad. The BEGEMOTiK store can be opened in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries of neighboring countries.
Is it profitable to open a toy store?
Good parents love to pamper their kids. A high-quality toy allows not only to take the child, but also gives him the opportunity to develop physically and mentally. Toys are something you cannot save on and that will always be in demand.
It is no coincidence that the Hippo franchise is popular. Reviews about it show that such a business can pay off in just a few months. Experts note that toy stores can only be compared with pharmacies or grocery supermarkets in popularity. And the plus is that goods for babies are purchased on a regular basis, regardless of the holidays. Although before important dates, sales, of course, increase.
To make the toy store bring even greater income, you should carefully consider the business plan.Initially, it is worth deciding on partners, for which, judging by the reviews, the BEGEMOTIK franchise is ideal.
Does it make sense to open a store from scratch when there is a ready-made well-known brand?
Benefits of working with a company
A recognizable brand of a chain of toy stores is not the only plus of such cooperation. Behemoth has been operating in the market since 2008. And the employees managed to accumulate a lot of experience in the toy market. Therefore, when buying a BEGEMOTiK franchise, an entrepreneur is assigned a manager who shares knowledge and transfers the accumulated experience.
At the federal level, excellent marketing support is also provided. Thanks to this, from the very first days in the new store impressive sales have been observed.
Immediately after concluding an agreement with the company, the entrepreneur receives a package of documents with instructions on how to accompany the toy store. Thus, the businessman receives ready-made answers to questions that may arise in the initial stages. In addition, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to attend seminars on improving the profitability of the store.
They cannot but attract entrepreneurs favorable commercial conditions. Novice businessmen get the opportunity to sell quality toys of famous brands at attractive prices.
What product is offered?
The company’s management itself jokes that the chain stores offer toys for children from 0 to 90 years old. It really is. After all, some objects cause great interest in adults. Why are there exciting board games.
All product categories are divided by age, hobby and gender. The network offers a huge assortment of models of cars, designers, dolls, soft toys. Interesting educational toys for the little ones are also presented. These are various sorters and animals on radio control.
According to reviews, the BEGEMOTiK franchise, which profits from 100 thousand rubles in the first year of cooperation, can quickly recoup a business very quickly.
A good children's toy store is a real paradise for kids. Here, for example, it will be possible to purchase excellent children's transport. A wide assortment of cars is offered: tolokars, roller skates, skates, children's bicycles, sleds, etc.
Terms of cooperation
Almost every novice entrepreneur has a franchise for small businesses. How to draw up an agreement with the BEGEMOTIK company?
Initially, it is necessary to study the conditions of cooperation. The company signs all the documents after specifying where the new store will be located. First of all, settlements with the number of residents from 10 thousand people are considered. If we are talking about a metropolis, it is specified whether there are any competitors in the immediate vicinity.
BEGEMOTIK is usually a small format store with an area of 50 square meters or more. At the same time, the minimum investment amount is 1 million rubles. The company will have to pay a fee of 25 thousand rubles. Royalty (regular payment) is only 10 thousand rubles. The reviews show that the average payback of a store under the BEGEMOTiK franchise is about 12 months. Net profit appears from the second year of cooperation.
Choosing a place for the store
Those who decided on the Behemoth & Franchise franchise should study the conditions of cooperation in the first place. And the company notes that a new store under the brand name can only be opened in a cost-effective location. First of all, it is necessary to study the needs of the target audience. It is most beneficial to open toy stores in residential areas where many families with small children live. Many mothers will come here during the next walk with the child. And most likely it will not be possible to leave without a purchase.
If we are talking about a small town with a population of about 109 thousand people, it is recommended to look for a place for a store in the center.It is here, as a rule, people come for shopping. In addition, people from neighboring villages walk in the center on weekends. In most cases, purchases at toy stores are unplanned.
It is important that the toy store allows you to solve several problems at once. If in one place you can buy a bicycle for an older child and a soft toy for a younger one - this is a huge plus. People will definitely go to the store, which presents a wide range of various products.
Correct calculations
A correctly drawn up business plan is the key to a successful business. The franchise of children's toys allows you to solve the most important problem - the development of brand awareness. That is, from the first days the store will be popular. This means that advertising costs will be negligible, especially if the outlet is located in a small village. However, marketing is only part of the business plan. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the cost of renting the premises, salaries to sellers, taxes.
The Behemoth company offers a huge assortment of toys and goods for children. When opening a small store, it is important to consider for which target audience the outlet will be intended. On an area of 50 square meters, for example, it will not be possible to simultaneously place both children's transport and many interesting children's toys. We'll have to dwell on one category of goods.
Before opening the store, you should first calculate how often purchases of a new assortment will be carried out, what will be the estimated profit. Minor deviations may be present in the future. But a correctly drawn up business plan will allow you to quickly reach income. And if difficulties arise, then, according to reviews, the manager of the Behemoth company can always come to the rescue.
How to attract buyers?
The payback of the business will be fast enough for those who decide to use the BEGEMOTIK franchise. Judging by numerous reviews, the contract with the company is definitely worth signing. From the very first days, customers will go to the store with a famous name. Some tricks will also help increase sales of the outlet:
- We must not forget about various promotions.
- Products that have not been sold for several months should be offered at a reduced cost.
- Discounts must be offered before the holidays. In this case, it will be possible to increase sales several times.
- For regular customers, it is necessary to offer discount cards with an accumulative bonus system.
Reviews on the Hippo franchise
Most of the entrepreneurs who decided to cooperate with the company were satisfied. Behemoth offers a fully promoted brand for a small fee. This can not but rejoice. The franchise is ideal for beginning businessmen who are poorly versed in the features of running their own business. Most new stores paid off during the year.
Franchise is a convenient business tool. An agreement with a well-known company that has existed on the market for more than 10 years is definitely worth signing. Preliminary, it is worth making a good business plan, as well as studying the needs of the target audience of a particular village.